Back to the Future.."It's the Economy Stupid.. 2012 style!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Bill Clinton beat an incumbent HW Bush based on these economic statistics: "it's the economy Stupid" was the memorable slogan...

In 1992:
7.5% unemployment
5.8% growth of GDP
3.0% inflation

Based on the above "It's the Economy, Stupid" Clinton was elected...

In 2011:
9.0% unemployment Worse then 1992
3.9% growth of GDP Less GDP growth then 1992
3.2% inflation today Higher Inflation then 1992

So why is Obama supposedly leading in the polls EVEN when more people say the economy sucks?
A) Some people don't want to admit they were wrong.
B) Because he is Black some people are afraid to remove him BECAUSE they would be called racist!
C) The MSM wants Obama to be re-elected... so much so they constantly stack the polling data by having more Democrats/leaning Democrat Independents-- then GOP!
So if the economy was so bad in 1992 that Clinton defeated Bush for 2nd term, what is the ONLY difference between 1992 and 2012?
Obama is black. Most people that voted for or will vote again that is the ONLY reason to vote because it can't be the economy is better.
It can't be because foreign policy is better. I mean Obama has told us he wants to destroy 1,300 businesses, have higher gas prices, bankrupt utilities causing electricity rates to skyrocket.. (all statements from Obama) so what other value is there other then he is black?

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