Audrey & Angelina


Sep 23, 2010
How many people remember that Audrey Hepburn was UNICEF’S Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations —— whatever the hell that entailed? UNICEF is, and always was, a disgrace. Hepburn was too intelligent not to know that; so her association with the United Nations is not something Americans should be proud of. In any event Hepburn was British not American.

Just so I am not misinterpreted, it is the United Nations and its coerced altruism that is objectionable not Hepburn’s work for hungry children. Anything anyone wants to do for children they can do without the United Nations. I do wonder if Hepburn ever tried to save the millions of children who died because of the UN’s ban on DDT?

Angelina Jolie is Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Alex Jones explains what her job is all about. My comments follow:

Alex Jones’

Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012
March 11, 2012

[ame=]Arrest Angelina Jolie For War Crimes: Kony 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

RELATED: Kony 2012 Hoax Exposed

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RELATED: British Corporation Mass Murdering Ugandans in UN Sanctioned Land Grab

Angelia Jolie openly works for the UN and CFR pushing globalist wars under the cover of humanitarian intervention.

Drunk on the blood of Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and scores of other nations Jolie is now pushing military invasion to “help” Africa. She and her masters know full well that they are carrying out destabilization operations in the 3rd world so population can be reduced and resources stolen.

We need to call a spade a spade, this is part of a new branding rollout to launch a AFRICOM take over of Africa. This constitutes a crime against humanity and Jolie is a party to it and needs to be arrested along with other globalist that are using left cover to widen globalist empire.

The problem is you can’t go to the UN because it is at the center of the corporate global government takeover, the people are asleep and wars are being launched against innocents in the name of a bleeding heat liberal agenda. THEY COME IN PEACE!

http://www.infowars. com/arrest-angel in a-jolie-for-war-crimes-kony-2012/

[ame=]KONY 2012 Exposed: African Invasion Psyop: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube[/ame]

Before addressing the US military fighting touchy-feely UN “interventions” I’d like to know if Jolie’s movies are financed entirely, or in part, with tax dollars going through the United Nations? It seems to me that in order for Jolie to be an effective salesperson for the UN’s propaganda she has to remain in the public’s view. What better way to stay relevant than a movie? Note that every Jolie movie is heavily advertised. Advertising ain’t cheap; so the question of where that money originates arises? I’m curious because I’m pretty sure somebody is breaking the law if tax dollars finance and advertise a Jolie movie.

Touchy-feely is not self-defense

No American should die fighting for the United Nations. It’s as simple as that. So long as there is no military threat to the US there is no justification for US military “interventions.” Naturally, liberals love to define a threat in philosophical terms “If we don’t stop this, that, and the other thing they will attack us.” I’d like to know how the hell they are going to attack anyone since they can’t defend themselves against their own countrymen?

NOTE: “Don’t send rice & beans —— send rifles & bullets” is the one solution liberals dare not talk about. Avoiding reality is the reason liberals always “save” the children. Children can hardly be expected to defend themselves with rifles and bullets. Incidentally, liberals slaughter infants by the millions every year. That makes it hard for me to swallow anything they say about saving children in Third World countries. Libs cherry pick the children worthy of saving. If the kids have no propaganda value for the United Nations they are placed in the Population Controls category.

Afghanistan is much in the news these days so let me remind everyone of how President Truman dealt with a real threat:

At the end of WW II, Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan; showing no signs of leaving. At that time the U.S. was the only country with atomic weapons and the means to deliver them. I will paraphrase what President Truman told Uncle Joe Stalin: “You have 48 hours to get out of Afghanistan.” Stalin knew exactly what the Man from Missouri meant. Several days later there was nary a Soviet soldier to be found in Afghanistan. Now, imagine that same scenario if the United Nations had a say in the outcome.

Decades later, long after the Soviet Union became a nuclear power based in part on technology received from American Communists, Soviet Communists once again tried to enslave Afghanistan. Only that time around there was little the US could do to protect itself by stopping Communist expansion —— short of declaring war on the Soviet Union. Fortunately for the US the people of Afghanistan got a lot of help from the Reagan Administration and Representative Charlie Wilson; eventually driving the Soviets out. My point: Identify the difference between philosophical, touchy-feely, United Nations crapola, and a serious military threat.

Know this if you know nothing else about liberals. It’s not about saving lives in humanitarian interventions. It is about giving the UN authority over America’s military might. Turning the US military into a universal police force controlled by the United Nations is precisely what liberals are after. They will say and do whatever it takes to get there. Propaganda hiding behind Angelina Jolie’s fame is a good example.
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Hidely-ho neighborino!

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