Baphomet/KKK: Chevy Chase


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is known for anti-pluralism biases (i.e., racism), but perhaps there are KKK members who are sincerely worried about the cultural dangers caused by illegal immigration and masses of ethnic minorities flowing to America 'claiming' to seek the American Dream (but perhaps just looking for some easy profits in Chinatown and crime syndicates!).

So here's a parody about KKK considering the 'wisdom' of Baphomet, inspired by the culture-comedy Fletch Lives starring Chevy Chase!



"Chase started following around the KKK during various anti-Semitic and anti-immigration rallies in the Deep South praising the racially-controversial statements made in the press by incendiary U.S. President Donald Trump --- the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan! Chase appreciated the colors and pageantry of the KKK rallies but worried he was witnessing something akin to the Nuremberg Rallies of Nazi Germany(!). Nevertheless, Chase considered the cultural 'history' of the KKK and pondered why D.W. Griffith made a film about the KKK --- The Birth of a Nation!"


"Chase made his way to a deep underground meeting of the KKK after being introduced to the group by a young 'idealistic' KKK member (a college student). At the meeting, Chase was shocked to discover that this particular KKK division/branch was worshipping the Occult pagan god Baphomet (a totem for Satan-worship in America!). The KKK members hailed Baphomet as a great 'psychiatric comforter' in times when thoughts about illegal immigrants raping and murdering law-abiding U.S. citizens drew in their hearts overwhelmingly suffocating ire and even fear. Chase discovered that the KKK was worshiping Baphomet at least partly to 'normalize' the very real problem of pluralism being confounded by crimes (committed by ethnic minorities!)."


"Chase had a revelation. He realized he was being a bigot paradoxically towards the KKK, imagining they were perhaps worshipping the bizarre Occult pagan-god Baphomet simply because they were somehow emotionally strange or intellectually bigoted and insane. Chase realized that even unusual KKK Americans worshipping Baphomet had similar fears (and dreams!) as he did. Chase was humbled and removed his KKK meeting-hood/cloak and told the group he was an ordinary American simply curious about KKK activities/deeds. Unfortunately, he was then chased out of the meeting for his deceptive behaviour and banned from the group forever."


GOD: Chase has learned a lot about perspective/empathy.
SATAN: It's good that he was Caucasian...
GOD: Yes, that's true, but I think he learned about pluralism values.
SATAN: Well, he was humbled when he discovered that the KKK was not 'primitive.'
GOD: Yes, well, political-progressives (liberals/democrats) tend to think racists are 'savage.'
SATAN: Yes, and sometimes they use words more derogatory than 'savage.'
GOD: That is indeed an odd hypocrisy/paradox; perhaps ethnic groups learn from each other.
SATAN: Perhaps that's true...
GOD: Chase ain't KKK, but he will think about why minorities aren't necessarily 'virtuous.'
SATAN: Pluralism requires objectivity; Americans should worry more about cannibalism.
GOD: Well, Americans do guzzle down cheeseburgers like they're vitamins.
SATAN: That's true too...
GOD: Let's go to the movies!
SATAN: Yes, let's watch The Birth of a Nation, Fletch Lives, and Coming to America.
GOD: Thanksgiving will heal America...when various ethnic groups share turkey!
SATAN: Food, glorious food.



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