AVG-JOE's Thread on Politics - Check your insult arsenal at the door before entering.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Fair warning up front: Posts in this thread with insults will be deleted. All political topics and discussion welcome, think of this thread as a political coffee shop for grown-ups.

Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Or post a new political topic.​
Just remember not to call another member an idiot or a liar simply because they disagree with you.
I would love to see a greater push for responsibility and accountability in this country but the plutocracy just now got it how they want it and things are going to go in the other direction for a long time before the pendulum swings back.
Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Or post a new political topic.​
Just remember not to call another member an idiot or a liar simply because they disagree with you.

Uh oh, could be a short thread!

Step 1- I agree, tax reform is overdue. We can't decide what we can spend until we know what we're getting.

Step 1.1- Disagree. I'd like to see public financing of elections. The signing of ads presumes people are going to pay attention. I'd prefer a system in which politicians would have fewer expensive promises to keep in order to get campaign contributions.
Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Or post a new political topic.​
Just remember not to call another member an idiot or a liar simply because they disagree with you.

Uh oh, could be a short thread!

Step 1- I agree, tax reform is overdue. We can't decide what we can spend until we know what we're getting.

Step 1.1- Disagree. I'd like to see public financing of elections. The signing of ads presumes people are going to pay attention. I'd prefer a system in which politicians would have fewer expensive promises to keep in order to get campaign contributions.

How is it possible for a free people to be restricted in how much they can spend on politics? The only answer is for those spending the money to be accountable by name, and not allowed to hide behind corporate paper. Restricting the resources one can spend on speech is tantamount to restricting speech outright.
Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Or post a new political topic.​
Just remember not to call another member an idiot or a liar simply because they disagree with you.

Uh oh, could be a short thread!

Step 1- I agree, tax reform is overdue. We can't decide what we can spend until we know what we're getting.

Step 1.1- Disagree. I'd like to see public financing of elections. The signing of ads presumes people are going to pay attention. I'd prefer a system in which politicians would have fewer expensive promises to keep in order to get campaign contributions.

How is it possible for a free people to be restricted in how much they can spend on politics? The only answer is for those spending the money to be accountable by name, and not allowed to hide behind corporate paper. Restricting the resources one can spend on speech is tantamount to restricting speech outright.

That's the argument that the billionaires make to justify the fact that they can outspend and shout down anyone who is not a billionaire. It's time to turn down their megaphone and listen to those who cannot get a word in edgewise, the American working man (or woman).
i think campaign financial reform is long overdue...esp now with super pacs and that money being tossed around

taxes: i pay them grudgingly
No tax reform will ever again pass Washington that does not shift the tax burden sharply downward while the middle and working class increasingly look for representation that just isn't there anymore.
If I am running a business or my household, or anything else that deals with cash flow, I must properly manage that cash flow - regardless of what I would like that cash flow to be some day - else my operation goes broke.

It is simply common sense.
i think our current situation is the direct result of stupid voters...americans do not care to be good citizens....look how easily votes are purchased....we all remember the tax rebates under bush...it was a total waste...300 bucks a person....just a give away....and then obama....i love a president who tells the people they must suffer and give ...while he lives the lifestyle of the ****** rich....(o bitch and neg, its the truth and we all know it)

citizens that have allowed ourselves to be divided by what? perceived images? there are simply too many issues of distraction and the american voter is too stupid to see thru them.
The Constitution says: Congress shall make no laws abridging the freedom of speech.

The Constitution does not say “Congress shall permit the government to abridge the speech of people and associations that the majority does not like.”

Do you REALLY believe that Congress should be able to squash the revenue-supported voice of the New York Times Corporation or MSNBC?

It is simply common sense.

“I am comfortable with dirty politics. I fear living with less free speech.”
- Richard Cohen
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If I am running a business or my household, or anything else that deals with cash flow, I must properly manage that cash flow - regardless of what I would like that cash flow to be some day - else my operation goes broke.

It is simply common sense.

