battle of jenin

You mean where the Israelis tried going house to house to cut down on civilian casualties and the Palis ambushed them?
Yeah I've certainly heard of it.
I'm just waiting for the usual anti-semites to show up and talk about atrocities.
somehow i knew you would feel that why...i was reading an interesting article ....on denying israel war crimes can be compared to the denial of the holocaust... i do not think i would go that far but you must admit there is plenty of blame in the middle east
article? o the blog...let me think of where i was surfing this am....i look at a lot of things....i began with the economist....let me check
[ame=]YouTube - What really happened in Jenin?[/ame]

"Perhaps it is like Jenin in 2002. At the beginning they spoke about 1,500 dead, and at the end it turned out to be only 54 - of whom 45 were militants."
Using civilians as human shields is a war crime. the Israelis do what they can to end the aggression from Hamas .They make it very difficult

No one complains about Hamas.

"Allah is its target, the Prophet its model, the Koran its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes" -- Hamas Charter slogan (article 8) quoted in full at the United Nations

UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL: 11th Session (2–19 June 2009)
STATEMENT by Representative David G. LITTMAN – Tuesday (am), 16 June

Human Rights Situation in Palestine and other occupied territories…Gaza (item 7)

[Words in brackets not pronounced in the 2 minutes time allotted, but were circulated]

Sir, in a previous statement on Gaza last year, we pointed out that the General Assembly had proclaimed [by Resolution A/61/L22] the year 2009 as the International Year of Reconciliation: [“recognizing that reconciliation processes are particularly necessary and urgent in countries and regions of the world which have suffered or are suffering situations of conflict that have affected and divided societies in their various internal, national and international facets.” It stressed that “dialogue among opponents from positions of respect and tolerance is an essential element of peace and reconciliation.”]

Gaza, under the rule of Hamas, is a classic example of a divided society – a division between Gaza and the West Bank, Gaza and Israel, Gaza and Egypt, and Gaza and the wider world. [The future of Gaza is unclear. It may be united to the West Bank as is now envisaged. It could become an independent state with only economic ties to the West Bank, Israel and Egypt. This idea might become the only solution. Gaza’s future status is a key issue of future negotiations. To ignore it would be fatal.]

Mr. President, since 1989 we have been quoting the 1988 Hamas Charter in the Commission & Council, and elsewhere – to no avail. The genocidal nature of this Charter has never been condemned by any UN body. Until that is done and the Charter has been totally renounced by Hamas, no peace or “reconciliation” with Israel will be possible for Gaza.

For a brief insight, here are a few of the very meaningful articles of the Hamas Charter:

1) “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” [from the preface, quoting Hassan al-Banna]

2) “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavours.” [Article 13]

3) “Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Muslim people. ‘Let the cowards never sleep.’” [Article 28]

4) Article 7 is based on a hadith or ‘saying’ about killing Jews who hide behind rocks & trees.

5) Articles 22 and 32 restate ghoulish conspiracy theories, most notably the century-old forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

6) Article 8 is the Hamas slogan [from the 1928 Muslim Brotherhood Charter] which has become the blueprint for Jihadist killers worldwide: “Allah is its target, the Prophet its model, the Koran its Constitution; Jihad is its path, and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.”

Italian paper: Gazans say Hamas kept them in homes used by gunmen - Haaretz - Israel News

Italian paper: Gazans say Hamas kept them in homes used by gunmen

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