Backward Muslimes Are Going Downhill Fast!


Jun 29, 2011

Islamic Civic Society of America
The Muslim world faces the challenges of war, poor healthcare, poverty and violations of human rights, illiteracy, lack of progress, dictatorship, lack of political transparency, ethnic conflict, and regional divisions. Illiteracy is a problem in majority of Muslim countries. We know all these problems are interconnected. The lack of literacy leads to lack of progress, and lack of progress leads to lack of development, which leads to dictatorship, which in turn leads to lack of political transparency, which also leads to power struggles that lead to regional divisions and ethnic conflict. Majority of the Muslim world today is characterized by these aliments.

This can raise a legitimate question of why the Muslim world is behind its Western counterpart. Is it because of Islam? Unless one knows the history of the world; the true examples of Muslim leaders; the difference between Islam and culture – it is hard to know why the Muslim world is so behind the Western world. Thus, Islamophobes blame Islam as the cause of the backwardness of Muslim nations. But the reality is contrary to that. Islam is a religion of progress, innovation, and development. It is a religion of every generation, time, and location. It is a religion of civilization; it is a way of life.

In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries), there are around 500 universities. On the other hand, there are 5,758 universities in the USA alone, and 8,407 universities in India. In a research done by the UNDP in 2004, not one university in the entire Muslim world was featured in the top 500 ranking universities of the world. Literacy in the western world, predominantly Christian, is 90%, whereas the literacy of the Muslim world is 40%. Furthermore, 98% of these predominantly Western countries completed at least primary education, whereas only 50% of Muslim countries completed primary education. Similarly, 40% of western countries attended university, whereas only 2% of Muslim countries attended university. The Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists in every one million people, whereas, USA alone has 5,000 scientists in every one million. Muslim countries spend on research 0.2% of their GDP, whereas, Western countries spend 5% of their GDP on research. There is a huge gap on the number of sick people to the number of doctors. For example, in Indonesia, there are about 10,000 patients for every one doctor, whereas, in Spain, there are about 500 sick people for every one doctor. In 1995, the average yearly income per citizen in Pakistan was $300, whereas in Britain it is more than $ 12,000.

Registered patent in 1995 in Egypt is 77, whereas it is 7,652 in Israel.

The majority of the responsibility for this lack of human development in Muslim countries is to be blamed on Muslims themselves.

Muslim Misery Continues: The Most Pressing Issues for the Muslim World | Islamic Civic Society of America
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Winston Churchill :clap2:
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.] The River War (9781598184259): Sir Winston S. Churchill: Books
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Arab Author Nidhal Naisa: Arabs Are Good For Nothing" :bow3: :badgrin:
Nobody bothers to kick a dead cat. Unfortunately, the Arabs, to some extent, are dead cats. Who would even bother to give these dead cats a kick? They are good for nothing. You cannot rely on them. They turn their backs on one another. They fight one another.

Yesterday, an Arab summit was held, but 8 leaders did not show up. They officially boycotted the summit.

Some people say that the Arabs have contributed in some way to civilization, but their only contribution was the invention of the zero. Unfortunately, they remain at the zero phase and have not moved on. In fact, they remain below zero and have not made any significant contribution to human civilization.

I am very happy and proud that the Arabs recently produced
the largest plate of hummus, pickles or tbouli salad. That is all they care about: fried pastries, pickles, baba ghanoush. This is what they are good at: cotton candy, shanklish or beet kibbeh
[ame=]Arabs Are Good For Nothing - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
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The Truth About Muhammad: PEDOPHILE! :eek:

Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad [53 years old] married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.

[ame=]Mohammed is a Pedophile Movement for Italy Leader Daniela Santanchè on Domenica Cinque 11 08 09 - YouTube[/ame]
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Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad [53 years old] married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.

[ame=]Mohammed is a Pedophile Movement for Italy Leader Daniela Santanchè on Domenica Cinque 11 08 09 - YouTube[/ame]
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Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad....
Muhammad [53 years old] married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.

[ame=]Mohammed is a Pedophile Movement for Italy Leader Daniela Santanchè on Domenica Cinque 11 08 09 - YouTube[/ame]
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Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad...
Muhammad [53 years old] married ‘A’isha in Mecca when she was a child of six and lived with her in Medina when she was nine or ten. She was the only virgin that he married. Her father, Abu Bakr, married her to him and the apostle gave her four hundred dirhams.

[ame=]Mohammed is a Pedophile Movement for Italy Leader Daniela Santanchè on Domenica Cinque 11 08 09 - YouTube[/ame]

Islamic Civic Society of America
The Muslim world faces the challenges of war, poor healthcare, poverty and violations of human rights, illiteracy, lack of progress, dictatorship, lack of political transparency, ethnic conflict, and regional divisions. Illiteracy is a problem in majority of Muslim countries. We know all these problems are interconnected. The lack of literacy leads to lack of progress, and lack of progress leads to lack of development, which leads to dictatorship, which in turn leads to lack of political transparency, which also leads to power struggles that lead to regional divisions and ethnic conflict. Majority of the Muslim world today is characterized by these aliments.

