Asleep at the Wheel: EPA Looks the Other Way as Oil and Gas Companies Dump Radioactiv

All I see at the link is a bunch of personal attacks, no real evidence of anything whatsover (modeling of radioactive levels in wastewater?).

Also a lawyer's blog is a bad source for anything science-ey.
The Study Design Draft continues a pattern of sweeping issues that are not unique to hydraulic
into the study. Second, we believe that the role of state regulators and the inherent protections
from state regulations are not being adequately included in the study. Third, the Study Design
Draft focus on retrospective analysis relative to prospective analysis raises issues regarding the
appropriateness of the retrospective analysis, its structure and the reporting of that analysis while
the prospective assessments are incomplete. Fourth, many of the referenced materials in the
Study Design Draft are not science based. In fact, the sources are advocates opposing fracturing
and the referenced materials are assertions that are not corroborated or accurate. If the Study
Design Draft is being influenced by these allegations, it will skew the orientation of the study
and diminish its value.

The current Study Design Draft significantly exceeds a scope related to
hydraulic fracturing and drinking water. Similarly, it raises substantial questions regarding how
it will accurately assess the risks of fracturing in the context of the regulatory system that
controls fracturing – including how it will utilize the expertise of the state regulators that manage
those risks.

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