Atlanta Woman Didn't Want to Offend Black Man, Ends up Killed

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Here's yet another case in which being a "racist" would have saved a life.

Police: 'Brazen' suspect returned to scene of Midtown slaying |

While crossing through Aqua’s lobby, she overheard Thompson and a real-estate agent chatting about taking a tour of two condos that were for sale, Meadows said.

“She said, ‘Don’t forget about mine. It’s for sale, also,’” Meadows said.

Thompson didn’t. After the tour, a security guard called Calle and said that Thompson was in the lobby.

“Would you like for me to escort him up?” the guard asked Calle, according to Meadows.

“No, it’ll be fine,” Calle responded. “I don’t want him to think that we don’t trust him.’ “
THE ARKANSAS LEADER: EDITIORIAL >> Icy reception for repairmen

The Madison County Record, the sprightly weekly newspaper published at Huntsville, the county seat, broke the news first, but the nature of it guaranteed some national attention. Some 100 workers from Pennsylvania, about a third of them African Americans, came down to help the local electric cooperative restore power after the devastating ice storm last month took down just about every power pole in the county. They worked tirelessly clearing trees and putting up poles and lines in the ice and freezing rain to try to speed power to people.

For their trouble, they were harassed and threatened by roving groups of young men shouting racial epithets and pointing guns at them. The county sheriff said the young men would drive around the work teams waving Rebel flags and cursing the blacks. The workers were frightened enough to contact the sheriff’s office in nearby Washington County.
Truthmatters, there is more to that story. People were coming from the north and other areas of the country asking for money to restore electricity and clear trees and limbs. They were trying to price gouge the elderly and poor, too. No one was waving rebel flags, but I'm sure they were harassing the "workers" to get the fuck out of their town and to stop trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

Madison County is NOT all white. The author of that article is an idiot. There are plenty of blacks and Mexicans in that area. I would know, I live 10 minutes away. Yes, it is definitely mostly white, but certainly not a bunch of redneck retards like that article describes.
Atlanta Woman Didn't Want to Offend Black Man, Ends up Killed

Here's yet another case in which being a "racist" would have saved a life.

Yea, being a racist is really good. She should have known that this guy would kill her because he is black.
THE ARKANSAS LEADER: EDITIORIAL >> Icy reception for repairmen

The Madison County Record, the sprightly weekly newspaper published at Huntsville, the county seat, broke the news first, but the nature of it guaranteed some national attention. Some 100 workers from Pennsylvania, about a third of them African Americans, came down to help the local electric cooperative restore power after the devastating ice storm last month took down just about every power pole in the county. They worked tirelessly clearing trees and putting up poles and lines in the ice and freezing rain to try to speed power to people.

For their trouble, they were harassed and threatened by roving groups of young men shouting racial epithets and pointing guns at them. The county sheriff said the young men would drive around the work teams waving Rebel flags and cursing the blacks. The workers were frightened enough to contact the sheriff’s office in nearby Washington County.

They were frightened enough to contact the county sheriff?

Sounds like an episode of The Dukes of Hazzard.
i live in a low crime area...i still do not allow men of any race in the house or on the property without my man or my son being here...too much going wrong in this world to take the chance..white or black
She should have known that this guy would kill her because he is black.

Blacks commit murder 50 times more often than whites.

You like those chances?

And here's where your argument goes wrong.

If it had been a white killer, she wouldn't have felt racial guilt about not letting him up. But because he was black, she let him up, just to "prove" how non-racist she was.

And now she's dead.
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She should have known that this guy would kill her because he is black.

Blacks commit murder 50 times more often than whites.

You like those chances?

And here's where your argument goes wrong.

If it had been a white killer, she wouldn't have felt racial guilt about not letting him up. But because he was black, she let him up, just to "prove" how non-racist she was.

And now she's dead.

Talk about pulling statistics out of ones own ass.

Also, for a clue, look up stats on serial killers. Almost all in our country are white. Dahmer, Ridgeway, etc.
In reality you are more likely to be killed by someone you have known for a long time than some random thug on the street. It's an ugly truth but it's reality.
She should have known that this guy would kill her because he is black.

Blacks commit murder 50 times more often than whites.

You like those chances?

And here's where your argument goes wrong.

If it had been a white killer, she wouldn't have felt racial guilt about not letting him up. But because he was black, she let him up, just to "prove" how non-racist she was.

