'Backdoor Ohr' To Be Grilled By Congress Over Connection Between FBI-Trump Dossier-Steele


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As The Conspiracy Turns.....

The FBI used the false Russian-Authored Report Hillary bought from foreign spies and Russians to help her alter and win the 2016 election. When the FBI had to cut ties with / fire the foreign spy - Steele, who was working for THEM, they stayed close and in communication, working together , through DOJ employee Ohr, whose wife also just happened to work for Fusion GPS...oh what a tangled web....by pure 'coincidence'.... :p
And now Ohr gets to be grilled in front of Congress on his part in this unraveling conspiracy....

The Daily Caller

Lawmakers will finally get a chance to question Justice Department official Bruce Ohr on his links to the Steele dossier.

  • Ohr served as a backchannel to dossier author Christopher Steele, and his wife worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the dossier.
  • As one former DOJ official said, Ohr’s activities were “way outside scope of what he should have been doing.”

Bruce Ohr’s appearance before Congress on Tuesday will mark the culmination of a nine month fight to get the former Justice Department official to speak to lawmakers about his connections to the infamous Steele dossier.

Ohr, who served as assistant deputy attorney general until his demotion in December, will be quizzed during a closed-door interview with members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight & Government Reform Committees about his relationship with Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier.

Though the FBI stopped using Steele as an informant, bureau officials were aware that he and Ohr were in frequent contact about the Russia investigation. Ohr briefed FBI officials at least 12 times from November 2016 through May 2017.

It is unclear what Ohr’s bosses at the Justice Department knew about his activities.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has said he did not know about Ohr’s freelance work. Rosenstein’s predecessor, Sally Yates, has not said whether she knew about Ohr’s activities. She did not respond to multiple requests for comment...

Ohr has other links to the dossier, namely through his wife, Nellie.

A Russia expert who formerly worked with the CIA, Nellie Ohr worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that investigated Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC. As TheDCNF has reported, Ohr failed to disclose the connection on his ethics disclosure forms."

Hmmmm.......EVIDENCE SHOWS...

Hillary colluded with and payed foreign spies and Russians for their help.
The wife of a DOJ official, a 'Russian Expert', is tied in with acquiring help from and paying the foreign spies and Russians.

Her DOJ Hubby, Ohr, served as / works for the FBI as a go-between, communicating between the FBI and the foreign spy - Steele

The foreign spy, Steele, worked for the FBI, before it became public, after which he was fired....but he did not go far. He continued to 'work for' the FBI, only through the DOJ rep Ohr

The FBI illegally used the fake Russian-authored report to deceive the FISA courts to get warrants to spy on Trump and his team..

The CIA (Brennan) and NIA (Clapper), with help from the FBI (Strzok), worked / colluded together to author an Intel Community Report (ICR) they controlled strictly and disseminated to only a few so they could get the results they wanted....the 3 then authored an ICA - assessment - all based on the Russian-authored false report - that they pushed to Congress as Legitimate Intel to deceive them and get them to appoint the Special Counsel, aka the political Assassin Mueller.

Of course all of this factual, recorded, (US IG) reported information ... is all coincidence and is 'no factor'...'nothing to see here'... :p
I would LOVE to hear the attempted explanation of how Ohr, his wife, the CIA, NIA, FBI, a foreign spy, and Russians are all tied / intermingled / connected together ... by coincidence...

I would LOVE to hear the attempted explanation of how Ohr, his wife, the CIA, NIA, FBI, a foreign spy, and Russians are all tied / intermingled / connected together ... by coincidence...


Seems Daryl Issa has questions about the Mueller investigation as do we all.

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