Automatic birthright citizenship


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
is much like early American slavery.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is the America’s biggest tragedy since slavery. It separated families because parents think they are anchors them to America, it’s social services and they cannot be deported. Now that deportations are up and state new immigration laws they are making plans to leave their anchor babies behind when deported with legal family members who will collect full welfare benefits at the expense of the American tax payers. Kind of like illegal aliens holding Americans hostage and Black mail. Lets not forget that those anchor babies of citizens of Mexicans are citizens of Mexico also and should be sharing in their support anyway. Mexico is benefiting from the 8 million illegal aliens working here and sending money back to Mexico. We take care of American citizens no matter where they are. Illegal aliens made the choice when the entered this country illegally that they would be subject to deportation which is legal. This is putting an extra burden on their children know that their parent are criminals. Illegal immigration is a crime and they makes those they enter illegal a Criminal. Just like a criminal make the choice to rob a bank and go to prison leaving children behind.

Repealing retro-active Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal alien is the right and only humane thing to do to bring families back together and should be a priority for Congress. This cannot be allowed to continue because it is the most harmful thing this country can do to illegal aliens and their American born children and their non-American born siblings. This separate children from parents and their Mexican born children brought here. A real human tragedy. That is what slavery did. Separated parents from children when they were sold.

Illegal aliens are useing anchor babies to blackmail America and Americans.
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is much like early American slavery.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is the America’s biggest tragedy since slavery. It separated families because parents think they are anchors them to America, it’s social services and they cannot be deported. Now that deportations are up and state new immigration laws they are making plans to leave their anchor babies behind when deported with legal family members who will collect full welfare benefits at the expense of the American tax payers. Kind of like illegal aliens holding Americans hostage and Black mail. Lets not forget that those anchor babies of citizens of Mexicans are citizens of Mexico also and should be sharing in their support anyway. Mexico is benefiting from the 8 million illegal aliens working here and sending money back to Mexico. We take care of American citizens no matter where they are. Illegal aliens made the choice when the entered this country illegally that they would be subject to deportation which is legal. This is putting an extra burden on their children know that their parent are criminals. Illegal immigration is a crime and they makes those they enter illegal a Criminal. Just like a criminal make the choice to rob a bank and go to prison leaving children behind.

Repealing retro-active Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal alien is the right and only humane thing to do to bring families back together and should be a priority for Congress. This cannot be allowed to continue because it is the most harmful thing this country can do to illegal aliens and their American born children and their non-American born siblings. This separate children from parents and their Mexican born children brought here. A real human tragedy. That is what slavery did. Separated parents from children when they were sold.

Illegal aliens are useing anchor babies to blackmail America and Americans.
BS born here you are a citizen here. If its costing money control the border not fuck others over for your greed.
is much like early American slavery.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is the America’s biggest tragedy since slavery. B]

Don't OD on the hyperbole.
is much like early American slavery.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is the America’s biggest tragedy since slavery. It separated families because parents think they are anchors them to America, it’s social services and they cannot be deported. Now that deportations are up and state new immigration laws they are making plans to leave their anchor babies behind when deported with legal family members who will collect full welfare benefits at the expense of the American tax payers. Kind of like illegal aliens holding Americans hostage and Black mail. Lets not forget that those anchor babies of citizens of Mexicans are citizens of Mexico also and should be sharing in their support anyway. Mexico is benefiting from the 8 million illegal aliens working here and sending money back to Mexico. We take care of American citizens no matter where they are. Illegal aliens made the choice when the entered this country illegally that they would be subject to deportation which is legal. This is putting an extra burden on their children know that their parent are criminals. Illegal immigration is a crime and they makes those they enter illegal a Criminal. Just like a criminal make the choice to rob a bank and go to prison leaving children behind.

Repealing retro-active Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal alien is the right and only humane thing to do to bring families back together and should be a priority for Congress. This cannot be allowed to continue because it is the most harmful thing this country can do to illegal aliens and their American born children and their non-American born siblings. This separate children from parents and their Mexican born children brought here. A real human tragedy. That is what slavery did. Separated parents from children when they were sold.

Illegal aliens are useing anchor babies to blackmail America and Americans.
BS born here you are a citizen here. If its costing money control the border not fuck others over for your greed.

citiznship by default. The Supreme court has never ruled on this. Controlling the border is a waste of time and good money. We have to control illegal immigration from within and not on the border. Businesses addicted to cheap labor and corrupt politicians for cheap votes.
Forced deportation and charge them with child abandonement if they leave their babies here for tax payers to take care of. That is black mail. Greed has nothing to do with looking out for our own. Illegal alien cheap labor and drain on the system is destroying the American dream. Greed my ass.:cuckoo:

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