And now she's dead.

This was a tragedy and she probably would be alive if she hadn’t been so trusting but not all black people are killers and this doesn’t prove that a white person couldn’t do the same thing. While I believe there is more violence in the black community than the white community I don’t believe it is due to the color differences of peoples skin but our past history probably has something to do with it.
Also, for a clue, look up stats on serial killers. Almost all in our country are white. Dahmer, Ridgeway, etc.

You are about a million times more likely to be murdered by a random black man than a serial killer. Serial killers are extremely rare, but the number of black serial killers isnt as far off from the number of white ones, as some people would have you think. Its an urban myth.

On the subject of serial many gangbangers in the hood have killed numerous people but never been considered a serial killer? They only bother giving the serial killer title to the most outlandish scenarios, but that doesnt mean the black guy who goes around doing drivebys once a week isnt just as much a serial killer as Ted Bundy.
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Also, for a clue, look up stats on serial killers. Almost all in our country are white. Dahmer, Ridgeway, etc.

You are about a million times more likely to be murdered by a random black man than a serial killer. Serial killers are extremely rare, but the number of black serial killers isnt as far off from the number of white ones, as some people would have you think. Its an urban myth.

On the subject of serial many gangbangers in the hood have killed numerous people but never been considered a serial killer? They only bother giving the serial killer title to the most outlandish scenarios, but that doesnt mean the black guy who goes around doing drivebys once a week isnt just as much a serial killer as Ted Bundy.

You really are not too bright. If your hatred needs a phony excuse then there's something wrong with you. Urban myths are like Bloody Marry, and the Boogyman. Statistically you are wrong, personal experience even shows you are wrong. You want to know why half the people I actually treat with decency are black, because they haven't fucked me over as much as my white friends have. Half the white people I know are junkies, thieves, and would kill you for a dime, while most of the black people I know are fun loving, jolly, and even treat friends like family. Sorry, but there is nothing to support your claims. It would be fine to say it's about even, but what you are saying is completely wrong.

Also, 75% of the gang bangers in Seattle are *gasp* white ... and not just white, pale as hell.
William Joyce

You might check this out -

IQ and race - The Skeptic's Dictionary -

From the above link -

To correlate race and intelligence in the name of science and have the world pay attention to you is no small feat. Could it be the numbers, the statistics, which impress people? Not likely. Even the most sophisticated numerical analysis which showed a correlation between phlogiston and ether wouldn't get a hearing today. So, why does the race/intelligence bit get a hearing? How can any rational person take seriously notions such as the Aryans or racial purity? Some probably assert these things as a matter of establishing power. Being a member of a pure race is a quick and simple way to establish one's superiority. Membership is easy. You're born into it. Being the right race gives one a right to superiority and justifies inequality, regardless of one's individual deficiencies. It also justifies racism, since if inferior people are succeeding they must be cheating the truly superior people out of their just inheritance. It also justifies believing things about oneself that have no objective validity. A truly inferior being can justify thinking of himself as superior because of his race membership. He can rationalize any failures or inadequacies and attribute them to the unfair advantage given to those he considers inferior. He can even fool himself into thinking his non-white skin is white and that he somehow deserves to share in the accomplishments of anyone in his "white" race. (I have been expected to check "white" on a number of forms concerned about my "race", although when compared to a white sheet of paper, my skin color is clearly not white, but light brown. I have met very few "white" people who are white. At least they are not white in the skin areas generally exposed in public. Truly white people—albinos—come in all races.)
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Also, for a clue, look up stats on serial killers. Almost all in our country are white. Dahmer, Ridgeway, etc.

You are about a million times more likely to be murdered by a random black man than a serial killer. Serial killers are extremely rare, but the number of black serial killers isnt as far off from the number of white ones, as some people would have you think. Its an urban myth.

On the subject of serial many gangbangers in the hood have killed numerous people but never been considered a serial killer? They only bother giving the serial killer title to the most outlandish scenarios, but that doesnt mean the black guy who goes around doing drivebys once a week isnt just as much a serial killer as Ted Bundy.