This can raise a legitimate question of why the Muslim world is behind its Western counterpart. Is it because of Islam? Unless one knows the history of the world; the true examples of Muslim leaders; the difference between Islam and culture – it is hard to know why the Muslim world is so behind the Western world. Thus, Islamophobes blame Islam as the cause of the backwardness of Muslim nations. But the reality is contrary to that. Islam is a religion of progress, innovation, and development. It is a religion of every generation, time, and location. It is a religion of civilization; it is a way of life.

In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries), there are around 500 universities. On the other hand, there are 5,758 universities in the USA alone, and 8,407 universities in India. In a research done by the UNDP in 2004, not one university in the entire Muslim world was featured in the top 500 ranking universities of the world. Literacy in the western world, predominantly Christian, is 90%, whereas the literacy of the Muslim world is 40%. Furthermore, 98% of these predominantly Western countries completed at least primary education, whereas only 50% of Muslim countries completed primary education. Similarly, 40% of western countries attended university, whereas only 2% of Muslim countries attended university. The Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists in every one million people, whereas, USA alone has 5,000 scientists in every one million. Muslim countries spend on research 0.2% of their GDP, whereas, Western countries spend 5% of their GDP on research. There is a huge gap on the number of sick people to the number of doctors. For example, in Indonesia, there are about 10,000 patients for every one doctor, whereas, in Spain, there are about 500 sick people for every one doctor. In 1995, the average yearly income per citizen in Pakistan was $300, whereas in Britain it is more than $ 12,000.

Registered patent in 1995 in Egypt is 77, whereas it is 7,652 in Israel.

The majority of the responsibility for this lack of human development in Muslim countries is to be blamed on Muslims themselves.

Muslim Misery Continues: The Most Pressing Issues for the Muslim World | Islamic Civic Society of America

Muslims aren't going down as fast as the Republicans. The GOP believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. They believe cutting taxes and trickle down works. They want to create a religious police state where everyone woman's vagina is under guard. A place where gays can be fired and forced to move and have no right to a family. A place where Americans born here can have their citizenship revoked because neither parent was born here. They defund education and let the country fall apart.

I think their goal may be to "undiscover" fire".

Islamic Civic Society of America
The Muslim world faces the challenges of war, poor healthcare, poverty and violations of human rights, illiteracy, lack of progress, dictatorship, lack of political transparency, ethnic conflict, and regional divisions. Illiteracy is a problem in majority of Muslim countries. We know all these problems are interconnected. The lack of literacy leads to lack of progress, and lack of progress leads to lack of development, which leads to dictatorship, which in turn leads to lack of political transparency, which also leads to power struggles that lead to regional divisions and ethnic conflict. Majority of the Muslim world today is characterized by these aliments.

This can raise a legitimate question of why the Muslim world is behind its Western counterpart. Is it because of Islam? Unless one knows the history of the world; the true examples of Muslim leaders; the difference between Islam and culture – it is hard to know why the Muslim world is so behind the Western world. Thus, Islamophobes blame Islam as the cause of the backwardness of Muslim nations. But the reality is contrary to that. Islam is a religion of progress, innovation, and development. It is a religion of every generation, time, and location. It is a religion of civilization; it is a way of life.

In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries), there are around 500 universities. On the other hand, there are 5,758 universities in the USA alone, and 8,407 universities in India. In a research done by the UNDP in 2004, not one university in the entire Muslim world was featured in the top 500 ranking universities of the world. Literacy in the western world, predominantly Christian, is 90%, whereas the literacy of the Muslim world is 40%. Furthermore, 98% of these predominantly Western countries completed at least primary education, whereas only 50% of Muslim countries completed primary education. Similarly, 40% of western countries attended university, whereas only 2% of Muslim countries attended university. The Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists in every one million people, whereas, USA alone has 5,000 scientists in every one million. Muslim countries spend on research 0.2% of their GDP, whereas, Western countries spend 5% of their GDP on research. There is a huge gap on the number of sick people to the number of doctors. For example, in Indonesia, there are about 10,000 patients for every one doctor, whereas, in Spain, there are about 500 sick people for every one doctor. In 1995, the average yearly income per citizen in Pakistan was $300, whereas in Britain it is more than $ 12,000.

Registered patent in 1995 in Egypt is 77, whereas it is 7,652 in Israel.

The majority of the responsibility for this lack of human development in Muslim countries is to be blamed on Muslims themselves.

Muslim Misery Continues: The Most Pressing Issues for the Muslim World | Islamic Civic Society of America

Muslims aren't going down as fast as the Republicans. The GOP believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. They believe cutting taxes and trickle down works. They want to create a religious police state where everyone woman's vagina is under guard. A place where gays can be fired and forced to move and have no right to a family. A place where Americans born here can have their citizenship revoked because neither parent was born here. They defund education and let the country fall apart.

I think their goal may be to "undiscover" fire".

Well, to be fair, the Mormons abolished polygamy many years ago, unlike the muslimes. :badgrin:

Muslimas are "going down" on their husbands :woohoo: :banana:

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