Ban the Hoodie


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Over the weekend a gang member carjacked one of my ladies, forced her into my 300 car and kidnapped her, threatened her life, and forced her to an ATM where he forced her to withdraw cash. He then tried to force her back to the car, probably in attempt to rape & murder her at knife point, and she refused to get back in it, so he fled with my car when other customers arrived.

The manner he used to control her, was he came from behind as she opened the door in drug store parking lot, and threw a hoodie over her head, drawing the string tight against her throat, choking her, and beating her face and head with his fist until she almost past out. She also was unable to get much of a discription, a side view of his face and a tattoo on his hand, due to the hoodie & him telling her not to look at him.

These punks roam our neighborhood and towns hiding their heads in hoodies so they cannot be recognized, and as shown, he almost killed her with it, and prevented her from a positive ID. I was thinking there are millions of these lil gang freaks out running around, and the hood gives them confidence that they can comit crimes and not be IDed. That they can come into your life and leave and never be seen. So based on this, I would like to ban the hoodie, in spite of the fact that it is a freedom issue. Almost everytime you see a bank holdup, the guy is wearing a hoodie. This guy left 2 victims on friday, and my lady on saturday, same MO. That is how confident they are behind the shield of the hoodie.

The best part was when he told my lady he was only doing this because he couldn't find a job. The FBI is working it, so I suspect his freedom will be ending soon, and he will have about 50 years of prison employment.

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I'm glad your lady survived without serious harm. She might want to look into getting a carry permit. You won't have to think about banning hoodies if a few gang bangers get shot while car jacking. The problem will resolve itself.
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Step One is situation awareness. Some guy in a hood coming towards you ought to make you sit up and take notice real fast.
Step Two is shooting the muthafucka.
Step One is situation awareness. Some guy in a hood coming towards you ought to make you sit up and take notice real fast.
Step Two is shooting the muthafucka.

Big words from an keyboard warrior.
I'm wearing a hoodie right now.

Oh good! Cross the two strings and have your lady get behind you and pull them back tight with one hand while she has her knee in your back. Everytime you try to breath, have her hit you in the head with a hammer. Let us know what it feels like...... because your lady could be the next victim.
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Step One is situation awareness. Some guy in a hood coming towards you ought to make you sit up and take notice real fast.
Step Two is shooting the muthafucka.

You should move to Detroit. You'd end up either dead or in Jackson State Pen. so... dead either way.

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