At what point in history did the Democrat Party become the anti-Christian party


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

When I was a kid, Democrats could be on either side of the abortion debate. Some were pro-life, like the cartoonist Conrad, who drew a cartoon of dead fetuses that matched a photograph of the bodies of the people who took poison Kool-Aid in Guyana.

Al Gore was pro-life until Clinton picked him to be a running mate.

Casey v. Planned Parenthood got its name from the Democratic governor of Pennslyvania who was pro-life.

And I think the abortion issue has become the reason so many Democrats have turned their backs on Christianity.

And then there was homosexuality, which required a complete abandonment from Christianity.
Not all Christians. Just the Right Wing Republican Christians who have turned against America and want us to live like a Christians Taliban. What was their health care cry again? Oh, that's right:

At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

I don't think it's so much Christianity, against which the Democrats have turned, as it is certain obvious basic standards of morality, decency, and common sense, which used to be universally recognized by nearly all people regardless of religious or political alignment. These standards don't even really have much to do directly with Christianity, other than that Christianity has come to be seen as the primary demographic that still stands for these values, and therefore as the enemy of those who wish to discard and discredit these values.

Today, not all Christians, or even all religious people of any faith, still uphold these values, and not all who uphold these values are Christian or particularly religious, but if you still stand for these values, then this is what those on the wrong think of you regardless of what religious affiliation, if any, you have…

Not anti-Christian. Anti-religious zealotry.

Democrats aren't against Christianity.

the Christian Taliban.

Not all Christians. Just the Right Wing Republican Christians who have turned against America and want us to live like a Christians Taliban.
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

When I was a kid, Democrats could be on either side of the abortion debate. Some were pro-life, like the cartoonist Conrad, who drew a cartoon of dead fetuses that matched a photograph of the bodies of the people who took poison Kool-Aid in Guyana.

Al Gore was pro-life until Clinton picked him to be a running mate.

Casey v. Planned Parenthood got its name from the Democratic governor of Pennslyvania who was pro-life.

And I think the abortion issue has become the reason so many Democrats have turned their backs on Christianity.

The Liberal view was supporting abortion in the case of rape or health of the mother issues, not as a birth control gimmick as it is today, but in any case the brie and chardonnay set just got tired of all those uppity proles ruining their primaries by nominating patriotic Americans and/or populists and laughing at the ridiculous runaway pop sociology and psychology fads and came up with the 'Super Delegate Rule' in order to make sure only their own pets got nominated, and then they tossed those grubby nasty blue collar types out of the Party in any practical sense. This article is about Ospama vs. Hillary primaries in 2008, but it has many valid observations and points that apply just as much for the decades since the 1980's re the Democratic leadership:

The Neo-Liberal War on Blue-Collar Whites and the Breakup of the Democratic Party- NO QUARTER USA NET

As for their vicious nasty hatred of Xians, it comes from a number of sources, like the rise of violent antisemitism of the 'New Left' in Europe through to the Gay Rights hoax and the APA's caving in to political pressure in the early '70's to Falwell's opposition to the hoax of 'gay marriage', which in itself came out of the self-inflicted AIDS crisis and homosexuals wanting to ride on somebody's health insurance policies like legitimate married couple could do with their spouses and children right up to today. It wasn't that long ago the idiots were deluging message boards with all kinds of gibberish about how Islam was 'more enlightened and tolerant than those backward ignorant Xians', for instance, but now that went away when reality caught up and showed how ridiculous that propaganda tack was, but then all of their propaganda is ridiculous lying anyway, whether about 'gay rights' hoaxes or 'racism', so it would take a couple of books worth to point out all of the gibberish. They're not Liberals any more, they're 'progressives' and 'neo-liberals', both polite terms for sociopaths and psychopaths whose only real 'principle' is the politics of mindless atavistic self-indulgence. they have plenty of fellow travelers on the 'Right' as well.

And then there was homosexuality, which required a complete abandonment from Christianity.

It required a complete abandonment of common sense and objective science as well.

Ah, found it ... Re the 'New Left' and antisemitism, it began with the Soviet propaganda campaigns re the Israeli victories over Soviet Arab proxies and LBJ taking over from France as the patron of the Israelis, which angered the Reds no end, and of course the American versions of useful idiots picked up on it over here and began their usual mindless regurgitations of Cold War propaganda, much of which is still repeated to this day.

