Barack obama: The weakest president in history?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Friday March 18,2011
By Anna Pukas Have your say(9)
INEFFECTUAL, invisible, unable to honour pledges and now blamed for letting Gaddafi off the hook. Why Obama’s gone from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Er, maybe we shouldn’t’...

Let us cast our minds back to those remarkable days in November 2008 when the son of a Kenyan goatherd was elected to the White House. It was a bright new dawn – even brighter than the coming of the Kennedys and their new Camelot. JFK may be considered as being from an ethnic and religious minority – Irish and Catholic – but he was still very rich and very white. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a true breakthrough president. The world would change because obviously America had changed.

Obama’s campaign slogan was mesmerisingly simple and brimming with self-belief: “Yes we can.” His presidency, however, is turning out to be more about “no we won’t.” Even more worryingly, it seems to be very much about: “Maybe we can… do what, exactly?“ The world feels like a dangerous place when leaders are seen to lack certitude but the only thing President Obama seems decisive about is his indecision. What should the US do about Libya? What should the US do about the Middle East in general? What about the country’s crippling debts? What is the US going to do about Afghanistan, about Iran?

What is President Obama doing about anything? The most alarming answer – your guess is as good as mine – is also, frankly, the most accurate one. What the President is not doing is being clear, resolute and pro-active, which is surely a big part of his job description. This is what he has to say about the popular uprising in Libya: “Gaddafi must go.” At least, that was his position on March 3.

Since then, other countries – most notably Britain and France – have been calling for some kind of intervention. Even the Arab League, a notoriously conservative organisation, has declared support for sanctions. But from the White House has come only the blah-blah of bland statements filled with meaningless expressions

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Friday March 18,2011
By Anna Pukas Have your say(9)
INEFFECTUAL, invisible, unable to honour pledges and now blamed for letting Gaddafi off the hook. Why Obama’s gone from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Er, maybe we shouldn’t’...

Let us cast our minds back to those remarkable days in November 2008 when the son of a Kenyan goatherd was elected to the White House. It was a bright new dawn – even brighter than the coming of the Kennedys and their new Camelot. JFK may be considered as being from an ethnic and religious minority – Irish and Catholic – but he was still very rich and very white. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a true breakthrough president. The world would change because obviously America had changed.

Obama’s campaign slogan was mesmerisingly simple and brimming with self-belief: “Yes we can.” His presidency, however, is turning out to be more about “no we won’t.” Even more worryingly, it seems to be very much about: “Maybe we can… do what, exactly?“ The world feels like a dangerous place when leaders are seen to lack certitude but the only thing President Obama seems decisive about is his indecision. What should the US do about Libya? What should the US do about the Middle East in general? What about the country’s crippling debts? What is the US going to do about Afghanistan, about Iran?

What is President Obama doing about anything? The most alarming answer – your guess is as good as mine – is also, frankly, the most accurate one. What the President is not doing is being clear, resolute and pro-active, which is surely a big part of his job description. This is what he has to say about the popular uprising in Libya: “Gaddafi must go.” At least, that was his position on March 3.

Since then, other countries – most notably Britain and France – have been calling for some kind of intervention. Even the Arab League, a notoriously conservative organisation, has declared support for sanctions. But from the White House has come only the blah-blah of bland statements filled with meaningless expressions

Read more: - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Express Yourself :: Barack Obama: The Weakest President in history?

I agree that Obama is the weakest POTUS in history. I also believe he's the most dishonest POTUS in history.
When are people going to figure out the POTUS has very little actual power? Bill Clinton enjoyed more power than almost any other President, when he had line-item veto. Other than that? The CinC position is DESIGNED to be relatively weak in our system, for a reason.
Obama's reluctance to go to war in Lybia is the culmination of a history of ill foreign intervention which resulted in a great loss in American treausure and blood.
Sorry, folks, but Jimmy Carter still holds the Wuss-in-Chief Title. Carter weakened us against a determined enemy who had global nuclear strike capabilities. They invaded Afghanistan and Carter responded by boycotting their Olympics. While I have to admit that it was ballsy of him to give Eagle Claw the go-ahead, he came across as a wimp when things went to shit at Desert One and still backed down when he should have pushed back.

I'm no fan of Barrack Obama, but he's a tough guy compared to Jimmy Carter. Hell, Pee-Wee Herman is a tough guy compared to Carter. The Dalai Lama is more macho than Jimmy Carter. Natalie Portman has bigger balls than Jimmy Carter.
When are people going to figure out the POTUS has very little actual power? Bill Clinton enjoyed more power than almost any other President, when he had line-item veto. Other than that? The CinC position is DESIGNED to be relatively weak in our system, for a reason.

So the left's mantra of "It's Bush's fault" would be wrong too. It is interesting that Obama's campaign promise of going line by line in the budget and vetoing items that he deemed not good was a promise he could have never kept.
When are people going to figure out the POTUS has very little actual power? Bill Clinton enjoyed more power than almost any other President, when he had line-item veto. Other than that? The CinC position is DESIGNED to be relatively weak in our system, for a reason.

So the left's mantra of "It's Bush's fault" would be wrong too. It is interesting that Obama's campaign promise of going line by line in the budget and vetoing items that he deemed not good was a promise he could have never kept.
He found out the HUGE difference between applying for and campaigning for a job, and actually having the job.

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