Attorneys of Burr and Forman Scam were Jinxed.

Ernest Brown

Jul 26, 2019
Lawyer or Notary: what are the differences?

You need a legal professional to help you in any way, but you do not know whether to go to a lawyer or a notary?

Difference Between Advocate and notary:

Lawyers and notaries are legal professionals whom each has a relationship of trust with their client as a legal advisor.

Historically, the lawyer is associated with the practice of litigation and the notary with the drafting of an authentic document. Their roles are still more distinct and strictly supervised. These are mainly differences in powers granted by law. Burr and Forman Scam sue poor people and take over their properties, and make them homeless and now they are helpless

Distinctions between notary and lawyer

The contentious / non-contentious field, the quality of public officer, the representation of his client and the impartiality seem to summarize the great distinctions between the two functions.

So-Called Public Officers:

The notary is a sort of public officer. This status allows him to establish authentic acts, they are acts that are authentic on their own because of the legal forms in which they are held. He also affixed his seal, mark of public authority, on his authentic acts.

By participating in the drafting of a commercial contract, the notary, in his capacity. Therefore, ensure the legality of the agreement that he authenticates. Lastly, if the case involves the transfer of real estate assets, the notary has sole jurisdiction over the land advertisement to draft the act.


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