As the Benghazi Plot Thickens, Congress Must Not Get Sidetracked


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May 22, 2012
As the Benghazi Plot Thickens, Congress Must Not Get Sidetracked​

by Andrew C. McCarthy
November 20, 2012

CBS News is reporting that it was the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that purged references to “al Qaeda” and “terrorism” from talking points given to Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Rice used those talking points to promote the lie that the Benghazi massacre resulted from a spontaneous mob protest rather than a planned terrorist attack. CBS adds that the CIA and FBI signed off on this false version of events.

This is all farce, of course. There being no more honor among con-men than among thieves, there comes a time in all busted conspiracies when the conspirators start pointing fingers at each other. With their guy safely reelected, this spectacle has finally drawn the Obamedia’s attention to the president’s Benghazi travesty. Let’s not get lost here. It is critical to step back and bear two things in mind:

(a) All of the players here, including Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (both of whom the CBS report purports to absolve), are guilty of conspiracy — in this case, to mislead Americans about the cause of the attack and to aid the administration’s Islamist allies, whose objective is to impose sharia blasphemy standards on our country (a project on which the Obama administration has been colluding with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation since 2009). It was not for their own benefit that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Rice were, respectively, doctoring talking points and using them to create a false impression. Obama was the intended beneficiary. Patently the White House — which pitched Rice to the Sunday shows because Obama wanted to get the Mohammed-movie talking points publicly aired — was in the loop.​

(b) Given that the conspiracy is a cover-up, there is the more salient matter of what is being covered up? The brain-dead mantra in Washington is always — all together now — “The cover-up is worse than the crime.” That is not true here. To be sure, it is very serious that Rice was sent out to trumpet the false narrative; that Clapper apparently orchestrated the purge of information about al-Qaeda’s complicity; and that a compromised General David Petraeus appears to have knowingly misled Congress (that’s a felony) in his initial briefing about Benghazi on September 14. They and others involved in the cover-up should have a day of reckoning. But vastly more significant is what the administration was and is so desperate to obscure by the cover-up.​

There are three areas of great concern:

1. The Benghazi attack was the natural result of Obama’s Libya policy.​
Four Americans were killed in Benghazi as a direct result of President Obama’s unprovoked and, I believe, unconstitutional war in Libya. This foolish gambit had the easily foreseeable result of empowering Islamists, very much including violent jihadists who now have access to much of the Qaddafi arsenal, in addition to other arms and training they received from the U.S. and NATO in the mission to overthrow Qaddafi (then, an American ally).

When the subject of Ms. Rice’s fitness to be secretary of state arose during last week’s press conference, the president summoned up some faux bravado, daring two Rice critics, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, to “go after me,” not the gracious Madame Ambassador, if they wanted a fight. (Obama’s indignant performance was a cheap knock-off of the key scene in one of the Left’s favorite movies, The American President. There, the suave progressive president (Michael Douglas) defends the honor of his green-lobbyist paramour (Annette Bening) against offensive insinuations by The Evil Republican (Richard Dreyfuss). It’s not the first time Obama has gone Hollywood in this fashion.)

2. The commander-in-chief’s dereliction of duty during a 7-hour siege.
3. What on earth was the administration up to in Benghazi.
Conclusion: The false Mohammed-movie narrative: discredited yet still working.​


Read more:
Ordered Liberty » As the Benghazi Plot Thickens, Congress Must Not Get Sidetracked
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