Bad science kills & injures


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Nobel Prize winning doctor Maurice Hilleman warned Merck about the dangers, like autism, from increased mercury in vaccines then pleaded with FDA, they ignored him and covered up the fraud.

Informed Choice Info provides the list of vaccines, the manufacturer, the microbes, the antibiotics, the chemicals / heavy metals and animal by products of what is in many vaccine products manufactured today. A must see if you are considering one of these vaccines for your children.

The next one kind of makes me wonder....
Merck Admits Injecting Cancer Viruses (SV40 and others) In Millions Truthspace’s Research

Merck admits injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in millions

Folks, you had better sit down, take a very deep breath. Merck drug company vaccines admits injecting cancer viruses into their vaccines and we have the proof on video for you to watch.

This censored interview conducted by medical historian Edward Shorter for WGBH public television (Boston) and Blackwell Science was cut from The Health Century due to its liability–the admission that Merck drug company vaccines have traditionally been injecting cancer viruses (SV40 and others) in people worldwide.

This segment of In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Terrorism, produced and freely contributed by consumer protector and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, features the world’s leading vaccine expert, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, who explains why Merck’s vaccines have spread AIDS, leukemia, and other horrific plagues worldwide.

By Robert Kennedy Jr. | July 1, 2005

MOUNTING EVIDENCE suggests that Thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative in children's vaccines, may be responsible for the exponential growth of autism, attention deficit disorder, speech delays, and other childhood neurological disorders now epidemic in the United States.

Prior to 1989, American infants generally received three vaccinations (polio, measles-mumps-rubella, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis). In the early 1990s, public health officials dramatically increased the number of Thimerosal-containing vaccinations without considering the cumulative impact of the mercury load on developing brains.

In a 1991 memo, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, one of the fathers of Merck's vaccination programs, warned his bosses that 6-month-old children administered the shots on schedule would suffer mercury exposures 87 times the government safety standards. He recommended that Thimerosal be discontinued and complained that the US Food and Drug Administration, which has a notoriously close relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, could not be counted on to take appropriate action as its European counterparts had. Merck ignored Hilleman's warning, and for eight years government officials added seven more shots for children containing Thimerosal.... Political Friendster Connection - Dr. Maurice Hilleman connected to Merck writing continued at link

Interesting the drug additive has not been approved yet the government contracted for billions of dollars of this stuff anyhow?


The U.S. government has contracts with several drug companies to develop and produce swine flu vaccines. At least two of those companies, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, are using an adjuvant in their H1N1 vaccines.

The adjuvant? Squalene.

According to Meryl Nass, M.D., an authority on the anthrax vaccine,

"A novel feature of the two H1N1 vaccines being developed by companies Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline is the addition of squalene-containing adjuvants to boost immunogenicity and dramatically reduce the amount of viral antigen needed. This translates to much faster production of desired vaccine quantities."[v]

Novartis's proprietary squalene adjuvant for their H1N1 vaccine is MF59. Glaxo's is ASO3. MF59 has yet to be approved by the FDA for use in any U.S. vaccine, despite its history of use in other countries.

Per Dr. Nass, there are only three vaccines in existence using an approved squalene adjuvant. None of the three are approved for use in the U.S.

GlaxoSmithKline Hid Evidence of Avandia Harm... is just the kind of company I would not like giving out medical advice if I had my ruthers about it.

February 23, 2010

Natural News

By Mike Adams

GlaxoSmithKline, maker of the diabetes drug Avandia, knew the drug was linked to tens of thousands of heart attacks but went out of its way to hide this information from the public, says a 334-page report just released by the Senate Finance Committee. ( - This page cannot be found.)

This report also accuses the FDA of betraying the public trust, explaining that FDA bureaucrats intentionally dismissed safety concerns found by the agency’s own scientists.

