Ass-ad the animal filth kills 100 more


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal

Syrian Activists Claim Death Toll in Village Soars
Published: May 26, 2012

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Syrian opposition organizations accused government forces on Saturday of carrying out a massacre in a village near Homs, leaving some 100 people dead, many of them children.

The toll, initially put at 50, climbed as more victims were found in the village of Houla, some 15 miles northwest of the central city of Homs. Many of the hamlets in the region are controlled by local militias loosely allied as the Free Syrian Army, and the government forces have been trying to drive them out.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, based in Britain, put the death toll at 90 on Saturday, while the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood issued a statement saying it was 100, including 50 children.


Where is fucking Obama? What kind of president is this that stands by while children are massacred?

I would not exactly believe what the muslim brotherhood has to say. They are known to lie to advance their fundamentalist agenda.
Where is fucking Obama? What kind of president is this that stands by while children are massacred?


You mean as opposed to the US's swift and clinical actions in Zimbabwe, Burma, Rwanda, Darfur, Paraguay and El Salvador?

Remember when US Presidents (Nixon) praised Mobutu Sese for his budgeting skills?

Remember Carter toasting the Shah of Iran as one of the US' great allies?

Remember how the US stood by a series of demagogoes and tyrants from Pinochet to Rios Montte?

Are you going to condemn all of them, or only the Democrats?
Kevin -

If you have a point to make, by all means make it.

If the U.S. kills 100 civilians then all we hear about is how it's just "collateral damage," and how "war is hell." What makes this any different?

Syrians are operating in their own country, of course - I think that is a fairly big difference, isn't it?

But other than that of course you are right - what is going on in Syria is appalling and horrific, and is rightly being condemned by all and sundry.

Assad Jnr came into power with a lot of goodwill, and seems to have done everything possible to lose all of that. He'll never be accepted as a legitimate ruler, and could well face charges from the ICC.
This is a civil war! If the so-called rebels weren't following the muslim brotherhood and al quaeda there would have been no massacre of the children. The war was started by anti government forces. Now they are complaining that they don't like what they started! Really? They can always surrender and end it. Restore the Assad government and it's over except for the executions of the traitors. Our government will do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Assad has the full backing of Russia and the US will NOT confront the Bear.
This is a civil war! If the so-called rebels weren't following the muslim brotherhood and al quaeda there would have been no massacre of the children. The war was started by anti government forces. Now they are complaining that they don't like what they started! Really? They can always surrender and end it. Restore the Assad government and it's over except for the executions of the traitors. Our government will do nothing. Absolutely nothing. Assad has the full backing of Russia and the US will NOT confront the Bear.

How dare those silly protestors want democracy!!
If the U.S. kills 100 civilians then all we hear about is how it's just "collateral damage," and how "war is hell." What makes this any different?

B/c you fucking idiot asshole, the US does not target civilians, while ass-ad the animal directly ordered the shelling of civilian homes, then sent in thugs to murder children in close quarters.

Only a mentally ill turd would EVER compare the fake, illegitimate regime of ass-ad and the US.
This is a civil war! If the so-called rebels weren't following the muslim brotherhood and al quaeda there would have been no massacre of the children. The war was started by anti government forces. Now they are complaining that they don't like what they started!

Are you the biggest idiot asshole on this forum, ever?

Unarmed people marching on protests chanting "peaceful, peaceful" while being shot at by snipers and having their homes attacked started this conflict?

Who's fucking payroll are you on you fucking asshole? You think the rest of the world just completely forgot the events from the last 18 months, you bastard turd?
If the U.S. kills 100 civilians then all we hear about is how it's just "collateral damage," and how "war is hell." What makes this any different?

B/c you fucking idiot asshole, the US does not target civilians, while ass-ad the animal directly ordered the shelling of civilian homes, then sent in thugs to murder children in close quarters.

Only a mentally ill turd would EVER compare the fake, illegitimate regime of ass-ad and the US.

Childish as Rhodes's Tourettes posting is, I do have to agree with him here - I can't think of a single occassion when the US has knowingly targetted civilians.
If the U.S. kills 100 civilians then all we hear about is how it's just "collateral damage," and how "war is hell." What makes this any different?

B/c you fucking idiot asshole, the US does not target civilians, while ass-ad the animal directly ordered the shelling of civilian homes, then sent in thugs to murder children in close quarters.

Only a mentally ill turd would EVER compare the fake, illegitimate regime of ass-ad and the US.

Tell that to Hiroshima. Regardless, even if what you said were true it would be small comfort to those murdered by U.S. bombs.
If the U.S. kills 100 civilians then all we hear about is how it's just "collateral damage," and how "war is hell." What makes this any different?

B/c you fucking idiot asshole, the US does not target civilians, while ass-ad the animal directly ordered the shelling of civilian homes, then sent in thugs to murder children in close quarters.

Only a mentally ill turd would EVER compare the fake, illegitimate regime of ass-ad and the US.

Childish as Rhodes's Tourettes posting is, I do have to agree with him here - I can't think of a single occassion when the US has knowingly targetted civilians.

General Sherman targeted the civilians in Atlanta, among other places. Not to mention the genocide committed against the Plains Indians.

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