Ban On Homosexual Blood Remains In Place

This just proves my point that the Homosexuality is the lowest most filthy degenerate lifestyle on the
the face of the Earth.
Blood banks don't even want Homosexual blood.
This is how unsafe and unsanitary the lifestyle is.
They, the Homosexuals blood is just to filthy,and loaded with viruses, and ungodly pathogens.
We must move to recriminalize homosexuality for the safety of the general population.!!
This just proves my point that the Homosexuality is the lowest most filthy degenerate lifestyle on the
the face of the Earth.
Blood banks don't even want Homosexual blood.
This is how unsafe and unsanitary the lifestyle is.
They, the Homosexuals blood is just to filthy,and loaded with viruses, and ungodly pathogens.
We must move to recriminalize homosexuality for the safety of the general population.!!
You are 100% correct :cool:
May be they are keeping the ban in place to make sure that Evangelicals, Mormons and Catholics do not turn QUEER when they get HIV negative blood infected with homosexuality?
As a young man before the ban I often donated blood. I was insulted when the ban was first put in place and received a shocked response when I answered honestly. I am still negative and would be willing to donate if they let me.
May be they are keeping the ban in place to make sure that Evangelicals, Mormons and Catholics do not turn QUEER when they get HIV negative blood infected with homosexuality?
As a young man before the ban I often donated blood. I was insulted when the ban was first put in place and received a shocked response when I answered honestly. I am still negative and would be willing to donate if they let me.

Okay, seriously, do you REALLY not know why the ban exists? Do you honestly think this is about your "hurt feelings" in the slightest, or that it SHOULD be?

Honestly, I know there are some people in the world who think the sun rises and sets in their bellybuttons, but is it at all possible that you could get over your narcissistic self for five seconds and consider the bigger picture?
The ban on gay blood donors is based in the worst kind of anti-gay prejudice and AIDS hysteria from early in the epidemic. America needs to end the ban and allow gay men to donate blood. Science supports lifting the ban, and so does basic fairness.
The ban on gay blood donors is based in the worst kind of anti-gay prejudice and AIDS hysteria from early in the epidemic. America needs to end the ban and allow gay men to donate blood. Science supports lifting the ban, and so does basic fairness.

Fairness? You think public safety is a matter of FAIRNESS?! You think I OWE it to some guy to put myself, my health, and my life at risk just so his feelings won't be hurt? So he won't feel bad about himself? Fuck you, and grow the fuck up.

That having been said, would you like to share with us this apocryphal "science" you say supports the lifting of the ban on homosexual blood donors? Because I KNOW it's not the science that tells us that homosexual men are at significantly higher risk for several different diseases that can be present in the blood for lengthy periods of time without being detectable. THAT, by the way, is the real reason that homosexuals aren't allowed to donate blood, not any "hysteria from early in the epidemic" that your dimwitted, uninformed brain has cooked up.
There's nothing in not being able to donate blood that will hold an individual back in life. If gay men wish to help others, I'm sure any other charity will accept their help. This isn't an equal opportunity issue, where gays are being denied their rights. The medical community has actually gone overboard to accommodate the homosexual community over the HIV issue to an absurd degree, actually.

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