Bachmann's Speech Shows Tea Party Is A Plague On Amrica!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Michele Bachmann's speech last night which was billed as the Tea Party's response to President Obama's "State of the Union" address shows why this movement is a cancer on America and the sooner this movement dies out the better it will be for America! Ms. Bachman demonstrated that she and the Tea Party movement are about distortion and don't really care about ordinary working Americans and other important groups in America. Ordinary Americans that have or are inclined to support this movement need to do some soul searching and hopefully they will recognize that the good principles this movement is supposed to be about like balanced budgets, small government and restraint in government regulation are values that ordinary Americans have always held dear and worked for through mainstream political movements in America like Republican, Democrat or Independant political movements which is the course they should use. The country really needs ordinary Americans to recognize this movement is an obstruction to America's politicians coming to agreements on important matters which are needed if the country is going to get out of the deep hole it is in!

One of the first things Ms. Bachmann did in her speech was to hammer President Obama over the $862 billion Stimulus bill and deficit spending in 2009 which is absurd because if Mitt Romney, John McCain or any other right wing presidential candidate was elected in 2008 America would still have seen a budget deficit approaching three-quaters of a trillion dollars in 2009 and not even a right wing president would have been able to avoid passing a three to four hundred billion dollar stimulus bill, it is economics 101 that a government needs to stimulate the economy when its country is in a severe recession. Ms. Bachmann criticizes the Obama administration for not making a leaner government well in certain areas of government the vast majority of Americans would strongly disagree with her, in part, for Wall Street regulation the banks and mortgage companies were woefully underregulated which is a large part of the cause of the great recession and food producers and processors were likewise woefully underregulated resulting in large numbers of ordinary Americans getting sick from food borne illnesses. Ms. Bachman condemns the Obama administration for the Health Care bill because it will cause a significant number of U.S. employers to drop the health insurance plans they offer their employees well honey where you been for the last three years escalating health insurance costs have been driving employers to drop employee health insurance, this is one of the reasons the country has needed good legislation in this area (hopefully, one day America will see such).

Congresswoman Bachmann in her speech proclaims that one way President Obama can improve the economy is stop the EPA from imposing a "cap and trade" system. This claim is a false and untrue claim the EPA isn't planning to implement any such "cap and trade" system what the EPA is planning to do is to require businesses that are large CO2 emmitters to cut their emmissions consistent with the technology that is available for such businesses to do so and they intend to be economically sensitive in doing so. The EPA has done like initiatives for other dangerous air pollutants over the past decades, this may impinge a little on wealthy investors investment income but America doesn't exist to serve wealthy investors and Ms. Bachman you free-market cool-aid drinker countries around the world which you want to allow to do anything they want to export goods to U.S. markets aren't going to allow the U.S. to pollute CO2 like it doesn't matter, the EPA efforts here will save our country from economic shock when countries around the world become fed up with our environmental irresponsibilty and start imposing trade penalties against us on this CO2 pollution issue.

The Congresswoman in her speech said " We need to start making things again in this country, and we can do that by reducing the tax and regulatory burden on job-creators. America will have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Think about that. Look no further to see why jobs are moving overseas." Congresswomen Bachman raised a critically important problem which is America needs to get back into the manufacturing business big-time bringing back its middle class jobs! Ms. Bachman is all wrong blaming it on tax rates and regulations. First there isn't much bad regulation to remove and the tax rate is a red herring issue. Tax rates could be dramatically lower and U.S. executives would still manufacture off-shore because they can make greater profits doing so because foreign labor rates are so much lower than U.S. labor rates. The U.S. minimum wage is $7.25 which is probably over five times the prevailing labor rate in many countries in the world U.S. executive could use to produce goods. The American people aren't going to change the U.S. labor rates because that would mean giving up on our standard of living and it ain't and it shouldn't happen. The solution here is simple and the sooner American politicians recognize it and implement it they will be doing their job and America will be a giant step closer to being all it should be as a country. The solution is that on goods that the American economy uses that have a price point that can support a middle class U.S. wage a certain percantage has to be produced in America if it is a commonly used item like home appliances forty percent has to be produced domestically if it is an uncommon item like solar panels for power utility producers fifty percent has to be produced domestically once foreign producers of these products approach import volumes to this country which looks like they will surpass their limits tariffs will be imposed on these foreign goods with the tariff money being used for rebates for U.S. consumers on U.S. manufactured goods to drive U.S. producers sales, if other methods are needed use them come hell or high water Washington needs to bring back manufacturing to the U.S.. This is fair trade agreements need to be renegotiated if this violates them. American politicians that don't get this won't last in office!
Mostly she showed that the Tea Party doesn't have very high standards
LOL, the friggen DRAMA.....a plague..
I've been called a lot of dumb things by the left, but this takes the prize.
good grief..:lol::cuckoo:
Mostly she showed that the Tea Party doesn't have very high standards

