Banning dissent as hate speech

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Oct 26 2021

Warning From Venezuela

There’s a signpost ahead. No, it doesn’t read, “You are entering the Twilight Zone.” We already passed that one when conspicuously demented leftist corruptocrat Joe Biden took power. The sign coming up reads, “Welcome to Venezuela”:

Prior to Chavez, Venezuela was the richest country in Latin America and a stable democracy. Now it is an authoritarian hellhole.

The same kind of people pushing the same ideology now control the US Government. They have the same agenda: crush economic freedom, ban gun ownership, ban dissent as “hate speech,” pack the supreme court, and print increasingly worthless money to finance extravagant spending.

Soon, people will be saying that prior to Biden, America was wealthy and free.
On a tip from KirklesWorth.

All links highlighted
It's been building long before Biden but that's besides the point .
No way out but through
Correct you are DY for statism has been growing in our USA since the 1880's for sure. That fed reserve act that the Wilson admin signed into law in 1913(WW1 started the following year!) sealed America's fate. Statism is as old as humanity for the more insecure among people(statists) view all powerful centralized government as a god that can protect them from both hardships & harm. The statist left would be partially correct about centralized government & strength in number(groupies) if it were not for the human nature(fallen) factor. Tragically the statist left is notoriously weak in comprehending both the humanities & history which is WHY they keep ending up with the Stalin's, Zedong's, Khan's, Hitler's etc. The statist left Americans have not yet figured out that the illegal immigrants crossing into America over the southern border are FLEEING STATIST LEFT GOVERNMENTS!!! One can inform the statist left of the preceding fact & even spell it out for them but the statist left cannot comprehend the message, like go figure!
Free speech is already severely wounded. You can't discuss anything the radical social media platforms don't approve of. The only way out is to reform the existing platforms (not happening) or to replace them with open minded, free speech platforms.

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