Average voter is unable to accurately assess politicians, new research shows


More than enough low-information voters on both sides.

The problem is MISinformed voters- Pub dupes. Th e "Dems are lazy bums" (code) dingbats.Only the GOP has a lying bs propaganda machine- see sig pp3 for what the dupes "know" and pp1 for what they aren't told.

one Dem lie?
True to the average voter a politician is so slimey they cannot understand how the buying and selling of them goes on.
Average voter is unable to accurately assess politicians, new research shows
December 24, 2012

Average voter is unable to accurately assess politicians, new research shows

Most people are too stupid to vote. Fact!

And, the answer is....what?

I hate to tell y'all this, but voters today are the most informed in our history. The availability of facts and news is far greater than ever. With the internet, there's no excuse not to be informed.

Consider back in the 19th century. Just what do you think a voter out on the frontier knew about the candidates? Next to nothing in most cases. Today, though, we know them TOO intimately!

Yes, they are very informed about what "freebies" they'll get with a progressive vote.

The only thing more ridiculous than that notion is that anyone believes it.

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