As Predicted- No There, There- Kushner Releases 11- Page Report Prior To Inquiry


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Easy Dems..... Don't let facts confuse you


Ahead of his closed-door meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee at 10am, Jared Kushner released an 11-page statement which confirmed four contacts with Russians during his father-in-law’s presidential campaign or after the election, but described the encounters as unmemorable and denied colluding with the Russian government to help Donald Trump win the election.


The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, including whether Trump’s campaign colluded with a Russian government effort to tip the election toward Trump.

The key statement: "I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector. I have tried to be fully transparent with regard to the filing of my SF-86 [security clearance] form, above and beyond what is required."

In the most consequential meeting, Kushner said he agreed to meet with a Russian banker, Sergey Gorkov, on Dec. 13 at the request of the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak

Kushner Releases 11-Page Statement: Denies Collusion, Confirms Four Meetings With Russians | Zero Hedge
Okay, that's his side of the story.

And, evidently, the opinion of many 'investigators' who have found no Russian Collusion for over a half a year now...

tick, tock,,,

Dam, is the butter hard yet?

Okay, that's his side of the story.

And, evidently, the opinion of many 'investigators' who have found no Russian Collusion for over a half a year now...

tick, tock,,,

Dam, is the butter hard yet?

I'd love to see this thing wrap up, no doubt, and I have no idea what the investigators know. But when it pertains to anything within 500 miles of politics, one person's word doesn't mean much to me.
Easy Dems..... Don't let facts confuse you


Ahead of his closed-door meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee at 10am, Jared Kushner released an 11-page statement which confirmed four contacts with Russians during his father-in-law’s presidential campaign or after the election, but described the encounters as unmemorable and denied colluding with the Russian government to help Donald Trump win the election.


The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, including whether Trump’s campaign colluded with a Russian government effort to tip the election toward Trump.

The key statement: "I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector. I have tried to be fully transparent with regard to the filing of my SF-86 [security clearance] form, above and beyond what is required."

In the most consequential meeting, Kushner said he agreed to meet with a Russian banker, Sergey Gorkov, on Dec. 13 at the request of the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak

Kushner Releases 11-Page Statement: Denies Collusion, Confirms Four Meetings With Russians | Zero Hedge

Well, that settles it for me then, lets wrap this Russia thing up since Kushner said he didn't collude.
Okay, that's his side of the story.

And, evidently, the opinion of many 'investigators' who have found no Russian Collusion for over a half a year now...

tick, tock,,,

Dam, is the butter hard yet?


Oh shit are we graced on this forum that has an inside knowledge of the investigation? Now I know for sure I am wrapping this Russian thing up.
Easy Dems..... Don't let facts confuse you


Ahead of his closed-door meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee at 10am, Jared Kushner released an 11-page statement which confirmed four contacts with Russians during his father-in-law’s presidential campaign or after the election, but described the encounters as unmemorable and denied colluding with the Russian government to help Donald Trump win the election.


The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, including whether Trump’s campaign colluded with a Russian government effort to tip the election toward Trump.

The key statement: "I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector. I have tried to be fully transparent with regard to the filing of my SF-86 [security clearance] form, above and beyond what is required."

In the most consequential meeting, Kushner said he agreed to meet with a Russian banker, Sergey Gorkov, on Dec. 13 at the request of the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak

Kushner Releases 11-Page Statement: Denies Collusion, Confirms Four Meetings With Russians | Zero Hedge

Why would Kilsiak want to set up secret channels to discuss Syria military moves and NOT discuss these military moves from Russian generals with the US Military and government working with the Russian government DAILY? And before the election, BEFORE anyone even thought Trump would win? Russians obviously thought or knew due to their shenanigans that he would win??? Hmmmm.... it doesn't make sense?

Why is Kushner interviewing with only staffers?

Why is Kushner not testifying under oath???
Easy Dems..... Don't let facts confuse you


Ahead of his closed-door meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee at 10am, Jared Kushner released an 11-page statement which confirmed four contacts with Russians during his father-in-law’s presidential campaign or after the election, but described the encounters as unmemorable and denied colluding with the Russian government to help Donald Trump win the election.