You really are not too bright. If your hatred needs a phony excuse then there's something wrong with you. Urban myths are like Bloody Marry, and the Boogyman. Statistically you are wrong, personal experience even shows you are wrong. You want to know why half the people I actually treat with decency are black, because they haven't fucked me over as much as my white friends have. Half the white people I know are junkies, thieves, and would kill you for a dime, while most of the black people I know are fun loving, jolly, and even treat friends like family. Sorry, but there is nothing to support your claims. It would be fine to say it's about even, but what you are saying is completely wrong.

Also, 75% of the gang bangers in Seattle are *gasp* white ... and not just white, pale as hell.

I think its funny that you somehow thought i had hatred for black people based on my post. Theres nothing i said that isnt tue. Im a realist, not a racist. Your post on the other hand talks about half of white people being thieves, while all black people are loving. Who are you trying to fool here? We all live in the exact same country as you, and we arent stupid.

Furthermore, this experience you claim to have is insufficient to be commenting on these things you obviously know very little about. I live in Seattle and there is no such thing as a white gangbanger here. I have literally never heard of a single one in my 36 years of living here. Do they exist? I think when your talking about millions of people in Washington State, there must be at least a few, but certainly not 75%, and probably not even 1%. To be honest, there arent even black gangs in downtown Seattle. The gang activity that Seattle sees, which is usually Friday and Saturday nights, is black gang members that come in from Tacoma, which is about 45 minutes away.

Look, i worked at nightclubs downtown for years, and the only shootings i EVER heard about were black gangbangers, and those are EXCEPTIONALLY rare, only a couple per year. I have to admit though, there is a difference between young black people at the clubs and young white people at the clubs. At Noc Noc, we used to have 2 nights a week that were predominately black nights, and the rest were predominately white nights, all based on what music is playing that particular night of course. On the Hip Hop nights, you had to have about 4-5 bouncers on hand because there was alot of violence in that crowd, yet on the white nights, you never had more than 1 bouncer, if even that. Most "techno" nights we didnt even have a bouncer at all, and on the rare occasion we had a problem with a customer, the bar staff would just handle it. You just cant do that though on hip hop nights, and there nothing racist about it, its just fact. You would have to be an idiot to pretend that black crowds are going to behave the same way as white crowds, and you would also be setting up a dangerous situation for your employees if you were to be naive enough to assume there is no difference.

If you own a bar and you want to have a hip hop night, you really need to be prepared for it, because they can get nasty, and no one in the bar industry would ever deny that, regardless of what color they are. Recognizing cultural differences isnt racist, and im well aware of crime rates among young black men. Im sorry if you dont like hearing that they are more prone to violence, but that doesnt mean it isnt true, but thats not to say i blame it on skin color....its their culture that makes them that way.

However, by and large, there is no violence in Seattle. You would be hard pressed to find news stories about gang murders in Seattle, but dont take my word for it, look it up yourself if you dont believe me. Seattle is actually really safe, no matter what time of night it is. I walked home (in Pike Place Market, the heart of downtown Seattle) after 2 a.m. countless times, and the worst trouble i ever saw was homeless guys that might get loud from time to time.

I find it annoying when people lie about facts in an effort to support their claim. If you had a strong claim to begin with, you wouldnt need to lie. If you lived in Seattle, you would understand how stupid you sounded when you said, "Also, 75% of the gang bangers in Seattle are *gasp* white ... and not just white, pale as hell". That is the dumbest thing ive heard on these boards in awhile, and i hear alot of dumb things here.

Also, i challenge you to name this gang that you say is running around Seattle. Ive never heard of one.
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You are about a million times more likely to be murdered by a random black man than a serial killer. Serial killers are extremely rare, but the number of black serial killers isnt as far off from the number of white ones, as some people would have you think. Its an urban myth.

On the subject of serial many gangbangers in the hood have killed numerous people but never been considered a serial killer? They only bother giving the serial killer title to the most outlandish scenarios, but that doesnt mean the black guy who goes around doing drivebys once a week isnt just as much a serial killer as Ted Bundy.

You really are not too bright. If your hatred needs a phony excuse then there's something wrong with you. Urban myths are like Bloody Marry, and the Boogyman. Statistically you are wrong, personal experience even shows you are wrong. You want to know why half the people I actually treat with decency are black, because they haven't fucked me over as much as my white friends have. Half the white people I know are junkies, thieves, and would kill you for a dime, while most of the black people I know are fun loving, jolly, and even treat friends like family. Sorry, but there is nothing to support your claims. It would be fine to say it's about even, but what you are saying is completely wrong.

