Assad To obama: In Your Face, Punk

Obama gave Putin everything he wants, Assad in power blocking the Qatar pipeline and their ally the Iranians having a Shiite government in Sunni Syria and ... Putin ... looks like the bitch?

I'd like to be Obama's bitch for a change so he stops fucking me.


What do you think Syria was before this civil war?

Oh was a Russian Client state.

It's got a Russian Naval base.

It sells their oil to who? Oh yeah..Russia.

Who sells weapons to Syria (Well supplies them)


They are in a desperate civil war right now..and wanted to use chemical weapons to clear out cities.

Obama called them out on that.

They denied it at first.

Obama said he would strike?

Now..they are saying..oh yeah..they were used..and they will be destroyed. guys are something else.

Actually they never admitted to using them.
Do you really believe Assad will destroy his chemical weapons? What makes you think he wont make new ones? What has Obama done to insure he wont?
Assad has Obama tied up in knots. Now Assad wont agree to anything unless the US takes military action off the table.
What has Obama achieved?
Mr Smartest Guy In The Room has been pwned by a two bit dictator.

Assad and Putin dont have Obama tied in nots, its the republican party that for the last 10 year has been war hungry and now all of a sudden they are bitches, THATS who has shit tied in nots, the RIGHT WING BITCHES
Assad and Putin dont have Obama tied in nots, its the republican party that for the last 10 year has been war hungry and now all of a sudden they are bitches, THATS who has shit tied in nots, the RIGHT WING BITCHES

All we are sayyyinnnggg, is give peace a chance....

BTW, it's not just the "Republicans" it's the rest of us who aren't Democrats.

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