Bad seeds of change gmo's, hybrid plants


Jun 17, 2010
One who controls the world food supply has all the power.There has been a food war going on for a long time farmers are loosing large quantities of their land to the government as organic foods become more scarce, they don't want us growing our own foods and the more I search for the reasons the more dismal it gets leading to what appears to be a massive eugenics project.

Monsonto: (Signed on board by George Bush SR. (R). The producers of AGENT ORANGE, and pesticides such as ROUND UP are now in the seed business they have created round up resistant seed meaning you can spray round up allover the plant and it won't die only all the other plants around it do. Scientist who have researched this and reported the DNA make up of the foods caused cancers in animals lost their jobs. approximately 90% of Corn, soybeans, cotton in USA is using the GMO patented seed. There is also conflict of interest concerning revolving door politics. Monsonto lawyers have taken positions in the FDA and are the very ones to push this through. Many countries ban GMO seed. GMO seed pollen detroys natural corn plants a big problem in Mexico 18 different varieties of beautiful healthy corn put in harms way!! A documentary THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSONTO can be watched on the internet for free. Large volumes of Heirloom seeds stocks/companies have been bought up by this created monster. (Jimmie Carter(D) Mr eugenics himself loves it!!!)

Codex Alementarius scheduled to launch Dec 2009. Supported by Bill Clinton(D) who passed an unconstitional Bill that passed it through without congressional approval. This mother ocotapus has many tenacles the United Nations being the main body. Declared nutrients are toxins, Fight to ban organics ect....lots posted on youtube about it. The sad thing about all this is that Congressmen were totally clueless about this huge entity. i don't know about you, but i would like to see my tax dollars being spent for the good of humanity not the demise of it. An alarming youtube discovery ANUNNAKI DEMON COVENANT(classified) a true eye opener. It doesn't matter if your democrat or republican

HYBRID SEED: It has been discovered that the hybrid plants that claim to produce larger more abundant vegetables contain half the nutrients of that from a heirloom plant. "Nutrient deficient people have lower immune systems and develop diseases of many kinds including cancers".
Supercharged plant help feeding a hungry world...

Supercharged Plants Aim to Boost Food Production
November 28, 2016 | WASHINGTON — Scientists have supercharged plant growth by making them more responsive to changes in light and shade. The researchers hope what they have learned by souping up experimental plants will someday help feed a hungry world.
Plants turn sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into food through a process called photosynthesis. "It is the driving force behind all of life," says University of Illinois plant biologist Steve Long. "Arguably, photosynthesis is the most important process on our planet." But for a process that's so important, it's surprisingly inefficient.

With food demand expected to grow by 70 percent by mid-century on a planet that is rapidly warming, researchers have been looking for ways to improve photosynthesis as a way to squeeze more productivity out of each plant. "We're kind of forced to push our crops to the limit," says crop scientist Matthew Reynolds at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, known by its Spanish acronym, CIMMYT. Long's group targeted a system that protects plants from excessive sunlight. When a plant is soaking up more light than it can handle, it gets rid of the energy as heat. But when clouds or leaves shade it, that system stays on for minutes or hours, slowing down the plant's growth.


Supercharged Plants Aim to Boost Food Production​

Long and his colleagues added genes that shortened that recovery time. Modified plants grew up to 20 percent more than untreated ones. The study appears in the journal Science. "It's a very big deal," said Reynolds, who was not involved with the research. Conventional breeding programs are improving yields by about half a percent per year, if that. "A 20 percent increase -- that's a fairly substantial jump." Other attempts to tinker with the protective systems have hurt the plant, according to Bob Furbank, director of the Center for Translational Photosynthesis Research. He's more optimistic about this one, since it makes the system more responsive rather than turning it down.

However, he adds, "It may be that these protective mechanisms are more important under drought, and under stress. These sorts of plants will have to be tested under a range of stresses to make sure there's no downside." Long's group used genetic engineering to modify their plants, which can be controversial. But Reynolds, who focuses on conventional plant breeding, says the genetically modified plant can be "a proof of concept so we can start looking for natural variation as well." Long's group worked in tobacco because it's easy to study. Next they plan to apply the same technique to rice, soybeans and cassava, three critical food crops around the world.

Supercharged Plants Aim to Boost Food Production

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