Axelrod Endorses Romney!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
See it for yourselves.....

[ame=]Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube[/ame]

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.
Romney and his ilk never produced a middle class.

There was no middle class in this country until FDR. And conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail to kill it ever since.
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Can Obama be unraveling that badly so early on?

I smell RAT...
Romney and his ilk never produced a middle class.

There was no middle class in this country until FDR. And conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail to kill it ever since.

You need to go back to high school history. Actually that would be a step up for you.

Try coloring books for starts.
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Can Obama be unraveling that badly so early on?

I smell RAT...

Correct; Axelrod defended Obama TODAY:

Axelrod TKO-ed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday - Right Turn - The Washington Post
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Can Obama be unraveling that badly so early on?

I smell RAT...

Correct; Axelrod defended Obama TODAY:

Axelrod TKO-ed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Just a Freudian slip, we understand. :lol:
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Can Obama be unraveling that badly so early on?

I smell RAT...

Correct; Axelrod defended Obama TODAY:

Axelrod TKO-ed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday - Right Turn - The Washington Post

WRONG again, EOPs:

Axelrod economy comment draws Romney flak - Political Watch - MarketWatch
Romney and his ilk never produced a middle class.

There was no middle class in this country until FDR. And conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail to kill it ever since.

You need to go back to high school history. Actually that would be a step up for you.

Try coloring books for starts.

Trying to create another Shaman?

Perish the thought !
Romney and his ilk never produced a middle class.

There was no middle class in this country until FDR. And conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail to kill it ever since.

You need to go back to high school history. Actually that would be a step up for you.

Try coloring books for starts.

Counting to ten would be a victory for you red wig,
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Whoops! There goes Axelrod's invitation to the Whitehouse. Not a good week for the president. :clap2:
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Whoops! There goes Axelrod's invitation to the Whitehouse. Not a good week for the president. :clap2:

Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.
See it for yourselves.....

Obama adviser David Axelrod makes case for Mitt Romney for President - YouTube

He said: “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

That is exactly what Mitt Romney’s campaign has been telling people. Good to see David Axelrod agrees.

Whoops! There goes Axelrod's invitation to the Whitehouse. Not a good week for the president. :clap2:

Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.

The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....
Whoops! There goes Axelrod's invitation to the Whitehouse. Not a good week for the president. :clap2:

Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.

The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....

The Obama campaign is trying to pretend the last 3 years simply didnt happen. It's like a criminal who can't believe he murdered all those people. He would never do that. Someone else must have done it.
So too the Obama Administration cannot take ownership of the worst recovery on record and the highest level of spending ever. So they have to pretend they are fighting the establishment, even though they are the establishment.
Romney and his ilk never produced a middle class.

There was no middle class in this country until FDR. And conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail to kill it ever since.

I think you mean there was no institutionalized poverty until FDR. There was no governmental ponzi schemes until FDR.
Whoops! There goes Axelrod's invitation to the Whitehouse. Not a good week for the president. :clap2:

Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.

The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....
No, as Axelrod said and you edited out, "We can't sit back and go back to the same failed policies that were so disastrous in the last decade." We've only pulled ourselves out of Bush's ditch, we are still stuck on Bush's road of tax cuts for the wealthy, borrowing to pay for Bush's wars, borrowing to pay for Bush's medicaid part D, borrowing to pay the interest on the GOP national debt. Romney and the GOP want to put us back in the ditch.
Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.

The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....
No, as Axelrod said and you edited out, "We can't sit back and go back to the same failed policies that were so disastrous in the last decade." We've only pulled ourselves out of Bush's ditch, we are still stuck on Bush's road of tax cuts for the wealthy, borrowing to pay for Bush's wars, borrowing to pay for Bush's medicaid part D, borrowing to pay the interest on the GOP national debt. Romney and the GOP want to put us back in the ditch.

Wow three years in office and they still blame Bush.
At first this was a joke. How can an administration be in office for 3 years, with a solidly Dem Congress for most of that, and still blame Bush for their own failures? But they seriously expect us to buy this crap. Obama must think we're stoopid. And based on the response of some of his fan-bois here he's right.
Axelrod did not do so; Zander is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the truth.

The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....
No, as Axelrod said and you edited out, "We can't sit back and go back to the same failed policies that were so disastrous in the last decade." We've only pulled ourselves out of Bush's ditch, we are still stuck on Bush's road of tax cuts for the wealthy, borrowing to pay for Bush's wars, borrowing to pay for Bush's medicaid part D, borrowing to pay the interest on the GOP national debt. Romney and the GOP want to put us back in the ditch.

Yea; we need to pay high taxes and watch our money melt away in Solyndra and Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and GSA and Obamacare. We need record deficits and to print money and water down our cash assets. I just wanted to recap for ya. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

It honestly scares me that people like you have not only bought such nonsense but that you are actually selling it. Are you worried that that worried that the govt is going to take away your welfare checks and your food stamps that you come online and fight for your entitlements? Is that your deal?
The OP was tongue in cheek, but if you look at what Axelroid said it does appear that he is slamming Obama. He sounds like the Romney campaign manager!

“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”

The "road we're on" is the one that Obama put us on 3 1/2 years ago.....
No, as Axelrod said and you edited out, "We can't sit back and go back to the same failed policies that were so disastrous in the last decade." We've only pulled ourselves out of Bush's ditch, we are still stuck on Bush's road of tax cuts for the wealthy, borrowing to pay for Bush's wars, borrowing to pay for Bush's medicaid part D, borrowing to pay the interest on the GOP national debt. Romney and the GOP want to put us back in the ditch.

Wow three years in office and they still blame Bush.
At first this was a joke. How can an administration be in office for 3 years, with a solidly Dem Congress for most of that, and still blame Bush for their own failures? But they seriously expect us to buy this crap. Obama must think we're stoopid. And based on the response of some of his fan-bois here he's right.
The people who STILL blame FDR and Carter say the time limit for blaming Bush has run out!!!! :cuckoo:
That's rich!

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