Authenticity of the Koran?


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2017
Muslims boast that the Koran has never been altered since it was allegedly dictated by “Allah” and “recited” by the so-called “prophet” Muhammad. But, is this accurate?

As is often the case, Islam raises more questions than answers them and the authenticity of the Koran raises major questions that potentially discredit Islam.

According to Islamic sources, today’s Koran was actually produced by an Islamic leader Uthman long after Muhammad, along with a committee he had assembled, about 20 years after Muhammad, perhaps even later. Muhammad did not oversee, proofread or authorize today’s Koran.

After Uthman and his committee produced the Koran, he strangely burned other early Korans—That’s right, “Holy Korans” containing “Allah’s” divine words were burned.

Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Despite the hollow boasts of Muslims, today’s Koran cannot be traced to Muhammad nor have the alleged stones and bones of Islamic legend been found on which the original Koran verses were allegedly written.

Thus, the authenticity of the Koran is dubious to say the least.
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran.

The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.

Nope, yet another book of great spiritual significance to a large portion of the planet that wasn't written by God, but rather by a whole bunch of men.
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Well, tell WAS it written?
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Uthman standardized many Korans into 1 and BURNED the rest of the Korans. Authenticated Islamic source Search Results - Uthman burnt (page 1) - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
This is a thread the left avoid. They only support Islam. If this was a thread about the Bible they’d be swarming with posts.

You guys REGULARLY call me a "leftist", and yet here I am arguing with Sunnidiot about it being divinely written.

No, it is a book that was assembled after the death of Mohammed, by a whole bunch of tribesmen.
This is a thread the left avoid. They only support Islam. If this was a thread about the Bible they’d be swarming with posts.

Many if not most Muslims are unaware the “infallible” Koran allegedly the words of “Allah” was produced by a committee decades after Muhammad, if not longer

This is a thread the left avoid. They only support Islam. If this was a thread about the Bible they’d be swarming with posts.

You guys REGULARLY call me a "leftist", and yet here I am arguing with Sunnidiot about it being divinely written.

No, it is a book that was assembled after the death of Mohammed, by a whole bunch of tribesmen.
No, you asked how, which is a legitimate question.

Threads on the Bible turn the left into uncivilized foaming at the mouth creatures.
You know, it wasn't until AFTER Mohammed had died that the Muslims decided to get together and create the Koran. The way they did it, was they got a whole bunch of people together who had heard the things Mohammed had said, and if two or more of them vouched that he had said it, it was put into the Koran.
That is kinda how the Hadith's were compiled into book form. Not the Qur'an. .... :cool:

Well, tell WAS it written?

Be funny if the guy in back fell and started a Dominoes fall.

Funnier still, the guy in front craps his pants


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