The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign, including whether Trump’s campaign colluded with a Russian government effort to tip the election toward Trump.

The key statement: "I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts. I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector. I have tried to be fully transparent with regard to the filing of my SF-86 [security clearance] form, above and beyond what is required."

In the most consequential meeting, Kushner said he agreed to meet with a Russian banker, Sergey Gorkov, on Dec. 13 at the request of the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak

Kushner Releases 11-Page Statement: Denies Collusion, Confirms Four Meetings With Russians | Zero Hedge


Very, VERY original....Congrats.......LOL
Okay, that's his side of the story.
That's right.
IF anyone had/had the slightest shred of evidence to the contrary you can be sure the WAPO/NYT/CNN/MSNBC 'witch hunters' would have already made it public.
It's literally driving the 'witch hunters' fucking crazy that they haven't been able to even start the tiniest fire to burn President Trump at the stake.
They've tried and tried as has been well documented. Every time the 'fake fire' they start ends up sputtering out for lack of fuel.
And who ends up always getting burned? The FAKE news witch hunters.
Mueller is going to turn up fuck all and even then the FAKE news witch hunters will not believe he wasn't somehow either incompetent and 'bought off' by President Trump.
Why would Kilsiak want to set up secret channels to discuss Syria military moves and NOT discuss these military moves from Russian generals with the US Military and government working with the Russian government DAILY? And before the election, BEFORE anyone even thought Trump would win? Russians obviously thought or knew due to their shenanigans that he would win??? Hmmmm.... it doesn't make sense?

Why is Kushner interviewing with only staffers?

Why is Kushner not testifying under oath???
Because the DEM committee 'witch hunters' KNOW there's nothing of the slightest interest to bother showing up for.
After Mueller's investigators interviewed Carter Page for ten hours and realized the doofus wasn't in the slightest way involved in the 'collusion' bullshit DEM's wet dream the other two committees cancelled their 'interrogation' of Page.
Has anyone actually read his statement?

His claim "I did not collude" has no credibility. It is up to others to decide
Why would Kilsiak want to set up secret channels to discuss Syria military moves and NOT discuss these military moves from Russian generals with the US Military and government working with the Russian government DAILY? And before the election, BEFORE anyone even thought Trump would win? Russians obviously thought or knew due to their shenanigans that he would win??? Hmmmm.... it doesn't make sense?

Why is Kushner interviewing with only staffers?

Why is Kushner not testifying under oath???
Because the DEM committee 'witch hunters' KNOW there's nothing of the slightest interest to bother showing up for.
After Mueller's investigators interviewed Carter Page for ten hours and realized the doofus wasn't in the slightest way involved in the 'collusion' bullshit DEM's wet dream the other two committees cancelled their 'interrogation' of Page.

There is no DEM committee...Republicans are leading the investigation
Why would Kilsiak want to set up secret channels to discuss Syria military moves and NOT discuss these military moves from Russian generals with the US Military and government working with the Russian government DAILY? And before the election, BEFORE anyone even thought Trump would win? Russians obviously thought or knew due to their shenanigans that he would win??? Hmmmm.... it doesn't make sense?

Why is Kushner interviewing with only staffers?

Why is Kushner not testifying under oath???

Did I see somewhere this morning Trump Jr and Manafort are also not testifying under oath? Or was it too early for me?
Has anyone actually read his statement?

His claim "I did not collude" has no credibility. It is up to others to decide

Indeed, I can picture Mueller telling his staff..."OK lets pack up, we're finished now that baby Kushner declared his innocence....our job is done"................(what fucking morons these Trumpsters are turning out to be...).............LOL
The question for Kushner is why didn't he disclose these meetings with Russian agents when he applied for a security clearance?

Why did he decide to go to that meeting with Lil' Donnie? Was it to get some dirt on Hillary or to discuss Russian adoption policies?

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