Bachmann criticizes Gingrich - will she help Mitt get nominated?


Feb 14, 2011
Bachmann is having a go at Gingrich over Fannie Mae. Says he was taking their money as a de facto lobbyist while she was trying to stop their bad practices.

Will she get traction on this?

Will she peel off some Gingrich supporters or pick up enough Cain supporters to stage a comeback?

Will she and Newt (and/or Paul) split the anti-Mitt vote and help propel Mitt to the nomination?
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Bachmann is having a go at Gingrich over Fannie Mae. Says he was taking their money as a de facto lobbyist while she was trying to stop their bad practices.

Will she get traction on this?

Will she peel of some Gingrich supporters or pick up enough Cain supporters to stage a comeback?

Will she and Newt (and/or Paul) split the anti-Mitt vote and help propel Mitt to the nomination?

Bachmann can't even count on the Tea Party vote anymore thanks to some of her positions. Why is she still in this race?
That's the problem. Michelle Bachman has been written off already. Her attacking Gingrich looks like a struggle (a losing struggle at that) for relevancy.

Gingrich was never a lobbiest. I hate to see republicans lying about other republicans like this. Leave the lying to the democrats.

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