The report says that Big Pharma’s drugs “put public safety at risk because the FDA has been too cozy with drug makers and has been regularly outmaneuvered by companies that have a financial interest in downplaying or under-exploring potential safety risks.” Sales of Avandia were $3.2 billion (yes, billion) in 2006. GlaxoSmithKline Hid Evidence of Avandia Harm : Kevin Trudeau Show

Okay I may rethink my vote for Grassley when the time comes if he will fight for the people's rights.
Two Senators Want GlaxoSmithKline's Diabetes Drug Avandia Pulled from the Market - DailyFinance
Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) of the Senate Finance Committee investigated the issue for two years. The report (here in its entirety) questions the Food and Drug Administration's conduct and concludes that GlaxoSmithKline knew about the drug's risks. The senators recommend that Avandia be pulled from the market because its risks seem to outweigh its benefits, especially compared to other diabetes drugs, such as Takeda's Actos, which lower blood-sugar level but don't affect the heart as much, according to studies.

Novartis has not performed testing for the carcinogenicity of MF-59 adjuvant or any of their other preventive vaccines and has no plans to.
American Chronicle | Experimental Swine Flu Vaccines Contain a Smorgasbord of Potentially Deadly Additives

Have not double checked this information out in this link but it appears some Pol's do not care for the vaccine program pushed last year. Can't say I blame them. Deadly Squalene not in Celvapan which still contains the cancer causing nano chip – the death chip in reality. | World Peace Now

[ame=]YouTube - Dr. confesses Cancer & other Viruses is found in Vaccines[/ame]
I am wondering who has an interest in these companies? The next search and post.
Don't show this to Republcians. It's all about protecting corporations and profit. It doesn't matter how you make a buck as long as you make it.
Kevin Trudeau?......Seriously?

Likewise, FDA approval has become a status of dubious nature, as they are deemed above reproach for such approved debacles as Fen-phen and Vioxx. Indeed, the FDA acts more like a protection racket for BigPharm, rather than a vanguard of the public safety.

Like to take your side, Rod, but your sources are at least as suspect as are the antagonists.
Kevin Trudeau?......Seriously?

Likewise, FDA approval has become a status of dubious nature, as they are deemed above reproach for such approved debacles as Fen-phen and Vioxx. Indeed, the FDA acts more like a protection racket for BigPharm, rather than a vanguard of the public safety.

Like to take your side, Rod, but your sources are at least as suspect as are the antagonists.
I don't think doctor Hilleman was "suspect" in what he had to say. I believe that such reports as his are ignored. Regardless of who the anti's are look at the facts. It is well known that certain cancers originate from the human papilloma virus (HPV) and one hundred other related viruses even if science does not have it all figured out or release all the tests so people can see for themselves. In 2006 FDA approved Gardasil®, this vaccine has crippled & killed young people and these youngsters who have been crippled and their parents are trying to warn others before they take that leap. Reports of Health Concerns Following HPV Vaccination yet FDA approved this for young males also. Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) has been reported after vaccination with Gardasil.
CDC is dubious too?

Big government's and big phamra's idea is to (force) require vaccinate teens by legislation, WTF. Is this okay with you?
Submitted Sunday, January 27, 2008
It is a month shy of a year from the moment when Texas Governor Rick Perry bypassed the state legislature and sign into law an order that would require all twelve to thirteen-year-old girls to be vaccinated with Gardasil.

You don't have to take my side but I will not just stand by and watch this without speaking out on it. My own daughter has suffered the ill effects of big pharm pushing their crap meds out there and boasting the safety of it. As much as I sure don't agree with Rdean, I have to agree he is right when it comes to the money aspect of it. Where he would be in full error is to say that Christians are in error teaching their children it is better to abstain because he has made it obvious he hates Christians that much.
The Nobel Prize winning doctor Maurice Hilleman warned Merck about the dangers, like autism, from increased mercury in vaccines then pleaded with FDA, they ignored him and covered up the fraud.

Information about Thimerosal

Since 2001, with the exception of some influenza (flu) vaccines, thimerosal is not used as a preservative in routinely recommended childhood vaccines.

Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930's. There is no convincing evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.
CDC - Mercury and Thimerosal - Vaccine Safety


Journal Retracts Controversial Study Linking MMR Vaccine, Autism
The Lancet's Decision Could Ease Parental Resistance to Vaccination

By David Mitchell

The Lancet has fully retracted the 1998 study that linked autism to the measles, mumps and rubella, or MMR, vaccine after an independent panel recently concluded that the study was flawed and its lead author's conduct was "dishonest, irresponsible and misleading."
Journal Retracts Controversial Study Linking MMR Vaccine, Autism -- AAFP News Now -- American Academy of Family Physicians


The medical journal The Lancet has retracted the 1998 article that was the first to link the MMR vaccine to autism. The withdraw comes hot on the heels of a hearing that found Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the author of that article, acted unethically during the experiments listed in the article.

Full retractions from journals are rare; it is tantamount to saying that the article should have never been published. With this move, The Lancet is effectively stating that the conclusions drawn in the article were incorrect. Put simply, they are saying the conclusion that the MMR vaccine is linked to the development of autism that the article claimed was not good science.

Journal withdraws the original MMR vaccine-autism study
Journal withdraws the original MMR vaccine-autism study
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Disease prevention is the key to public health. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Vaccines prevent disease in the people who receive them and protect those who come into contact with unvaccinated individuals. Vaccines help prevent infectious diseases and save lives. Vaccines are responsible for the control of many infectious diseases that were once common in this country, including polio, measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), rubella (German measles), mumps, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).

Vaccine-preventable diseases have a costly impact, resulting in doctor's visits, hospitalizations, and premature deaths. Sick children can also cause parents to lose time from work.

Each child is born with a full immune system composed of cells, glands, organs, and fluids that are located throughout his or her body to fight invading bacteria and viruses. The immune system recognizes germs that enter the body as "foreign" invaders, or antigens, and produces protein substances called antibodies to fight them. A normal, healthy immune system has the ability to produce millions of these antibodies to defend against thousands of attacks every day, doing it so naturally that people are not even aware they are being attacked and defended so often (Whitney, 1990). Many antibodies disappear once they have destroyed the invading antigens, but the cells involved in antibody production remain and become "memory cells." Memory cells remember the original antigen and then defend against it when the antigen attempts to re-infect a person, even after many decades. This protection is called immunity.

Vaccines contain the same antigens or parts of antigens that cause diseases, but the antigens in vaccines are either killed or greatly weakened. When they are injected into fatty tissue or muscle, vaccine antigens are not strong enough to produce the symptoms and signs of the disease but are strong enough for the immune system to produce antibodies against them (Tortora and Anagnostakos, 1981). The memory cells that remain prevent re-infection when they encounter that disease in the future. Thus, through vaccination, children develop immunity without suffering from the actual diseases that vaccines prevent.
Vaccines: Vac-Gen/How Vaccines Prevent Disease
Don't show this to Republcians. It's all about protecting corporations and profit. It doesn't matter how you make a buck as long as you make it.
You know you are an ignorant shit to think that it is just R's that sell people out for a buck.
Rep. William Jefferson, D-Louisiana

Al Santoro, the Executive Director of the Ocean County Democratic Party, pleaded guilty today to federal corruption charges,

Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R), now serving an eight-year stretch for taking bribes from defense contractors. (2006)

FBI: Former Detroit Democratic Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick..

Federal Memo Says Torricelli Took Bribes for Political Favors...

The list could go on and on but fact is we have corruption on both sides of these political parties. You can keep shoveling shit or actually be a decent person and get off your stick and demand integrity throughout regardless if there is an (R) or a (D) behind the name.
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As recently as the 1950s, about 20,000 people per year in the United States were affected by poliovirus. The number of paralytic polio cases fell to less than 100 per year in the 1960s because of the institution of the polio vaccine. In 1994, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Western hemisphere free of the wild-type poliovirus. The WHO also organized a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate the disease. They believe the end of polio to be in the near future.

Randy Duke Cunningham is a Republican.

Bad science does keeps people from seeking medical treatment or keeps them from getting vaccinated.

There is absolutely no evidence that autism is ever caused by a vaccine.

Shameful bullshit.
Peer review science or just a few bought and big pharm paid for lackies?

Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism ________________Child Health Safety_________________


Study Shows Ethylmercury Used in Vaccines Ends Up in the Brain of Primates; Environmental Journal Puts Happy Spin on Results Says National Autism Association (NAA); Study Says Ethylmercury Is Most Toxic to Brain - Journal Paints Rosy Picture Of Ominous Outcome.
WASHINGTON, April 21 /PRNewswire/ -- A newly-released primate study published in Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), a NIEHS publication, is getting fluffy reviews today. The NIH-funded study, conducted by Dr. Thomas Burbacher, a University of Washington researcher, found that Thimerosal, best known for its use as an ethylmercury-based preservative in infant vaccines and pregnancy shots, is actually more toxic to the brain than methylmercury (MeHg).

MeHg has always been widely hailed as the greater of two evils, pushing ethylmercury out of the limelight as "most…

Actual government sponsored research can be fluffed off how convenient. Here the push was on for years claiming mercury levels in children was caused by eating lead paint.

Comparison of Blood and Brain Mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed to Methylmercury or Vaccines Containing Thimerosal

Comparison of Blood and Brain Mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed to Methylmercury or Vaccines Containing Thimerosal

Thomas M. Burbacher,1,2,3 Danny D. Shen,4 Noelle Liberato,1,2,3 Kimberly S. Grant,1,2,3 Elsa Cernichiari,5 and Thomas Clarkson5

1Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, 2Washington National Primate Research Center, 3Center on Human Development and Disability, and 4Departments of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA; 5Department of Environmental Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, New York, USA

Thimerosal is a preservative that has been used in manufacturing vaccines since the 1930s. Reports have indicated that infants can receive ethylmercury (in the form of thimerosal) at or above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for methylmercury exposure, depending on the exact vaccinations, schedule, and size of the infant. In this study we compared the systemic disposition and brain distribution of total and inorganic mercury in infant monkeys after thimerosal exposure with those exposed to MeHg. Monkeys were exposed to MeHg (via oral gavage) or vaccines containing thimerosal (via intramuscular injection) at birth and 1, 2, and 3 weeks of age. Total blood Hg levels were determined 2, 4, and 7 days after each exposure. Total and inorganic brain Hg levels were assessed 2, 4, 7, or 28 days after the last exposure. The initial and terminal half-life of Hg in blood after thimerosal exposure was 2.1 and 8.6 days, respectively, which are significantly shorter than the elimination half-life of Hg after MeHg exposure at 21.5 days. Brain concentrations of total Hg were significantly lower by approximately 3-fold for the thimerosal-exposed monkeys when compared with the MeHg infants, whereas the average brain-to-blood concentration ratio was slightly higher for the thimerosal-exposed monkeys (3.5 ± 0.5 vs. 2.5 ± 0.3) . A higher percentage of the total Hg in the brain was in the form of inorganic Hg for the thimerosal-exposed monkeys (34% vs. 7%) . The results indicate that MeHg is not a suitable reference for risk assessment from exposure to thimerosal-derived Hg. Knowledge of the toxicokinetics and developmental toxicity of thimerosal is needed to afford a meaningful assessment of the developmental effects of thimerosal-containing vaccines.
Do the math!
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories.
No it belongs right here and on the front page of every newspaper so people can understand that big corporates are usurping the government agencies that are in place that actually look out for the best interest of the public by ignoring government sponsored studies and reviews.
Because of the efforts of programs like the Expanded Programme on Immunization, global immunization coverage was over 70% in the 1990s. However, almost 11 million children under the age of five years die each year because they did not receive recommended childhood vaccinations (UNICEF, 2002). In 1999, measles and hepatitis B (HBV) had the highest mortality of vaccine-preventable diseases, with each resulting in the deaths of about 900,000 people. During that same year, it was estimated that pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib), and tetanus were each responsible for approximately 300,000 to 400,000 deaths. Further more, polio and diphtheria were responsible for less than 1,000 and 5,000 deaths, respectively (Kane, 2002).

In the United States, there has been a reduction of more than 99% in disease due to measles because of extensive use of the measles vaccine (CDC, 2003). Ensuring the completion of the measles vaccination schedule has been shown to decrease measles outbreaks (Vitek, Aduddell, Brinton, Hoffman & Redd, 1999).

Hib meningitis used to be responsible for about 600 child deaths in the United States each year and for leaving many survivors devastated. In December of 1987, Hib conjugate vaccine was developed and occurrence of Hib dropped by 98%.

