Autoerotic Asphyxia Death Wasn’t Accidental, 7th Circuit Says


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
CHICAGO (CN) — A man’s death by autoerotic asphyxia was a self-inflicted injury, the Seventh Circuit ruled 2-1 Monday, so his insurer is not required to pay accidental death benefits to his widow.

“Some people enjoy harming themselves,” U.S. Circuit Judge Michael Brennan wrote for the majority, citing the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 manual. “That harm is still an injury, regardless of its popularity or the pleasure some people may derive from it.”

Whatever motivates the act — whether it’s recreational or suicidal — “Strangling oneself to cut off oxygen to one’s brain is an injury, full stop,” Judge Brennan said.

Linno Llenos, 56, was found hanging from his basement rafters in August 2016 with a towel and rope wrapped around his neck. Wilmette Police officers responded to a call that he had committed suicide.
Autoerotic Asphyxia Death Wasn’t Accidental, 7th Circuit Says

You're going to need to read the rest.
WTF...How the hell do people come up with this shit?

Where the hell would you be introduced
to something like that?

You know, there are really dark, disturbing places online
WTF...How the hell do people come up with this shit?

Where the hell would you be introduced
to something like that?

You know, there are really dark, disturbing places online

Isn't this how Keith Carridean (sp?) died?

Anyway, it is not new. We have had a few people die locally doing it, usually teenage boys upping their wanking game. There is apparently some set up that is supposed to release so you don't choke to death once you pass out that sometimes fails to properly release and therefore the person chokes to death.
Maybe they take this up to food chain to the Supreme Court. Should be an interesting case, see if the liberal right of autoerotic asphyxiation will win the day.

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