Also, 75% of the gang bangers in Seattle are *gasp* white ... and not just white, pale as hell.

I think its funny that you somehow thought i had hatred for black people based on my post. Theres nothing i said that isnt tue. Im a realist, not a racist. Your post on the other hand talks about half of white people being thieves, while all black people are loving. Who are you trying to fool here? We all live in the exact same country as you, and we arent stupid.

Furthermore, this experience you claim to have is insufficient to be commenting on things you obviously know very little about. I live in Seattle and there is no such thing as a white ggangbanger here. I have literally never heard of a single one in my 36 years of living here. Do they exist? I think when your talking about millions of people in Washington State, there must be at least a few, but certainly not 75%, and probably not even 1%. To be honest, there arent even black gangs in downtown Seattle. The gang activity that Seattle sees, which is usually Friday and Saturday nights, is black gang members that come in from Tacoma, which is about 45 minutes away.

Look, i worked at nightclubs downtown for years, and the only shootings i EVER heard about were black gangbangers, and those are EXCEPTIONALLY rare. You would be hard pressed to find news stories about gang murders in Seattle, but dont take my word for it, look it up yourself if you dont believe me.

I find it annoying when people lie about facts in an effort to support their claim. If you had a strong claim to begin with, you wouldnt need to lie.

Okay ... my experience in Tucson, Denver, Durango, Indianapolis, Covington (Louisiana), etc. have proven the same as Seattle ... most bar shootings in these cities were from white people getting too drunk and stupid. Also, the news only shows what is popular, and is rarely accurate or even complete, so that is just a lame argument in itself.

Oh, and a little bit of a clue, look at where I live. I grew up here also, spent about 8 years traveling and came back here for the last 9 years. While growing up the gang problems were mostly centered in Tacoma, which was predominantly white and still is, as well as one of our richest cities in Western Washington. Lately they have moved to the Capitol Hill area, which again is mostly white. The University District has a minor gang problem, though less violence, more just loitering, and most there are black. But the most violent areas are all predominantly white neighborhoods. My experiences in other cities has shown no difference in this matter. I swear, you get all your "facts" from sitcoms, movies, or "news". Do you have ANY real life experiences?
Okay ... my experience in Tucson, Denver, Durango, Indianapolis, Covington (Louisiana), etc. have proven the same as Seattle ... most bar shootings in these cities were from white people getting too drunk and stupid. Also, the news only shows what is popular, and is rarely accurate or even complete, so that is just a lame argument in itself.

Oh, and a little bit of a clue, look at where I live. I grew up here also, spent about 8 years traveling and came back here for the last 9 years. While growing up the gang problems were mostly centered in Tacoma, which was predominantly white and still is, as well as one of our richest cities in Western Washington. Lately they have moved to the Capitol Hill area, which again is mostly white. The University District has a minor gang problem, though less violence, more just loitering, and most there are black. But the most violent areas are all predominantly white neighborhoods. My experiences in other cities has shown no difference in this matter. I swear, you get all your "facts" from sitcoms, movies, or "news". Do you have ANY real life experiences?

You are an absolutely shameless liar and you wont be able to back up a single one of your claims with any news story. Gangs in Tacoma are almost exclusively black. There is NO white gang in Capitol Hill. Tacoma is NOT one of our richest cities, its just one of the biggest cities, and its the joke city of Washington State, because it stinks...its called "The Tacoma Aroma" and anyone who has lived in Washington knows the term well. The most violent areas in Washington state are NOT predominately white areas, because that title goes to Hilltop, Tacoma, which everyone knows is where you find black gangs, and there is no other area in Washington thats known as a "violent area" other than Hilltop, except maybe Skyway and Ranier Beach, which are also black neighborhoods. You are a liar, many times over.

My god, what a load of crap. Why man? Why make shit up like that? Debate me on the facts, not lies dude. You know as well as i do there wasnt a shred of truth in your post, and anyone familiar with Seattle is as stunned by your bold faced lies as i am. Its an absurd claim. Youve lost any credibility with me forever. Your post was shameless.
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have proven the same as Seattle ... most bar shootings in these cities were from white people getting too drunk and stupid

Why dont you go ahead and provide links to a few of these "white" bar shootings youre talking about. If what you are saying is true, you should have no problem finding these stories written in the Seattle PI or Post Intelligencer. Ill be waiting.
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