Ayn Rand calls for seperation of corporations and state

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I cam across this and thought I would post it to see if I could make any lefty heads explode.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1RxKW-P5V8]Ayn Rand - Liberty vs Socialism - YouTube[/ame]
Critics of Social Security and Medicare frequently invoke the words and ideals of author and philosopher Ayn Rand, one of the fiercest critics of federal insurance programs. But a little-known fact is that Ayn Rand herself collected Social Security. She may also have received Medicare benefits.

Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare

Yea, my head exploded at how stupid the right wing is. Seriously, you guys are idiots. Not just "idiot" idiots, but "serious" idiots.
Ayn Rand is dead. She doesn't call for anything, except maybe brains.

Use Past tense, my friend.
Pretty damned hard to spearate the government from coporate influence given the fact that the government spends so damned much money, isn't it?

The FIRST thing we'd have to do is dissolve the Department of Defence.
Ayn Rand is just as out of date as Freud, they provided good ideas at the time but now its no longer relevant. Ayn Rand feared an all dominating state that dictated the functions of the market, the opposite has occurred, we have a all dominating market which dictates the functions of the state, that's at risk of simplifying her ideology but meh. ;)
Critics of Social Security and Medicare frequently invoke the words and ideals of author and philosopher Ayn Rand, one of the fiercest critics of federal insurance programs. But a little-known fact is that Ayn Rand herself collected Social Security. She may also have received Medicare benefits.

Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare

Yea, my head exploded at how stupid the right wing is. Seriously, you guys are idiots. Not just "idiot" idiots, but "serious" idiots.

She paid FICA taxes all her life, why shouldn't she receive Social Security? The idea that critics of the program are supposed to pay for it but not receive the benefits is so idiotic only a libturd could conceive it.

According to that logic, I guess when the next war starts all the opponents of military spending should be forced to march into battle as human shields in front of our army.
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Critics of Social Security and Medicare frequently invoke the words and ideals of author and philosopher Ayn Rand, one of the fiercest critics of federal insurance programs. But a little-known fact is that Ayn Rand herself collected Social Security. She may also have received Medicare benefits.

Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare

Yea, my head exploded at how stupid the right wing is. Seriously, you guys are idiots. Not just "idiot" idiots, but "serious" idiots.

This is a weak attempt to try and paint a picture of hypocrisy. She was forced to pay into the programs all her life, so of course she's going to take her benefits that she earned.
Hey... I've paid into it for 32 years, and I see a hell of a lot of people on here trying to take those benefits away from me when I retire.
Hey... I've paid into it for 32 years, and I see a hell of a lot of people on here trying to take those benefits away from me when I retire.

I challenge you to find me one opponent of entitlements that believes benefits already paid into should be cancelled.
Critics of Social Security and Medicare frequently invoke the words and ideals of author and philosopher Ayn Rand, one of the fiercest critics of federal insurance programs. But a little-known fact is that Ayn Rand herself collected Social Security. She may also have received Medicare benefits.

Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare

Yea, my head exploded at how stupid the right wing is. Seriously, you guys are idiots. Not just "idiot" idiots, but "serious" idiots.

Your head exploded a long time ago, that is the only explanation of your ability to ignore reality that makes any sense whatever.
Critics of Social Security and Medicare frequently invoke the words and ideals of author and philosopher Ayn Rand, one of the fiercest critics of federal insurance programs. But a little-known fact is that Ayn Rand herself collected Social Security. She may also have received Medicare benefits.

Ayn Rand Received Social Security, Medicare

Yea, my head exploded at how stupid the right wing is. Seriously, you guys are idiots. Not just "idiot" idiots, but "serious" idiots.

This is a weak attempt to try and paint a picture of hypocrisy. She was forced to pay into the programs all her life, so of course she's going to take her benefits that she earned.

Suckle on that teat, you little runts.
Pretty damned hard to spearate the government from coporate influence given the fact that the government spends so damned much money, isn't it?

The FIRST thing we'd have to do is dissolve the Department of Defence.

That might not be good in its entirety, but a very healthy draw back seems like if might be due. Just how many Super Carriers do we need? Is 150 US military bases abroad enough? Is 200 too many? So many questions...

I tend to agree with Shakespeare, though, in that before we draw back defense, the first thing we should do is kill all the lawyers.

I'm not convinced that killing the lawyers would help with separating government from corporate influence, but just on general principle, killing all the lawyers seems like a good idea.
Hey... I've paid into it for 32 years, and I see a hell of a lot of people on here trying to take those benefits away from me when I retire.

You really have difficulty following a logical train of thought, don't you?
Hey... I've paid into it for 32 years, and I see a hell of a lot of people on here trying to take those benefits away from me when I retire.

I challenge you to find me one opponent of entitlements that believes benefits already paid into should be cancelled.

You don't "pay benefits." You pay taxes. According to the Supreme Court, that legally entitles you to diddly squat.
Ayn Rand is just as out of date as Freud, they provided good ideas at the time but now its no longer relevant. Ayn Rand feared an all dominating state that dictated the functions of the market, the opposite has occurred, we have a all dominating market which dictates the functions of the state, that's at risk of simplifying her ideology but meh. ;)

She was concerned about the government taking property on a caprice and it in truth does. Eminant Domain used to just take property to enhance a community, but it now does so to enrich private individuals.

Every government program that takes from one and gives to another is an intrusion into the freedoms we should be guaranteed.

The ability of the people to vote away their freedoms is not granted by the Constitution. The ability of the government to take away the individuals' freedoms is not granted by the Constitution. Yet both of these things happen.

Her warnings and beliefs are not workable in a society, but the dangers against which she warned are all coming to pass. If you don't see it, that is not her limitation, but yours.

Limiting the reward for the 1%'s is not a good way to create more 1%'s. Fewer top pay earners will draw down the amount of tax available to redistribute to those who are the supporters of taking the cash without creating it.

Liberalism taken to its extreme demands that there are no longer any 1%'s at all.

Tests conducted in schools in which all students get the same grade regardless of achievement all lead to the inevitable conclusion which is that nobody performs at a high level.

No reward, no achievement.

When there is no Golden Goose, where do the golden eggs come from?
Hey... I've paid into it for 32 years, and I see a hell of a lot of people on here trying to take those benefits away from me when I retire.

I challenge you to find me one opponent of entitlements that believes benefits already paid into should be cancelled.

You don't "pay benefits." You pay taxes. According to the Supreme Court, that legally entitles you to diddly squat.

However you want to look at it. I'm not concerned with what the Supreme Court's position on it is. All I know is that when I reach retirement age, you're damn fucking right I'm going to recoup benefits that I've paid taxes on my entire working life.

But I'd just as soon opt out of the fucking programs RIGHT NOW and cut my losses.

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