Auto insurance /healthcare insurance.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance?

It's better than paying the damages and then trying to sue to get them back. The other guy may not get away with anything. The insurance company will sue him to get back the damages to your car.

You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did.

Nothing wrong with socialism.

Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.

Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.

Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.

Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

I know I'm ready for a little cram-down.

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

Are you really dumb enough to go down the road of attempting to compare auto insurance to the Democrats' proposed health insurance plan?
It's the stupidest comparison out there, and brother that covers a lot of ground of stupidity.

First off, nobody is forced to buy a car....You can all ride bicycles or take mass transit, like good little leftist proles.

Secondly, auto insurance doesn't buy you new tires and oil changes.

Third of all, auto insurance mandates are only for liability claims, should you harm another or their property. There's no mandate to have collision, comprehensive, glass replacement, etcetera.

Are you really dumb enough to go down the road of attempting to compare auto insurance to the Democrats' proposed health insurance plan?

It's also also a dangerous comparison. If you really want health insurance to be like auto insurance, I think you would think differently about it. For example for you to get in accident, THEN go buy auto insurance and expect the insurance company to cover it? Should you be entitled to never have your premiums change even if you show to be a bad driver?

There are upsides to the consumer as well for treating health insurance like auto insurance. it may give people more options in how they cover themselves. With auto insurance you have a wide variety of option generally in what you want covered. Concepts like that I believe would greatly help reduce the costs of premiums.

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

I liked you ending statement: "Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them." This is the typical battle cry of the liberal Democrats. What makes you think that you know what is best for me? What gives you that right? I would love to hear what you have to say about the Owe Bama Health Care Reform in about three years after you have been paying taxes on it and still not getting any benefit from it. Even then you will have to pay another year of taxes on it before it even kicks into action. I think you're out of your mind. Anybody who thinks this shit is good for America needs some skull shrinking.

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

the dems don't need tocram anything or get any republican votes the have held a majority for years ....just write the law and get your side to all vote for it......problem is the dems don't all they balme the pubs for their failure as a group......

also auto insurance isnt a good comparison......tune up and maintenace insurance would be better a better comparison.....

auto insurance is more like life or disability insurance.....
Third of all, auto insurance mandates are only for liability claims, should you harm another or their property. There's no mandate to have collision, comprehensive, glass replacement, etcetera.


Third of all is the most telling point. The requirement for insurance is to compensate others if one is at fault in an accident - it is not to protect one from oneself. It's part of the price of sharing the roadways.

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

I liked you ending statement: "Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them." This is the typical battle cry of the liberal Democrats. What makes you think that you know what is best for me? What gives you that right? I would love to hear what you have to say about the Owe Bama Health Care Reform in about three years after you have been paying taxes on it and still not getting any benefit from it. Even then you will have to pay another year of taxes on it before it even kicks into action. I think you're out of your mind. Anybody who thinks this shit is good for America needs some skull shrinking.

it will be as well run and viable as social security or medicare....
Pardon me, but I think you all missed the biggest point here. We are not property. Unless the Democrats consider us property of the state. As citizens who hold the power, not government, we should resist being compared or treated as property. That sort of thing leads to communism and slavery.

If you don’t have healthcare insurance, you pay a fine. If you don’t have auto insurance, you pay a fine. In some states you have to carry “uninsured motorist” insurance for the other person if he or she should hit your car. Is that fair? That you have to pay for the other person’s auto insurance? You may also have to have healthcare insurance also. How is that difference from mandatory healthcare so you do not have to pay for the other person’s healthcare when they go into ER for primary healthcare instead of going to a doctor? Both are socialism. You pay more if the people do not have auto insurance or healthcare insurance then if they did. Government regulated healthcare is not “entitlement” it is the same as auto insurance, you pay for both. Neither is free. You already pay for illegal aliens and their children when they go into ER. Is that socialism? We have many programs that are “socialism” and you use them. If you think this country is headed toward socialism, you do not know what socialism is. Those socialist programs work for you and you still use them.
Over a hundred republican amendments are in the healthcare bill and they still complain.
In ten years no one but the rich will be able to afford healthcare because the cost will double.
Medicare and Medicaid is going broke because of waste and fraud.
Obama has compromised with republicans but got nothing in return. Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them.

"I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him."

I liked you ending statement: "Ram it down their throats because they do not know what is best for them." This is the typical battle cry of the liberal Democrats. What makes you think that you know what is best for me? What gives you that right? I would love to hear what you have to say about the Owe Bama Health Care Reform in about three years after you have been paying taxes on it and still not getting any benefit from it. Even then you will have to pay another year of taxes on it before it even kicks into action. I think you're out of your mind. Anybody who thinks this shit is good for America needs some skull shrinking.

it will be as well run and viable as social security or medicare....

This is the most important reasons that this Health Care Reform bill should never be passed.

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