Banks big profits and refusal to loan

Then CHOP them into smaller pieces so they cant game the entire market

Creation of the FDIC and FSLIC

In June 1933, over Roosevelt's objections, Congress created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insured deposits for up to $2,500 beginning January 1, 1934. On June 16, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933. This legislation:[36]
Established the FDIC as a temporary government corporation
Gave the FDIC authority to provide deposit insurance to banks
Gave the FDIC the authority to regulate and supervise state nonmember banks
Funded the FDIC with initial loans of $289 million through the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve
Extended federal oversight to all commercial banks for the first time
Separated commercial and investment banking (Glass–Steagall Act)
Prohibited banks from paying interest on checking accounts
Allowed national banks to branch statewide, if allowed by state law.

The FSLIC was created as part of the National Housing Act of 1934 in order to insure deposits in savings and loans, a year after the FDIC was created to insure deposits in commercial banks. It was administered by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB).
See what happens under republican ideas?

Every time the Rs talk us into deregulation the people get fucked
These facts are not going away.

You will hear about these facts in the debates.

and you will have no response for them then either
Note left leaning posters they are completely stumped.

lets keep bringing this one into the faces
Why given so much profit why will they NOT lend to the American people?

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