Atta Muhammad Noor, Afghan Governor, Criticizes U.S. Exit Plan


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Atta Muhammad Noor, Afghan Governor, Criticizes U.S. Exit Plan


MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Afghanistan -- Atta Muhammad Noor, a former Northern Alliance warlord who many consider to be the strongest governor in Afghanistan, is the kind of longstanding ally American officials would love to comfortably count on as they plan their withdrawal from the decade-old war here.

So it may sting a little to hear Noor lash out about the American exit strategy, and especially the U.S.-supported plan to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table, before a room full of American military officers.

"The current peace process as conducted by our government and by the U.S., with their meetings in Qatar, I don't think it can lead to a good outcome," Noor said last week in a conversation with a small gathering of reporters at his estate in Mazar. The gathering was organized and attended by a half-dozen coalition military officials. "It will be very difficult to sit at the same table with the leaders of the Taliban."

Noor's complaint may not be unexpected -- the idea that ex-Northern Alliance leaders would resist reconciliation talks with their ideological and military arch-enemies, the Taliban, is hardly surprising.

But it also clashes with recent American policy, which has focused on working behind-the-scenes to bring the Taliban back to peace talks. The hope, analysts and officials say, is that if a political balance can be struck between the insurgents and the government of President Hamid Karzai, the U.S. may be able to draw down its military presence by the end of 2014 without precipitating a new round of civil conflict.

If so, the political rebellion of the governors and warlords of the North, many of whom fought side-by-side with American special forces in the 2001 overthrow of the Taliban, could be a deeply complicating circumstance for the U.S. exit plan.

"I share the belief with my father that America’s Afghan strategy is shortsighted and probably based on domestic rather than strategic considerations," wrote Abdul Matin Bek, the son of a recently slain Northern tribal leader, who had fought with the Americans against the Taliban, in a January New York Times op-ed that captured the sentiment. "As Afghans, we rarely understand U.S. policy. One day the U.S. military declares the Taliban the enemy, the next day they’re willing to make peace. Does this policy reflect the realities on the ground? Is it a winning strategy?"

Last week, that disaffection emerged in the form of one of the odder sideshows of Afghan politics, when U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who had recently met in Germany with several anti-Karzai ex-Northern Alliance officials, was blocked by the government from entering the country.

Atta Muhammad Noor, Afghan Governor, Criticizes U.S. Exit Plan
Can't the US just level Afghanistan and turn it into a shopping mall?
Last week, that disaffection emerged in the form of one of the odder sideshows of Afghan politics, when U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who had recently met in Germany with several anti-Karzai ex-Northern Alliance officials, was blocked by the government from entering the country.
Who exactly is running things over there??
Can't the US just level Afghanistan and turn it into a shopping mall?

I wish.

Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
Can't the US just level Afghanistan and turn it into a shopping mall?

I wish.

Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.

Their illiterate fake prophet dwelled in a cave, so, they're comfortable with neanderthals. In fact, they worship one
Can't the US just level Afghanistan and turn it into a shopping mall?

I wish.

Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
As far as I'm concerned, the UN ought to just wall up the entire Middle East and let them all fight it out among themselves.

Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
As far as I'm concerned, the UN ought to just wall up the entire Middle East and let them all fight it out among themselves.

When did Afghanistan move to the Middle East?
Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
As far as I'm concerned, the UN ought to just wall up the entire Middle East and let them all fight it out among themselves.

When did Afghanistan move to the Middle East?
If I'm building the wall, they're going to be inside it.

Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
As far as I'm concerned, the UN ought to just wall up the entire Middle East and let them all fight it out among themselves.

Thats the problem, the UN is useless. They couldn't even wall up the girl scouts headquarters.
Actually a huge electrified fence with mine fields around the border and one in-out checkpoint....women & children allowed out only...any male afghanis elsewhere who act like only. Let them see what a country of nothing but neanderthal men is like.
As far as I'm concerned, the UN ought to just wall up the entire Middle East and let them all fight it out among themselves.

Thats the problem, the UN is useless. They couldn't even wall up the girl scouts headquarters.

To be fair, the UN does help support the prostitution trade in NYC.
OTOH, they take up all the parking spaces without getting ticketed and if they do get ticketed, they say fuck you to NYC.

What a bunch of assholes, and we let them stay in lofts in NYC why?:confused:
Another thing I'm going to do when they make me dictator is move the UN to East Shithole, Africa. It'll help them to get more hands-on with poverty and whatnot, you see.

Darfur would be a perfect spot for them and theres plenty of available land, hook it up.
OTOH, they take up all the parking spaces without getting ticketed and if they do get ticketed, they say fuck you to NYC.

What a bunch of assholes, and we let them stay in lofts in NYC why?:confused:
Another thing I'm going to do when they make me dictator is move the UN to East Shithole, Africa. It'll help them to get more hands-on with poverty and whatnot, you see.

What and let the pricey NYC restaurants go out of business? Not nice!
Another thing I'm going to do when they make me dictator is move the UN to East Shithole, Africa. It'll help them to get more hands-on with poverty and whatnot, you see.

What and let the pricey NYC restaurants go out of business? Not nice!

They can move to Darfur too.

Not likely. There are a few good Sudanese restaurants in NYC. OTOH, there is ample free parking in Darfur, which the UN delegates like.
What and let the pricey NYC restaurants go out of business? Not nice!

They can move to Darfur too.

Not likely. There are a few good Sudanese restaurants in NYC. OTOH, there is ample free parking in Darfur, which the UN delegates like.

Free parking and plenty of open land to build whatever they like, the only thing they have to worry about are random janjaweed rape attacks.

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