Assange: US planned to overthrow Syrian leadership since 2006


Nov 14, 2012
This isn´t surprising.

Assange: US planned to overthrow Syrian leadership since 2006

"Moscow, SANA – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange revealed a plan concocted by the former US Ambassador to Syria 9 years ago that involves a series of conspiracies aiming to overthrow the Syrian leadership using extremists.

In an exclusive interview given to Russia’s RT channel, Assange discussed some of the material included in his new book which is titled “The WikiLeaks Files” and talked about the “US empire” and America’s foreign policy and intelligence work.

In a chapter of the book dedicated to Syria, Assange reveals that former US Ambassador in Damascus William Roebuck had sent a cable in 2006 which included a plan for the overthrow of the Syrian leadership, and that plan involved using “a number of different factors to create paranoia within the Syrian government; to push it to overreact, to make it fear there’s a coup” and subsequently make the Syrian government announce that it has a problem with extremists crossing over the border with Iraq, that it will take actions against them, and that is somehow supposed to “make the Syrian government look weak, the fact that it is dealing with Islamic extremists at all,” and would ultimately foster sectarian tensions and strife.

In the interview, Assange noted that some of the cables he published discuss the situation in Syria in a vague way that requires reading between the lines to figure out their contents, but in the aforementioned cable was very blatant about the US intentions regarding Syria.

Back in June, Assange published leaked documents from the Saudi foreign ministry revealing that there was a covert agreement in 2012 between Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey to overthrow the Syrian government.

Assange, who leaked thousands of leaked secret documents and files, has been granted asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2012 following a British court’s decision to arrest him and extradite him to Sweden, where he faces the threat of being extradited to the US where he could be tried for publishing US military and diplomatic documents."

Assange: US planned to overthrow Syrian leadership since 2006
More likely he'll skip town inna middle of the night...

WikiLeaks' Assange says to leave Ecuador embassy, accept arrest if loses U.N. case
Wed Feb 3, 2016 - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he took refuge in June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden, and accept arrest on Friday if a UN panel investigating his case rules against him, he said in a statement.
Assange, 44, is wanted in Sweden for questioning over allegations of rape in 2010 which the Australian denies. "Should the U.N. announce tomorrow that I have lost my case against the United Kingdom and Sweden, I shall exit the embassy at noon on Friday to accept arrest by British police as there is no meaningful prospect of further appeal," Assange said in the statement posted on the Wikileaks Twitter account. "However, should I prevail and the state parties be found to have acted unlawfully, I expect the immediate return of my passport and the termination of further attempts to arrest me."

Assange fears Sweden will extradite him to the United States, where he could be put on trial over WikiLeaks' publication of classified military and diplomatic documents, one of the largest information leaks in U.S. history. The U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is currently considering a request for relief by Assange, who argued in a submission that his time in the embassy constituted arbitrary detention.

Assange argued that he had been deprived of his fundamental liberties, including lack of access to sunlight or fresh air, adequate medical facilities, as well as legal and procedural insecurity. A spokesman for Assange could not immediately be reached for comment.

WikiLeaks' Assange says to leave Ecuador embassy, accept arrest if loses U.N. case
Thanks to Wikileaks that issued regime scandale!

Four men manage Assad’s wealth: WikiLeaks | Morocco World News

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