Do the math! :razz:
Because of the efforts of programs like the Expanded Programme on Immunization, global immunization coverage was over 70% in the 1990s. However, almost 11 million children under the age of five years die each year because they did not receive recommended childhood vaccinations (UNICEF, 2002). In 1999, measles and hepatitis B (HBV) had the highest mortality of vaccine-preventable diseases, with each resulting in the deaths of about 900,000 people. During that same year, it was estimated that pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib), and tetanus were each responsible for approximately 300,000 to 400,000 deaths. Further more, polio and diphtheria were responsible for less than 1,000 and 5,000 deaths, respectively (Kane, 2002).

In the United States, there has been a reduction of more than 99% in disease due to measles because of extensive use of the measles vaccine (CDC, 2003). Ensuring the completion of the measles vaccination schedule has been shown to decrease measles outbreaks (Vitek, Aduddell, Brinton, Hoffman & Redd, 1999).

Hib meningitis used to be responsible for about 600 child deaths in the United States each year and for leaving many survivors devastated. In December of 1987, Hib conjugate vaccine was developed and occurrence of Hib dropped by 98%.

Do the math! :razz:


As recently as the 1950s, about 20,000 people per year in the United States were affected by poliovirus. The number of paralytic polio cases fell to less than 100 per year in the 1960s because of the institution of the polio vaccine. In 1994, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Western hemisphere free of the wild-type poliovirus. The WHO also organized a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate the disease. They believe the end of polio to be in the near future.

During the 1980s, there was, on average, 450,000 new cases of HBV infection annually. A decline in the number of HBV infections has occurred since that time because of an increased public awareness, preventative measures to decrease the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and routine HBV vaccination of children and adolescents.

Prior to the development of the diphtheria vaccine in 1923, diphtheria accounted for about 15,500 child deaths and 200,000 illnesses. Since that time, the number of new cases in the United States has declined, with only two reported cases in the year 2001 (CDC, 2003; Osguthorpe, 1995).

National immunization programs accomplished the eradication of smallpox in 1979 and led to a significant decline in neonatal tetanus (CDC, 2003; Kane, 2002; UNICEF, 2002). It is clear from these statistics that immunizations save lives and prevent affliction from disease.
This thread belongs in conspiracy theories.
No it belongs right here and on the front page of every newspaper so people can understand that big corporates are usurping the government agencies that are in place that actually look out for the best interest of the public by ignoring government sponsored studies and reviews.
Because of the efforts of programs like the Expanded Programme on Immunization, global immunization coverage was over 70% in the 1990s. However, almost 11 million children under the age of five years die each year because they did not receive recommended childhood vaccinations (UNICEF, 2002). In 1999, measles and hepatitis B (HBV) had the highest mortality of vaccine-preventable diseases, with each resulting in the deaths of about 900,000 people. During that same year, it was estimated that pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib), and tetanus were each responsible for approximately 300,000 to 400,000 deaths. Further more, polio and diphtheria were responsible for less than 1,000 and 5,000 deaths, respectively (Kane, 2002).

In the United States, there has been a reduction of more than 99% in disease due to measles because of extensive use of the measles vaccine (CDC, 2003). Ensuring the completion of the measles vaccination schedule has been shown to decrease measles outbreaks (Vitek, Aduddell, Brinton, Hoffman & Redd, 1999).

Hib meningitis used to be responsible for about 600 child deaths in the United States each year and for leaving many survivors devastated. In December of 1987, Hib conjugate vaccine was developed and occurrence of Hib dropped by 98%.

Do the math! :razz:


As recently as the 1950s, about 20,000 people per year in the United States were affected by poliovirus. The number of paralytic polio cases fell to less than 100 per year in the 1960s because of the institution of the polio vaccine. In 1994, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Western hemisphere free of the wild-type poliovirus. The WHO also organized a worldwide vaccination program to eradicate the disease. They believe the end of polio to be in the near future.

During the 1980s, there was, on average, 450,000 new cases of HBV infection annually. A decline in the number of HBV infections has occurred since that time because of an increased public awareness, preventative measures to decrease the spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and routine HBV vaccination of children and adolescents.