Being Leftist and Anti-Semitic in Germany - Susanne Urban

The 'old Left' didn't have problem with criticizing either capitalism or the failures of the Soviets and Maoists; the 'New Left' just opted for fashion and sloganeering over sanity and reality, that's all; it's a lot more fun, and you get to wear Che T-shirts and berets.

So, you have a lot of issues over the decades that converge on making the Xians scapegoats for everything, no matter how ridiculous the politics being advocated. PC Nazism has begun to eat its own now, though, and will self-destruct. The runaway academic sociology of the last 4 decades has produced a lot of stupid ignorant tards, which has had the opposite effect they were shooting for.
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At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

I don't think it's so much Christianity, against which the Democrats have turned, as it is certain obvious basic standards of morality, decency, and common sense, which used to be universally recognized by nearly all people regardless of religious or political alignment. These standards don't even really have much to do directly with Christianity, other than that Christianity has come to be seen as the primary demographic that still stands for these values, and therefore as the enemy of those who wish to discard and discredit these values.

Today, not all Christians, or even all religious people of any faith, still uphold these values, and not all who uphold these values are Christian or particularly religious, but if you still stand for these values, then this is what those on the wrong think of you regardless of what religious affiliation, if any, you have…

Not anti-Christian. Anti-religious zealotry.

Democrats aren't against Christianity.

the Christian Taliban.

Not all Christians. Just the Right Wing Republican Christians who have turned against America and want us to live like a Christians Taliban.
Try not to kick and scream too much as you're dragged into the 21st century :thup:
They are anti religious right wing who took Christianity and distorted it and USED IT FOR PURELY POLITICAL POSTURING....who preached in their churches that their church members would go to hell if they voted Democratic, who called us Christians heathens while they had blow jobs and affairs and sexual encounters with boy paiges, and male bathroom strangers, or prostitutes while wearing diapers....all the while telling us, that you were the righteous and we were going to burn.

And then you began ragging and demeaning the poorest among us...and supporting the richest 1/10TH OF 1%ers...the very ones the Bible told you NOT TO TRUST.

and on top of that, all you ever wanted to do is KILL KILL KILL KILL and WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR.....

then we knew, it was not Christ you were following, and you hurt Christianity through your cold and calculated lack of empathy for human beings, which began this fall of the church itself...

there are plenty of Left wing Christians, they just don't want to be associated with you, the right wing hypocrites. AMEN

I'd rather spend my time with the sinners, the downtrodden, like Christ did, than to spend my time with self righteous Pharisees.

(and if i sound a tad perturbed, I am)
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They are anti religious right wing who took Christianity and distorted it and USED IT FOR PURELY POLITICAL POSTURING....who preached in their churches that their church members would go to hell if they voted Democratic, who called us Christians heathens while they had blow jobs and affairs and sexual encounters with boy paiges, and male bathroom strangers, or prostitutes while wearing diapers....all the while telling us, that you were the righteous and we were going to burn.

And then you began ragging and demeaning the poorest among us...and supporting the richest 1/10TH OF 1%ers...the very ones the Bible told you NOT TO TRUST.

and on top of that, all you ever wanted to do is KILL KILL KILL KILL and WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR.....

then we knew, it was not Christ you were following, and you hurt Christianity through your cold and calculated lack of empathy for human beings, which began this fall of the church itself...

there are plenty of Left wing Christians, they just don't want to be associated with you, the right wing hypocrites. AMEN

Well said!
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

When I was a kid, Democrats could be on either side of the abortion debate. Some were pro-life, like the cartoonist Conrad, who drew a cartoon of dead fetuses that matched a photograph of the bodies of the people who took poison Kool-Aid in Guyana.

Al Gore was pro-life until Clinton picked him to be a running mate.

Casey v. Planned Parenthood got its name from the Democratic governor of Pennslyvania who was pro-life.

And I think the abortion issue has become the reason so many Democrats have turned their backs on Christianity.

