AVATARS: Static, Dynamic, or Absent


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Everyone on USMB has an avatar status.

Some of us have no avatar.

Others use only one avatar exclusively and never change it.

Others change their avatars, but rather infrequently (like once a month or more).

And finally, some folks change their avatars on a nearly daily basis.

I am interested in hearing peoples perspectives on this.

Do you prefer other posters that have no avatar, an avatar that never changes, an avatar that changes rarely, or an avatar that changes frequently?

What is your preference for yourself?
It is possible to turn off the avatars in the CP so people don't have to see them. Aside from that, meh, I like changing mine once in a while, just to mix it up a bit, but for some reason the "typing kitten" avatars are the most popular so I wind up sticking with them more.

Avatars are almost a statement of who you are, they are fun or serious, but always a "window to the soul" of sorts. The absence of avatars on some I see as more down to earth people, or those who just haven't figured out their persona yet.
I don't usually care if people use an avatar or not.. Avatars actually make it easier to follow their posts in a thread, tho.. You can look at it and think "they, that person also said..."

There's no rhyme or reason behind mine.. Tho, I might use the current one to create a poll on my next hair color... :eusa_whistle:
I dig avatars and prefer the occassional changing of the guard as opposed to those with avatar ADD
I would have to say that I generally prefer people that have static avatars, like Xenophon for instance, because you know that anytime you see the helmet, it is a Xenophon post, and anytime you see a post without the helmet, it is not xenophon.

I agree with A15 that frequent changes of avatars can be distracting...you get used to the way someone looks, and then they throw you.

But, from the perspective of having my own avatar and creating them, I enjoy making new ones and changing them. For a while, I had avatar ADD, but more recently, I have settled down and kept that same one for a while.

Like KK said, I think that avatars give you a little glimpse into who the poster is...and those who do not have an avatar seem to be just people who are focused on the task at hand.
I agree that avatars are a glimpse into peoples persona in most cases.

I certainly pick mine based on my personality and interests.

I dont change mine often, cause I hardly ever take the time to find something that fits me.
I have used this avatar on multiple boards, never changing except during the Christmas season when I change to a parrot with a string of lights.

As far as others go, to each his or her own, though frequent changing can be confusing. I enjoy seeing what others choose to represent them.
Wasn't able to transfer the one I was using elsewhere. Took me a little while to find the one I wanted here.
Well, I don't really care what people do with their avatars. Sometimes people have cool avatars. I used to change mine every now and again, but I've settled for this one for quite a bit now.
I turned them off.

They prejudice my reading of the words of the posters, otherwise.

Images have enormous power that way.
Hey, if you enjoy making new ones the make me an animated gif of my lil dragon where the smoke rises from his nostrils.. OR, an animated gif of the Shogun of Harlem with moving red Glow... and maybe a speech bubble that says "sho'nuff!"

It's entirely possible that I have avatar ADD. I quite enjoy changing it out every few weeks because I see something else that makes me lol and just want to pass it on to maybe give someone else an lol. My current one I've had the longest and quite, quite enjoy it. Still. . . . . I'm feeling the urge. Soon.

It's fine to change 'em up a lot . . . or not. I'm just doing my part to keep folks on their toes. Besides, it's fun! :D

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