Automatic birthright citizenship revised.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Immigration Reform to work has to include revising Automatic Birthright Citizenship.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship need to be revised to correctly interpret automatic birthright citizenship to apply only to children who have one parent has to be a U.S. citizen and not given automatically to children born to both parents are illegal. It is a tragedy because it creates problems when parents are deported or want to return to their home countries. It create problems here and makes it almost impossible to enforce our immigration laws when the child is a U.S. citizens and parents and other siblings or Citizens of Mexico.

As it is interpreted now, it separates and destructive to the family unit when one member is a US citizen and other members are not. This mistake has been made for almost a hundred years and has caused U.S. citizens to be deported with their parents. Plus parent use their anchor babies to anchor them to this country when they have entered the country illegally. And Democrats use them to stop deportations and stop enforcing our immigration laws and to pander to Hispanic for votes and it works.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship is a crime in itself and is not a punishment to deport children with their parents to their home country where they already know the language and the culture.

In stead of Amnesty we should make it easier for Illegal Aliens to return to their home countries and not dangle entitlement services and Automatic Birthright Citizenship in front of them to entice them to enter the country illegally.

Women do come here purposely to have anchor babies because it almost always anchor them here.
I know some people (green card) that had kids here. The kids ARE NOT US citizens, they are US and (other country) citizens. Dual citizenship.
Immigration Reform to work has to include revising Automatic Birthright Citizenship.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship need to be revised to correctly interpret automatic birthright citizenship to apply only to children who have one parent has to be a U.S. citizen and not given automatically to children born to both parents are illegal. It is a tragedy because it creates problems when parents are deported or want to return to their home countries. It create problems here and makes it almost impossible to enforce our immigration laws when the child is a U.S. citizens and parents and other siblings or Citizens of Mexico.

As it is interpreted now, it separates and destructive to the family unit when one member is a US citizen and other members are not. This mistake has been made for almost a hundred years and has caused U.S. citizens to be deported with their parents. Plus parent use their anchor babies to anchor them to this country when they have entered the country illegally. And Democrats use them to stop deportations and stop enforcing our immigration laws and to pander to Hispanic for votes and it works.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship is a crime in itself and is not a punishment to deport children with their parents to their home country where they already know the language and the culture.

In stead of Amnesty we should make it easier for Illegal Aliens to return to their home countries and not dangle entitlement services and Automatic Birthright Citizenship in front of them to entice them to enter the country illegally.

Women do come here purposely to have anchor babies because it almost always anchor them here.

Is there a way you can think of to change it so our population goes up? More demand will raise the prices of our homes and land. I also love hungry willing to work immigrants more than failure to launch american 20 somethings.

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