Cash flow has two components, income and outgo. Cutting income while boosting outgo can only work in the short term, and for specific goals. If we wish to balance the Federal budget we must both increase income and decrease spending. That will require a national debate on where and what we should be spending on. And one concerning taxes. Taxes are the only source of income for the government. To increase income you have to increase taxes.

The first step in increasing taxes would be to simply let all the Bush tax cuts expire. The second would be eliminating some deductions above a certain level. Another tax increase, that would actually result in an income increase for some of us, would be a National Universal Health Care System funded out of a percentage increase on all taxes. That would eliminate MediCare and MediAid, and would fund health care for all Americans. From what we have seen in other nations, that would result in a lower cost per capita, also.

One of the biggest savings could be from cuts in military. There is simply no reason why only spending as much as the next seven nations combined should not be adaquete for our defense. That would be a substancial savings right there.
If we really want to reform the system we will go back to the COnstitution as it was in 1800. Yeah, all of it.

As for reality: yes taxes need to be fair and simple. Multiple tax brackets is not fair and simple. Mortgage deductions are not fair and simple. Charitable deductions are not fair and simple. Get rid of all of it. One tax rate for everyone regardless of how much you made or how you made it.
Spending needs to be capped at some percentage of GDP. About a gazillion gov't programs, many overlapping, most ineffective, need to be deep sixed.
Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

1) Can't do so without addressing spending, as the inherent complexity and unfairness of the current system has greatly helped to enable the current outrageous spending levels.

1a) The most fair way is through user fees and excise taxes, like the fuel tax to pay for roads & bridges.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Step 1 in any lasting stability in our economy is fair and simple taxes. Addressing government spending before we settle on a fair way to collect government revenues is a waste of time and resources.

Step 1.1 is transparency in politics - it's time that responsibility for ALL political advertising be assumed by a living human or board of living humans as it is aired. There's nothing wrong with unlimited spending in politics, as long as all ads are signed by their promoters.

Or post a new political topic.​
Just remember not to call another member an idiot or a liar simply because they disagree with you.

Wow..good luck on this sure to be short thread

Step 1.1 Public financing is the answer. No one would have to worry about political favors being paid back to large donors and would eliminate the "money is speech" idea of today. Everyone has the same amount of funds and go from there. IMO
I see. Then, since in 1800, we had no FAA, we don't need anybody making sure the planes are flying safely? And there was not Interstate highway system then, either. So let's just let that decay? It ain't 1800 anymore. Things have changed a bit in the last two hundred years.
If I am running a business or my household, or anything else that deals with cash flow, I must properly manage that cash flow - regardless of what I would like that cash flow to be some day - else my operation goes broke.

It is simply common sense.

Cash flow has two components, income and outgo.

Correct. And since you don't have the money, you can't just borrow it to buy that new car because you can't pay the bill.

Like I said, common sense.
'Honey, I know we can't afford that new boat, but let's buy it now and get our rich uncle to pay for it later. I mean, he has already refused to give me money in the past, but this time I am sure he will agree to pay for it. This time is different. Trust me!'

Common sense.
I see. Then, since in 1800, we had no FAA, we don't need anybody making sure the planes are flying safely? And there was not Interstate highway system then, either. So let's just let that decay? It ain't 1800 anymore. Things have changed a bit in the last two hundred years.
Platitudinous non sequitur.

What does the date in time have to do with anything?
If we really want to reform the system we will go back to the COnstitution as it was in 1800. Yeah, all of it.

As for reality: yes taxes need to be fair and simple. Multiple tax brackets is not fair and simple. Mortgage deductions are not fair and simple. Charitable deductions are not fair and simple. Get rid of all of it. One tax rate for everyone regardless of how much you made or how you made it.
Spending needs to be capped at some percentage of GDP. About a gazillion gov't programs, many overlapping, most ineffective, need to be deep sixed.

so you can have slaves again?
I see. Then, since in 1800, we had no FAA, we don't need anybody making sure the planes are flying safely? And there was not Interstate highway system then, either. So let's just let that decay? It ain't 1800 anymore. Things have changed a bit in the last two hundred years.
Platitudinous non sequitur.

What does the date in time have to do with anything?


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