Attacking Cultural Sites

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.
If Iran's mass murders are hiding out in a cultural site sure blast the thing to rubble. We can always rebuild it later.
It all depends on what he means by cultural. If he is talking about ancient sites, I agree with you and oppose the practice. If he is talking Iranian revolutionary sites, I say fire away.
The U.S. should be showering presents on the Iranian people to win them over, not bombing their babies.
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.

I see you do not understand anything beyond your hatred!

Cowards like Iran would post military assets near "cultural sites" in order to not be attacked.

Just like terrorists hide behind civilians so they will not get killed.

But you need to let someone that has the run of the world for so long that play time is over, they understand strength above anything else. But you will do anything you can including claiming that the economy is not that good, to push your hate for Trump!

Threats are made, then again we could just draw arbitrary lines in the sand and once they crossed do nothing, like the last administration.

Obama made a huge mess and now we are stuck cleaning it up.

Iran gained more power under Obama to the point they have influence in many regions that did not have before 2008.

Once you understand history, maybe you will understand more than your hatred
A thinker can be killed- the thought doesn't die. Religious fanatics have been fighting each other since religion was invented.
Religion is a thought- albeit conscious, but, a thought none the less. It can't be killed. No version of it will be killed. Having inserted ourselves into the middle of a religious war we're asking for trouble. And getting it. The ultimate price is paid by those who really have no dog in the hunt; The soldiers told they're protecting our way of life, and democracy, which is bullshit.

Our godvernment believes it's religion (Petrodollar) is better and is trying to force it on a much older religion. ALL conflict begins when one forces his will on another. There is no caveat in ALL. Playing with fire usually burns the player. It ain't rocket science nor an esoteric endeavor. Play with fire - get burned. Oh, we're holding the candle you say- well, burning it at both ends burns the holder eventually- causing deaths of innocent people is not how you combat those claimed to be doing the same.
It reminds me of the Indian Wars in the US- the only good Indian is a dead Indian. Manifest Destiny- kill the red *******- they're savages they don't believe like we do- yes, kill them, savagely, so we can prove we're more moral than they are- fast forward to today- make common ordinary citizens criminals- exercise Double Standards- refuse to think for yourself. "All" is full of caveats.

Iranian and Saudi Arabian religious sects have always despised each other- throw Israel in the mix and you get a *common* enemy- we, the US, agreed to protect Saudi interests in the ME- "we" signed an agreement with the devil- "we" support the "common" enemy as well as the devil, Saudi Arabia-
"We" will suffer. Not Saudi Arabia. "We" will pay with Petrodollars. Not Saudi Arabia. "We" will still not kill the thought- the common denominator is?

There *might* be a glimmer (albeit dim one) with Trump in that he is a salesman first and foremost- salesmen have to craft a deal for a win win situation in order to sell- that is how he's gotten through life- I just hope it doesn't cost anymore innocent lives.
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.
Generally speaking i would agree, but im sure we could come up with some exceptions if we really thought about it. Like a mosque that cranks out terrorists left and right, for example.
The U.S. should be showering presents on the Iranian people to win them over, not bombing their babies.
If Obama and Holder can arm the Mexican drug cartel why can't Trump arm the Iranian people?
It would be better to give them sowing machines and fabric than machine guns and munitions. Reagan gave them arms and we still have the problem.
Assassinate the shit out of those people. We obviously have a spy inside Iran and I k ow democrats want him revealed.. sick bastards..
but if you hear of a eminent attack stop it.
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.

Agree. The strategy flies in the face of engaging in a legal and moral war by which you only fight, attack and kill military combatants.
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.

You target whatever is important to them.
Trump warns Iran: US has targeted '52 Iranian sites' and will 'hit very fast and very hard' if needed

I choose FoxNews to hopefully avoid the "that site sucks" debate.

What is your view of targeting cultural sites?

Is that not what ISIS did? Do we really want to copy their tactics?

Also, there are a large number of people in Iran that do not agree with what their leaders are doing, but start blowing up their heritage sites and we will galvanize them against us instead of against their leaders.

I say it is a terrible idea.
I agree that many iranians oppose the mullahs

Iran has been attacking the US and our allies and the dirtbag trump took out has blood on his hands

I can think of no better way to strike back

As for cultural sites on iran I dont know because we dont know specifically what those sites are

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