Backlash begins


Jul 14, 2009

Denmark is at war. The government tells us that we are in war against terror which actually is only a tactic. We cannot be in war against an tactic, we have to be in war against those who use the tactic. That is what SIOE intends to do.

Quote: Lieutenant Colonel Allen West:-

"Winston Churchill did not lead a war against blitzkrieg, he led a war against the Nazis."

SIOE recognises that islam has declared war on the West and therefore we take the necessary precautions to protect our own population. No other Danish politicians have done that previously. Therefore, SIOE will respond to the declaration of war on the West. Every time islam is discussed, all parties in the Danish parliament pull the wool over the eyes of the voters. If we really are in war with islam why do we make all these special arrangements for islam?

We have had civil war-like situations both in Copenhagen and in the biggest towns in Denmark and no politicians have dared to act upon it. SIOE has the answer: Every immigrant who has committed any kind of criminality is to be sent home.

Denmark is in a financial crisis and we have to take care of our own citizens first of all. Therefore all immigrants who are not self-supporting will be sent home.

All government subsidised integration initiatives must be stopped and sensible economic policies must be carried out.

Bureaucracy must be cut to a minimum and free initiative must be encouraged instead of being stopped.

The business and manufacturing sectors in Denmark must have far better conditions. We cannot live just by serving one another.

We would never have been caught in this present unhappy situation if the population had been asked whether or not Denmark should be an immigrant country where islam demands special treatment from its host, the Danish population. Therefore SIOE’s wish is to implement more democracy. There shall be referendums held about many more things concerning the population.

Many more of those in authority should be elected, not just politicians, as they are in America.

In brief, SIOE is a party where the population is of greater concern than the people from outside.

SIOE does not want to stand alone, but wants the old EC cooperation back again and EU discontinued.

SIOE does not want a super-state where democracy is distanced from the people and where we at the moment have an EU president we did not vote for.

12 proposals that will create peace and order in Denmark and give us Denmark back politicians have taken from us through 30 years of irresponsible immigration policy. The draft laws will also ensure that the remaining foreigners are integrated properly through assimilation.
The draft laws are easily implemented and will effectively stop the Islamization of Denmark:

1. A permanent stop to immigration from muslim countries and a temporary stop from other countries until there has been set up an independent inquiry to determine when the Danes are a minority in their own country.

2. Repatriation of disaffected muslim and other immigrants and all immigrant criminals who have proven that they are unsuitable and the removal from such people of any vested Danish citizenship.

3. Imams who incite to violence and sanctions against the country that feeds them, must be punished and expelled for ever, as well as those who promote Sharia law for anyone who lives in Denmark.

4. Publicly paid inclusion action ceases.

5. Non-self-supporting migrants repatriated, regardless of the situation in their original homelands. Denmark can no longer be responsible for the actions of foreign governments and can no longer be the dumping ground for criminals and agitators from other countries.

6. Repatriation has no meaning if Denmark is still open to mass immigration, therefore, Denmark must be realistic and make allowances only for the receipt of genuine refugees.

7. The Danish constitution and laws must be respected scrupulously. This means that the Koranic verses which are contrary to the Danish constitution and laws removed.

8.Granting of citizenship must be much more limited. In order to obtain Danish citizenship a person must have been in Denmark as a well behaved resident for 12 years before they can apply, as is the case in other countries, such as, Switzerland. This also applies to genuine refugees.

Those already granted citizenship are to be examined very carefully with a view to withdrawing citizenship if they have proved unworthy of it because of criminal activities, promoting Sharia law and undermining the Danish constitution.

9. To maintain a reasonable relationship in the future the Penal Code Chapter 12 should be revised to help foreign peoples occupation of Denmark made punishable in line with the help of foreign powers. Court prosecutor removed from the Attorney, so that a case can be raised at the behest of such ten members of parliament.

10. 10 All existing human rights legislation be repealed and restarted avoiding all subserviance and acceptance of Islam.

11. International conventions must be discussed with a view to revision.

12.SIOE is against the European Union, but supports European cooperation and community.

[ame=]YouTube - Geert Wilders Press Conference 5th March 2010 UK[/ame]
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This was bound to happen sooner or later, many muslim militants made it so by attacking teh people that welcomed them with open arms.

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