Bachmann's Entire New Hampshire Staff Quits


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Michele Bachmann's five-person New Hampshire just quit en masse because a in the words of Manchester TV station WMUR they felt "constantly betrayed and even lied to." It's not clear from James Pindell's report, which is behind a paywall, what exactly they're so upset about. He writes that they are still big fans of Bachmann: "They stress that this has nothing to do with their devotion to the candidate. In fact, the staff was going to leave the campaign much earlier, but did not because they felt it wasn’t the best for the candidate." But it sounds like Bachmann's absence from the state while she focused on Iowa played a part. Pindell writes: "Bachmann came to the state last week for the Dartmouth debate. It was her first trip to New Hampshire since late June, and it was the final straw for the local staff. They felt constantly betrayed and even lied to, one of the staffers said." Bachmann, for the record, blames her absence in the state because of the debt-ceiling debate. "You didn't see me a lot here in New Hampshire and I'll tell you why: It's because my first duty was to go back to Washington, D.C.," she told New Hampshirites last week, according to the AP.

Bachmann's Entire New Hampshire Staff Just Quit - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
Aww :lol:

First it was the Palin train....
Then the Bachmann train....
Then the Perry train....
Then the Cain train...

And one-by-one, each train flew off the tracks.

Who will offer the next Tea Party lifeline?
First it was the Palin train....
Then the Bachmann train....
Then the Perry train....
Then the Cain train...

And one-by-one, each train flew off the tracks.

Who will offer the next Tea Party lifeline?
In education they call this ADD and the lack of ability to stay focused.

Too many threats make the left schizophrenic...ier.
Her high water mark was buying the Ames Straw Poll. She won't win Iowa despite her showing in Ames and in spite of how much time she spends there.

It's bad when she can't even excite the uber conservatives on USMB. I can't think of a single one that supports her.

Not that running was a bad move. She just upped her political capital, but she was never a serious contender.
Her high water mark was buying the Ames Straw Poll. She won't win Iowa despite her showing in Ames and in spite of how much time she spends there.

It's bad when she can't even excite the uber conservatives on USMB. I can't think of a single one that supports her.

Not that running was a bad move. She just upped her political capital, but she was never a serious contender.

all true. but she turned out to be much more disciplined and less fruit-cakey than i thought she'd be.
Her high water mark was buying the Ames Straw Poll. She won't win Iowa despite her showing in Ames and in spite of how much time she spends there.

It's bad when she can't even excite the uber conservatives on USMB. I can't think of a single one that supports her.

Not that running was a bad move. She just upped her political capital, but she was never a serious contender.

all true. but she turned out to be much more disciplined and less fruit-cakey than i thought she'd be.

Ed Rollins has her on a tight leash. She's said some pretty stupid things when not carefully coached (i.e "The HPV vaccine causes mental retardation").
Her high water mark was buying the Ames Straw Poll. She won't win Iowa despite her showing in Ames and in spite of how much time she spends there.

It's bad when she can't even excite the uber conservatives on USMB. I can't think of a single one that supports her.

Not that running was a bad move. She just upped her political capital, but she was never a serious contender.

all true. but she turned out to be much more disciplined and less fruit-cakey than i thought she'd be.

Ed Rollins has her on a tight leash. She's said some pretty stupid things when not carefully coached (i.e "The HPV vaccine causes mental retardation").

i said 'less fruit-cakey', not without fruitcakeness. :D

to be fair, i forgot about the HPV nuttiness. interestingly, as soon as rollins quit, her campaign fell apart.
all true. but she turned out to be much more disciplined and less fruit-cakey than i thought she'd be.

Ed Rollins has her on a tight leash. She's said some pretty stupid things when not carefully coached (i.e "The HPV vaccine causes mental retardation").

i said 'less fruit-cakey', not without fruitcakeness. :D

to be fair, i forgot about the HPV nuttiness. interestingly, as soon as rollins quit, her campaign fell apart.

Oh, I don't think it's interesting at all. I think it proves the point effectively.

On a side note, I had a nurse tell me the other day that HPV causes "mental retardation".

I wonder in what order MSNBC evening hosts would of covered the story if this had happened the same day Quadaffi got killed? Would Chrissy start his show making fun of Michelle, or start off with the Kadadaffiifi Killing? {god! that is such a hard name to spell!!!}
Bachmann should just drop out of the race and rerun for her Congressional seat if she still wants that. She has no shot at the nomination at this point. That should be more than obvious to her campaign.

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