As the "returns" start to come in: the EXIT POLL thread


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
I never trusted exit polls

Nor should you, for a variety of reasons.

Consider it mere tea leaves.

Some CNN exit polls announced
by Tom Peeling

According to CNN’s first exit polls, nationwide 60 percent of voters see the economy as the most important issue in the election. Only 4 percent thought foreign policy was most important.

Nationwide, CNN says, exit polls showed the 51 percent believe Mitt Romney would be best at handling the economy and 47 percent think President Obama would do better.

In the battleground state of Virginia, according to CNN exit polls, 49 percent of voters wanted to see the president’s healthcare plan — ObamaCare — repealed, while 46 percent did not want to see it repealed.

Also in Virginia, exit polls showed that 53 percent of voters thought Romney would better handle the economy, while 45 percent of voters thought Presidenti [sic] Obama would do a better job in the next four years.
-- Election Central 2012 » Blog Archive » Some CNN exit polls announced

For example: WHAT would THAT ^ tell you about the "likely" outcome in VA?
Neck to neck in Virginia .... Romney will take it! :clap2:
Should we watch coverage like its a football game or just put in a dvd and check back at ten......
RCP has now called Indiana for Romney giving him 19 electoral votes to Obamas 3. Meanwhile precints are reporting in Florida and Virginia (less then 1% in each). Obama has an early 14 point lead in Virginia and an early 10 point lead in Florida.
I have a strong feeling Virginia is going Romney's way this time around.

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