Back To The Future


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
We've Heard It All Before. Four years later and it's all still the same.

[ame=]"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut) - YouTube[/ame]

Obama has no leadership skills and needs to go.
Well hell... That is the opposite of Willard... lol

[ame=] The story of two men trapped in one body - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Romney: Didn't Obama get the message from Wisconsin?- YouTube[/ame]

Cut back on Police, Firemen and Teachers. Just what this country needs.
We've Heard It All Before. Four years later and it's all still the same.

"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut) - YouTube

Obama has no leadership skills and needs to go.

4 years later Obama is still making the same promises. He kept NONE of them the first time, why would anyone expect him to keep them in a second term? If he lied to you once, why are you going to believe him this time?
Who would make the "big deal" first and really piss off their base?

I was bummed that they didn't pass Simpson-Bowles. Then again, the fiscal cliff is even better. Lets call this Fiscal Cliff-1 and hope they log-jam and we get a Fiscal Cliff-2, another $Trillion or so off the Budget.
We've Heard It All Before. Four years later and it's all still the same.

"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut) - YouTube

Obama has no leadership skills and needs to go.

Have you seen this?

40 Democrats who've seen the light.

[ame=]The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

This is the shape of things to come.
We've Heard It All Before. Four years later and it's all still the same.

"We've Heard It All Before" (Extended Cut) - YouTube

Obama has no leadership skills and needs to go.

Have you seen this?

40 Democrats who've seen the light.

[ame=]The Hope And The Change - Official Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

This is the shape of things to come.

I hadn't seen it. It looks pretty accurate though. You would have to be stupid to fall for Obama's lines again.

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