And then there was homosexuality, which required a complete abandonment from Christianity.
It started when toe GOP and Reagan got in bed with the religious right. They called us godless. Some of us that's true.
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

I don't think it's so much Christianity, against which the Democrats have turned, as it is certain obvious basic standards of morality, decency, and common sense, which used to be universally recognized by nearly all people regardless of religious or political alignment. These standards don't even really have much to do directly with Christianity, other than that Christianity has come to be seen as the primary demographic that still stands for these values, and therefore as the enemy of those who wish to discard and discredit these values.

Today, not all Christians, or even all religious people of any faith, still uphold these values, and not all who uphold these values are Christian or particularly religious, but if you still stand for these values, then this is what those on the wrong think of you regardless of what religious affiliation, if any, you have…

Not anti-Christian. Anti-religious zealotry.

Democrats aren't against Christianity.

the Christian Taliban.

Not all Christians. Just the Right Wing Republican Christians who have turned against America and want us to live like a Christians Taliban.

You, and the rest of the Peanut Gallery may be interested in this article from an 1987 issue of The Guide, where they adapt the propaganda techniques of the communists like Gramsci right up to Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'.


what we see here is the echo chamber muppets repeating what they heard; few probably know they're being manipulated by hacks, and are probably too intellectually lazy to care anyway. Inventing new words like 'homophobia' makes it all 'sciency n stuff', and appeals to pseudo-intellectuals who want to feel 'rational' without actually having to think or be objective or anything, which is a big plus for the propagandists, because none of the 'scientific data' or 'studies' can be taken seriously as objective or even science. Then we have the 'professional' organizations, who deliberately censor any dissent whatsoever while promoting junk science as 'valid'.

Dr. Trayce Hansen's Writings


The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) published a special issue of their bi-monthly journal “The Therapist” dedicated to the subject of same-sex marriage. Guest authors were asked to contribute articles, half of the writers in support and half opposed to same-sex marriage. A stated goal of the issue was to determine whether the organization should adopt a formal position on the matter.

Subsequent to publication of the May/June 2009 special issue (Volume 21, Issue 3), homosexual activists within and without the organization pressured CAMFT to not only apologize, but also expunge from their organizational archives those articles that voiced opposition to same-sex marriage. CAMFT capitulated to those demands. The Director of CAMFT apologized for publishing articles critical of same-sex marriage and all the "offending" articles were censored from the CAMFT website archives. So much for intellectual debate and freedom of opinion.

this just a repeat of the APA farce in the early 1970's, where psychiatrists caved to political intimidation and threats.

The article goes on to point out the crappy methodologies used in these fake 'studies' purporting to be 'evidence' of how wonderful homosexual parenting is and the like. Find any study that is often cited over the years and read the actual studies themselves; not one of them could be taken seriously as science or considered valid.
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Which is why they now have to rely on fomenting racism and violence to keep their base 'motivated' and trooping to the polls. They have no platform anybody will vote for otherwise other than identity politics.
There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.
At what point in time did the Democratic Party become the anti-Christian party?

When I was a kid, Democrats could be on either side of the abortion debate. Some were pro-life, like the cartoonist Conrad, who drew a cartoon of dead fetuses that matched a photograph of the bodies of the people who took poison Kool-Aid in Guyana.

Al Gore was pro-life until Clinton picked him to be a running mate.

Casey v. Planned Parenthood got its name from the Democratic governor of Pennslyvania who was pro-life.

And I think the abortion issue has become the reason so many Democrats have turned their backs on Christianity.

And then there was homosexuality, which required a complete abandonment from Christianity.

Most Democrats are Christians.

When I was a kid, Christians were allowed to have different points of view. Now Conservatives like you insist that Christians must follow your belief.

Oh and George Bush Sr. was pro-choice until he ran for President.
There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.

Romans 1:22-23

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.

There was a period in history when a religious change began taking place, one of the names given to this period is The Age of Enlightenment. Some in this age believed more in science and reason and used "Nature's God" as one of the replacements. We are still in that age to a great extent, and will be for eons to come.

According to Bertrand Russell, there was nothing special about it; science had been on a path for centuries, and the 'Enlightenment' didn't add anything to that path. As for the rest, it was the Protestant reaction to the Counter-Reformation that spurred the so-called 'Enlightenment' for philosophers and literary types, most of whom weren't particularly 'enlightened', but considered themselves to be so, much like modern academia assumes many wonderful things about themselves, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

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