Asylum seekers....Ayslum seekers everywhere....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Asylum seekers.
Yet another PC term concocted to make something wrong - sound right.
In the current illegal immigrant outrage (yet to change to some other outrage in another month or so) ..the left has to rebrand those folks something different.... undocumented immigrant, NAH...that is worn out, last years outrage term. We need something new...... Asylum seekers!!!!
It's perfect!!!

Asylum seeker
The next term the left is going to rape
Like racism and liberal
I want to seek asylum in the USA from dangerous illegal rapists, murderers, and drug traffickers how do I do that? Build a wall?
I want to seek asylum in the USA from dangerous illegal rapists, murderers, and drug traffickers how do I do that? Build a wall?

Blacked up face and ask for purple drank and you will be allowed into America, No Whites Are Considered :smoke:

On one hand, it is a clever term....much better than "undocumented immigrant".
Asylum seeker is a loose term. Asylum basically can refer to any foreigner who seeks refuge from persecution based on an array of reasons.
However of course it doesn't refer to someone seeking free shit, or someone wanted to escape poverty. Or someone wanting to earn higher wages to send the money back home. Which describes the overwhelming lion share of illegal crossers.
Wonder what it will be in a few more months when this one is worn out?
On one hand, it is a clever term....much better than "undocumented immigrant".
Asylum seeker is a loose term. Asylum basically can refer to any foreigner who seeks refuge from persecution based on an array of reasons.
However of course it doesn't refer to someone seeking free shit, or someone wanted to escape poverty. Or someone wanting to earn higher wages to send the money back home. Which describes the overwhelming lion share of illegal crossers.
Wonder what it will be in a few more months when this one is worn out?

Not long ago only 1 in 100 illegals requested asylum, now its 1 in 10 its a SCAM! These hard working honest people prove they are worthy of coming to the USA by trying to scam us, oh wait :eusa_think:
Asylum seeker
The next term the left is going to rape
Like racism and liberal

We should encourage the Leftists to do it, they have rendered Racist and Bigot as totally meaningless so they are going to render Asylum Seeker meaningless.

Also of course all Leftist Maniacs are Asylum Seekers, they should be airdropped into the nearest Asylum, get them off the street where they are a danger to normal peoples. Here below pictured are some of the most rabid Hillary supporters who were rounded up after becoming unhinged and a danger to the public the night The Donald won :omg:

Asylum seekers.
Yet another PC term concocted to make something wrong - sound right.
In the current illegal immigrant outrage (yet to change to some other outrage in another month or so) ..the left has to rebrand those folks something different.... undocumented immigrant, NAH...that is worn out, last years outrage term. We need something new...... Asylum seekers!!!!
It's perfect!!!

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Let's have sanctuary cities and asylum for people who want to escape high taxes
I am confused. I thought socialism was sooooo great for the poor.

Well, I guess not.

I have used that logic with our elitist white socialists before.

They are such deranged cocksucking losers.
Anyone who locks their door at night is a hater of the poor!
What if someone in need, needs the shelter.


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