Prior to the development of the diphtheria vaccine in 1923, diphtheria accounted for about 15,500 child deaths and 200,000 illnesses. Since that time, the number of new cases in the United States has declined, with only two reported cases in the year 2001 (CDC, 2003; Osguthorpe, 1995).

National immunization programs accomplished the eradication of smallpox in 1979 and led to a significant decline in neonatal tetanus (CDC, 2003; Kane, 2002; UNICEF, 2002). It is clear from these statistics that immunizations save lives and prevent affliction from disease.

Does this mean you support forced vaccinations for teenagers with Gardasil? And do you support the idea of children being vaccinated with vaccines that contain Thimerisal, animal tissues, ammonium sulfate, aluminum compounds, sorbital (orbital) and the list can go on and on.

Brought to you by Environmental Health Perspectives an agency that is operated by our federal governemnt. National Institutes Of Health,

Just a few of the ingredients used in vaccines....

Hazards of aluminum

Hazards of ammonnium sulfate

Hazards of Calf skins

Hazards of sorbital search results

Hazards of chicken embryo's search results

Hazards of monkey kidney cells search results

Hazards of glycerin search results

Hazards of polysorbate 80 search results

Ingredients of some vaccines provided by INFORMEDCHOICE.INFO

What is informed consent?

Informed - Possessing, displaying, or based on reliable information: informed sources; an informed opinion.

Consent - Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another;
To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree. acquiescence.

Informed consent is a legal doctrine that has been developed by the courts over a number of years. The doctrine of informed consent may have been derived from the Nuremberg Code, which required that doctors obtain the voluntary informed consent of the subject prior to conducting medical experimentation. The Informed Consent Doctrine requires that medical doctors provide a patient with all relevant information about a proposed procedure or treatment prior to obtaining the consent of the patient to carry out the procedure or treatment. Four items of information that must be provided are:

* the nature of the procedure
* the risks
* the benefits
* the availability of alternative treatment (including no treatment) and the risks and benefits thereof.

Informed consent protects the patient by providing him/her with complete information on which to make an informed decision. Informed consent usually also protects the doctor from financial liability (with exceptions) provided that the procedure is properly executed according to the prevailing standard of care and without negligence. The adult patient's power to consent is very broad and includes the power to consent to such extreme operations as sexual reassignment. Inadequate provision of information, however, may invalidate the consent.

Informed consent in pediatrics
continued at NOCIRC - Informed consent

Legislative mandates are a legal force.

Forced - To compel through pressure. To gain by the use of force or coercion. To move or effect against resistance or inertia. To inflict or impose relentlessly. To put undue strain on. To produce with effort and against one's will. To move, open, or clear by force.......

Choice - The act of choosing; selection. The power, right, or liberty to choose; option.
Does this mean you support forced vaccinations for teenagers with Gardasil?

And do you support the idea of children being vaccinated with vaccines that contain Thimerisal, animal tissues, ammonium sulfate, aluminum compounds, sorbital (orbital) and the list can go on and on.

Nope. I support the idea of scientific proof vs ignorant fear mongering.

There is a big difference between a medical recommendation and force.
Vaccine Information Statements

Vaccine Information Statements (VISs) are information sheets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that explain to vaccine recipients, their parents, or their legal representatives both the benefits and risks of a vaccine. Federal law requires that VISs be handed out whenever (before each dose) certain vaccinations are given.
Vaccines: Pubs/VIS/main page


All legislation mandating HPV vaccination includes some form of parental opt-out.
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yeah, another copy paste job by Rodishi linking bullshit sites and who shows he has no clue about anything scientific. This is what we get in the science forum, people like this spreading misifnormation.

The reality of any medicine, is it needs to be tested eventually on humans, in the safest way possible. Then it needs to be monitored once on the market cause everybody is different, we have diff genetics, diets, preexisting conditions, on different drugs, lifestyels, etc, so a tiny percentage is going to have a bad reaction. Even the overblown Vioxx issue, millions benefited from teh drug and like 2% had the risk of heart disease, and people made it out to be a giant deal.

it's life, even eating new foods can kill people if they react badly to it.

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