Athletics: The Gladiator Academy (Reformation)


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Sep 22, 2013
Since sports has become a 'branch' of political-unity, how will we measure the 1972 Munich Games Massacre against 9/11?

This is a comics-oriented fable involving Marvel's Deadpool and Daredevil and the 1974 World Cup championship (between Johan Cruyff's Holland and Gerd Muller's West Germany).

This parable was inspired by Jerry Maguire an Munich.



As the world prepared for the 1974 World Cup soccer tournament final game between West Germany (led by Gerd Muller) and Holland (led by Johan Cruyff), two super-beings named Deadpool and Daredevil prepared to descend to Earth and witness this symbolic sport-contest which would cement Germany's attempt to return to the international community after WWII and Holland's attempt to use sportsmanship arenas to reinvent competition with a new brand of soccer called 'Total Football.'


Deadpool was a loudmouth-sharpshooter, while Daredevil was a wily night-crawler. Deadpool endorsed Gerd Muller's German team while Daredevil supported Cruyff's eccentric-genius team from the Netherlands. Much was at stake in this symbolic international sports-championship which would offer the world as much peace-traffic intrigue as did the PyeongChang Winter Olympics of 2018 which would see a vital alliance between democratic South Kore and nuclear-weapons testing incendiary neighbour-nation North Korea. Deadpool and Daredevil realized this 1974 World Cup Final between Germany and Holland was a true 'gem.'


As Deadpool and Daredevil surveyed the scene with their future-telling crystal-ball of magic, Deadpool noted that in 1982, Italian soccer-sensation Paolo Rossi would stun the world at the World Cup by up-ending iconic powerhouse teams such as Germany, Argentina, England, and Brazil. Daredevil noted that it was the 1974 World Cup and no other that would wondrously spotlight all the glory and magic of Cruyff's Dutch-brand of 'Total Football.' Both Deadpool and Daredevil agreed that competitive sports had become a hallmark of 'global etiquette.' This was the New Tea Party [NTP].


America emerged as the world's "Big Brother" after WWII, and American comic book writers penned super-patriotic tales about valiant crusaders such as Captain America and G.I. Joe contending with anti-capitalist terrorists such as Red Skull and Cobra. This was the age of patriotism-folklore no doubt reflecting an incredible new global investment in commercial traffic and social contracts. Deadpool and Daredevil did not want to 'miss' any of this real-world action. They decided they were 'witnesses' of the flowering of globalization-consciousness.


American artists and designers envisioned great orientations of models and seamstresses presenting representative fashions regarding this newfound global fascination with values-oriented networking (e.g., WikiLeaks). Journalism had become the 'arm' of customs.


Deadpool decided to transform himself into a costumed Internet-blogging 'vigilante' named Ajay Satan; Daredevil decided to transform himself into an L.A. underground disfigured 'rogue-vigilante' named Two-Face. Ajay Satan and Two-Face wanted to hype sports as an arena for international customs reformation on multiple levels, which would help humanity heal the scars left from the 1972 Munich Summer Games Massacre and 9/11. Athletics was a 'Gladiator Academy' and anti-globalization terrorist-forces had created a new 'world' of intrigue.

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A band of Italian men gathered on a dusty playing-field in Milan and dressed like Roman Gladiators while playing an otherwise peaceful game of football. These 'gladiators' expressed the newly popular notion that sportsmanship could 'craft' a modern 'empire' of customs-oriented peace. Deadpool and Daredevil wondered if all this stuff had real merit or if it was all simply in vain...


As technology exploded, networking became lighting-fast, and trade/commerce benefitted. In America, consumers/fans logged onto the sports-website and played 'Fantasy Football' virtual-competition games. Computers had revolutionized socialization and social activity. Deadpool and Daredevil wondered, however, if man had become 'dependent' on machinery.


Americans love sports, all sports, but soccer was still popular mostly in other parts of the world. Holland boasted a great women's national field-hockey team, and in America, many public high schools revered the successes of its very-popular girls' field-hockey teams (e.g., Eastern Regional High School Vikings Field-Hockey). However, World Cup soccer was not that important to Americans (even though the U.S. women's national soccer team had claimed multiple World Cup titles). This 1974 World Cup men's championship game between Germany and Holland would therefore be forever remembered as a 'special toast' to the general 'flowery' of new age globalization-related optimism.


Anyone with money can tell you that taxation is depressing, so taxation-without-representation is 10x worse...Deadpool and Daredevil were conscious of this fact. How would the concept of taxes affect consumers' revelry towards sports-raffles, prize-giveaways, sports-merchandising, and baseball card sales? How would the fortune-daydreams inherent in capitalist systems be leveraged against the everyday 'tedium' of managerial labor? Would the 1974 World Cup championship be considered a 'watershed trophy' for the history of humanity?


A good species appreciating the richness of sports/competition would offer nice myths, omens, fables, morality-tales, and ghost-stories about the complexity of sports and sportsmanship. These tales/imagery included (in America) sports-films such as Blue Chips, Varsity Blues, Any Given Sunday, and Jerry Maguire. Sports could in theory be a 'podium' for 'political metaphysics.' Were Deadpool and Daredevil therefore 'messengers' of the Apocalypse --- the event of complete breakdown of social networking/teamwork?


GOD: Many sports/soccer fans wanted to see Cruyff's Dutch team shine...
SATAN: Yes, but Muller's German side prevailed in the end!
GOD: It was a nice 'cookie' for Germany rising from the humiliation of WWII.
SATAN: You can't have it all.
GOD: Correct; Deadpool and Daredevil have surmised the value of the 1974 World Cup.
SATAN: There were many great World Cups --- 1982, 1986, 2010, 2018 --- to name some.
GOD: However, the 1974 World Cup was a 'special toast' to sportsmanship.
SATAN: Holland was crushed after their defeat to Germany.
GOD: Cruyff never reclaimed the international glory-stage his team saw in 1974.
SATAN: That's true; Holland lost to Argentina in the 1978 World Cup.
GOD: To this date, the Netherlands compete wonderfully but have neve won.
SATAN: Perhaps the stunning Dutch women's national field-hockey team can offer 'comfort.'
GOD: Kids these days love soccer video-games for Genesis, Nintendo, PlayStation, etc.
SATAN: I'm a big fan of the Xbox (Microsoft).
GOD: Microsoft 'mastermind' Bill Gates is the new J.D. Rockefeller.
SATAN: Perhaps Deadpool/Daredevil can re-think globalization spiritualism.
GOD: Commerce has changed the way we qualify intelligence.
SATAN: Athletes are the new 'gladiators.'
GOD: Deadpool is dismayed about 9/11 but is thrilled about Gerd Muller.
SATAN: Daredevil is dismayed about Dutch-soccer but is excited about NASDAQ.



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