Barnacle-Man: Leviathan/Capitalism [Apocrypha Fables?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should the morality-frailties of American capitalism inspire in us more fortune-debris folk-tales like Celebrity?

What do you think?



"A team of divers sets out off the coast of California in search of a fabled treasure somewhere deep in the Pacific. The divers are excited and U.S. President Donald Trump wishes them good fortunes before they set out for their mission. If these American divers can find the secret/hidden treasure, they'll be honored by the President himself. The divers are working for an independent research group in search of various lost treasures in North America. This is capitalism-imagination at its best folks."


"The divers go way down and discover to their amazement an underwater city, with giant glass and iron domes encasing inner-working mini-cities and settlements lit up with the green lights of computer screens functioning with new age silicon technology and hydro-oriented components, making their illumination almost resemble bioluminescence. The divers are eager to discover who inhabits these underwater domes/settlements and if the inhabitants know of the secret/hidden treasure. The divers also wonder if what they've stumbled upon is a new Atlantis that will make TrumpUSA feel like a capitalism-cornucopia empire."


"The divers meet the 'captain' of the humanoid semi-creature inhabitants of this underwater 'civilization' which is called Leviathan. The captain's name is Barnacle-Man, and he's a semi-squid creature, with writhing tentacles all around his face and head and he has the costume of a pirate and barnacles on his face which seem to shrink and grow in size as he breathes and talks. The American divers are astonished. Barnacle-Man explains that he does indeed know the location of the secret treasure the divers are ogling. This captain of Leviathan is at once receptive and admonishing of their quest for fortune, but the divers explain they wish to use such a discovery (Leviathan, treasure, etc.) to enhance the 'brightness' of the capitalism-cradling society known as 'TrumpUSA' and Barnacle-Man agrees to help."


"When Barnacle-Man takes the American divers to the location of the treasure-chest where there is much gold, jewelry, emeralds, and diamonds, the divers are amazed. Barnacle-Man explains that the treasure is known as the Box of Temptation (sounds familiar!). The divers notice a human skull and a sword placed next to the opened treasure-chest and ask Barnacle-Man about such observations, and the captain of Leviathan explains that those items were placed there to serve as a warning --- only those 'worthy' of the treasure may take it. The divers feel confident they are 'worthy' patriots/citizens of capitalism-civilization (TrumpUSA)."


"When one of the divers feverishly dives into the treasure-chest and grabs an incredible diamond and gold necklace, a giant metal-helmeted man-creature with red glass eye-lenses holds him at his neck with his spear while Barnacle-Man holds the greedy diver with his handy-dandy gold trident. The American diver is humiliated/humbled and implores the man-creature and Barnacle-Man to relent, since he is sincerely regretful for grabbing the precious items from the treasure-chest. Barnacle-Man orders the man-creature 'guardian' of the treasure-chest to release the diver, and the man-creature does so and swims away. Barnacle-Man explains that the man-creature/guardian is Black Manta (a protector of capitalism-prayers)."


TRUMP: So what did you valiant gentlemen discover underwater?
DIVERS: We found a great underwater civilization called Leviathan.
TRUMP: Leviathan? Who was their leader? What did they tell you?
DIVERS: Their leader/captain, 'Barnacle-Man', showed us the great treasure!
TRUMP: Did you bring any of it back with you? What else did he say?
DIVERS: He was a humanoid squid-creature who admonished us...
TRUMP: For what?
DIVERS: He explained that we were too greedy questing for the treasure.
TRUMP: What was the treasure called? What was it?
DIVERS: It was called Box of Temptation; it was filled with gold/gems.
TRUMP: Wow. So he didn't give you anything? What else did you learn?
DIVERS: Barnacle-Man gave us only these two large red emeralds.
TRUMP: Whoa. These must be worth $1 million easy...
DIVERS: That's all we got; Barnacle-Man told us to be content.
TRUMP: So he explained that American capitalists were too greedy to get more!
DIVERS: Yes, but he promised he wasn't angry or enraged; only praying for us.
TRUMP: So Barnacle-Man of Leviathan is praying for America...
DIVERS: The captain of Leviathan told us the AntiChrist will emerge in America!
TRUMP: What? Does this 'Barnacle-Man' believe the AntiChrist is some movie-star?
DIVERS: Something like that; we're to think deeply about 'capitalism consciousness.'
TRUMP: Well...that's an eerie lesson learned (indeed).



Trump has only been President for two years. Why not substitute the star of the fantasy with Barry Hussein or Hussein Sotoro Obama?

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