As opposed to the fine folks of the established Republican and Democrat parties who have gotten our country to such stable and secure ground that we are on now?

The Tea Party is about gutting the GOP of the established RINOS.

I wish Democrats would form a movment to gut the Dem's of the corrupt folks also.

Tea Party folks aren't always gonna come across as....."polished" as establishment politicians, because, honestly Tea Party folks aren't politicians. They're citizens who are into politics, not politicians who are in it for a career. John McCain and Romney sound a lot more polished than many low level Tea Party candidates. And thats why I trust the tea party guys more. They aren't the corrupt establishment types.

To their credit, Obama seemed that way also at first and the left did buy into it. Like Bush, Obama simply frauded out those follks who supported him. It's a shame.

But if both sides could gut the corruption out, we'd still disagree on issues, but at least both sides would have candidates who were honestly looking out for the success of the people, not just their careers, or their foreign friends.
A plague eh?

Sounds like a disease we need to catch. I mean spending less money is a good thing.
The best thing is that we get to run against Pelosi, Reid Obama and ObamaCare again in 2012 and Obama is still racking up $1.5Trillion deficits
Tea Party Platform: reduce taxes, spending and government
Dem Platform: PalinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBachmannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBoooshhhhh
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Do left wingers EVER grow up? their posting of stupid cartoons I guess is suppose to make them look SMART.

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oh yawn,

don't worry Palin or Bachman isn't going you all will have someone to post about every other day.:lol:
Mostly she showed that the Tea Party doesn't have very high standards

As opposed to the fine folks of the established Republican and Democrat parties who have gotten our country to such stable and secure ground that we are on now?

The Tea Party is about gutting the GOP of the established RINOS.

I wish Democrats would form a movment to gut the Dem's of the corrupt folks also.

Tea Party folks aren't always gonna come across as....."polished" as establishment politicians, because, honestly Tea Party folks aren't politicians. They're citizens who are into politics, not politicians who are in it for a career. John McCain and Romney sound a lot more polished than many low level Tea Party candidates. And thats why I trust the tea party guys more. They aren't the corrupt establishment types.

To their credit, Obama seemed that way also at first and the left did buy into it. Like Bush, Obama simply frauded out those follks who supported him. It's a shame.

But if both sides could gut the corruption out, we'd still disagree on issues, but at least both sides would have candidates who were honestly looking out for the success of the people, not just their careers, or their foreign friends.

Indeed. He got tons on money and votes from the internet yet they were the first to get dumped on.

Campaigning need to be limited to perhaps a few months before an election. That way our representatives could focus on the business of governing instead of political grandstanding. Of course that idea will go nowhere as the MSM makes too much money off the endless campaign cycle we seem to be locked in.

Term limits is another idea that should be applied to Congress instead of just to the President.

We'd need a Consitutional Amendment get the entrenched established politicians out of power.
Dear idiot demonRats, if the Tea Party is a "plague" then I suggest you verse yourselves thoroughly on JOB.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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