Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

By William Sullivan

Barack Obama has won the 2012 presidential race. We will hear from the left that this amounts to America's rejection of conservative principles. The media will posit that the American people heard Mitt Romney's message, thought about it from each and every angle, and decided on principle and merit to support the president.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. For millions of Americans who pulled the lever for Obama in this election, there was never any contemplation about ideology or the merits of Mitt Romney's message. And this election certainly does not signify a center-right nation's rejection of center-right conservatism in favor of Obama's leftist extremism. No, what this election signifies is that we conservatives can no longer find solace in the comforting hope that there are enough rational people in this country to overcome the ideologically infected social engineers that cannibalize American liberty while leading their mindless flock to worship at the redistributive altar.

This mindless flock of the Democratic base is simply too large in terms of sheer numbers, and too far removed from reasonable perception to do anything other than vote for more collectively subsidized "stuff," whether it's food stamps, unemployment checks, health insurance, or contraception and abortions. For them, the impulse to vote Democratic is more a conditioned Pavlovian response than a result of thoughtful exploration. The conditioned stimulus (promises of government entitlements) is coupled with an unconditioned stimulus (free food via food stamps, for example), and in time, either stimulus will, like clockwork, produce the response of a vote for the name that appears on the Democratic ticket.


Read more: Blog: Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

this is partly why the Republicans lost the Presidency and seats in both Houses of Congress.

thank you
Get over it, all Obama's machine did to win the election was get the masses of the asses out to vote. Most of them didn't even know who and what they were voting for. Demonize the rich and successful and get masses in the highly populated urban areas out. Keep it simple for the stoopids. I presume this strategy will be used, until it fails, and then the Dems will implode. You see, the repubs seem to be a little more resilient when it comes to taking it on the chin. It's part of surviving with the bloodthirsty liberal media out to get you 24/7.

Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

By William Sullivan

Barack Obama has won the 2012 presidential race. We will hear from the left that this amounts to America's rejection of conservative principles. The media will posit that the American people heard Mitt Romney's message, thought about it from each and every angle, and decided on principle and merit to support the president.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. For millions of Americans who pulled the lever for Obama in this election, there was never any contemplation about ideology or the merits of Mitt Romney's message. And this election certainly does not signify a center-right nation's rejection of center-right conservatism in favor of Obama's leftist extremism. No, what this election signifies is that we conservatives can no longer find solace in the comforting hope that there are enough rational people in this country to overcome the ideologically infected social engineers that cannibalize American liberty while leading their mindless flock to worship at the redistributive altar.

This mindless flock of the Democratic base is simply too large in terms of sheer numbers, and too far removed from reasonable perception to do anything other than vote for more collectively subsidized "stuff," whether it's food stamps, unemployment checks, health insurance, or contraception and abortions. For them, the impulse to vote Democratic is more a conditioned Pavlovian response than a result of thoughtful exploration. The conditioned stimulus (promises of government entitlements) is coupled with an unconditioned stimulus (free food via food stamps, for example), and in time, either stimulus will, like clockwork, produce the response of a vote for the name that appears on the Democratic ticket.


Read more: Blog: Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube


Keep it Comrade..we have ways of dealing with your kind in Obamerica

[ame=]Pentagon Prepares 'Re-Education Camps' for Political Activists in 2012 & Beyond! - YouTube[/ame]
this is partly why the Republicans lost the Presidency and seats in both Houses of Congress.

thank you

From your friends at tides foundation...:D

[ame=]Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff - YouTube[/ame]

Mo Free Stuff...:eusa_pray:
you can keep lying to yourselves, it's damn good for a laugh, but if you want to win the presidency ever again and not be relegated to a regional party, you might want to take a good long look in the mirror.
Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

Just how does "American_Jihad" intend to explain the actions of the majority of American Catholics, the "mindless flock" that ignored the directives from both the Church leadership in the US and the Vatican - deciding instead to vote for Barack Obama?
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Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

By William Sullivan

Barack Obama has won the 2012 presidential race. We will hear from the left that this amounts to America's rejection of conservative principles. The media will posit that the American people heard Mitt Romney's message, thought about it from each and every angle, and decided on principle and merit to support the president.

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. For millions of Americans who pulled the lever for Obama in this election, there was never any contemplation about ideology or the merits of Mitt Romney's message. And this election certainly does not signify a center-right nation's rejection of center-right conservatism in favor of Obama's leftist extremism. No, what this election signifies is that we conservatives can no longer find solace in the comforting hope that there are enough rational people in this country to overcome the ideologically infected social engineers that cannibalize American liberty while leading their mindless flock to worship at the redistributive altar.

This mindless flock of the Democratic base is simply too large in terms of sheer numbers, and too far removed from reasonable perception to do anything other than vote for more collectively subsidized "stuff," whether it's food stamps, unemployment checks, health insurance, or contraception and abortions. For them, the impulse to vote Democratic is more a conditioned Pavlovian response than a result of thoughtful exploration. The conditioned stimulus (promises of government entitlements) is coupled with an unconditioned stimulus (free food via food stamps, for example), and in time, either stimulus will, like clockwork, produce the response of a vote for the name that appears on the Democratic ticket.


Read more: Blog: Barack Obama and the Cult of Dependency

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube


Keep it Comrade..we have ways of dealing with your kind in Obamerica

[ame=]Pentagon Prepares 'Re-Education Camps' for Political Activists in 2012 & Beyond! - YouTube[/ame]

I just know this is a post inspired by listening to beck or hannity or one of those other magpies. Nothing about corporate welfare. You guys are being played for suckers and they're laughing at you. You are the 47% that they hate. Of course maybe unless you're making 3 to 400k a year which I'm sure most of you are making.
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Your tears are delicious. Seriously though, Republicans, no one wants handouts but we are tired of failed economic policy that destroyed the middle class being the solution. It's time to change. America will not tolerate the republican party while it associates with the crazies.
you can keep lying to yourselves, it's damn good for a laugh, but if you want to win the presidency ever again and not be relegated to a regional party, you might want to take a good long look in the mirror.

when the dems fuck up badly in the next two years, and they will, there will be a blood bah.

Obama care will just be another tax on the working class.
you can keep lying to yourselves, it's damn good for a laugh, but if you want to win the presidency ever again and not be relegated to a regional party, you might want to take a good long look in the mirror.

when the dems fuck up badly in the next two years, and they will, there will be a blood bah.

Obama care will just be another tax on the working class.

It wasn't the working class that voted him in for a second go around, either.
you can keep lying to yourselves, it's damn good for a laugh, but if you want to win the presidency ever again and not be relegated to a regional party, you might want to take a good long look in the mirror.

when the dems fuck up badly in the next two years, and they will, there will be a blood bah.

Obama care will just be another tax on the working class.

It wasn't the working class that voted him in for a second go around, either.

Oh? How do you figure?
when the dems fuck up badly in the next two years, and they will, there will be a blood bah.

Obama care will just be another tax on the working class.

It wasn't the working class that voted him in for a second go around, either.

Oh? How do you figure?

Who would be stupid enough to vote to take it up the ass financially and economically just so a bunch of libturds can feel so good?
The only thing left to do is the 50% of this country to STOP paying the bills for the other 50%. Let the incompetent celebrity in our White House get his other celebrity friends to pay the bills.

I am NOT looking forward to hundreds/thousands of government workers (soaking up all the tax money before it gets to those that need it) have access to my most personal/private/confidential health needs and TELL me how it is going to be for me.

Good-bye America - this country is sliding down a path that is unrecoverable. We will soon be a sad historical tale like many other countries in the books.

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