Atheist Music

Nicko's Jesus Emotion and the Women's Temperance Union

Note on the wiki page, that Nicko's wife is a key player in his conversion to Jesus.

'The principles underlying Judeo-Christianity and America conflict on other points. Christianity's view and treatment of its founding documents is at odds with the American view and treatment of its founding documents. God's law is unchangeable. American law is not. The Constitution is not perfect. The framers knew this, and none left the Convention having secured everything they wanted. In his closing address to the Convention, Franklin consented "to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure, that it is not the best." Adams, writing a few years later as vice president, was more specific: "The Constitution is but an experiment, and must and will be altered."

These were not men acting with the certainty of religious conviction. They were thoughtful, reasonable men aware that they, and other delegates, were governed partly by passion and self-interest. And so, certain mostly of their own fallibility, they crafted a provision to alter - to amend - the Constitution. They would take advantage of Article V almost immediately, to write and pass the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights. The Constitution had been altered twenty-seven times and nearly always improved. The glaring exception to this steady improvement was partly due to religious groups, such as the Women's Temperance Union, which advocated for the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition, and which was repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment.'
(Seidel A, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, pp. 114-115)

Note that according to the wiki page, Nicko did not stop drinking at the time of conversion to Jesus in 1999, but in 2015 after seeing a video of himself drunk on wine. Suggested viewing is Burt Lancaster, Elmer Gantry.

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