As if You Need another Reason to Leave CA


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Maybe there is hope yet the state could become extinct


New Air Pollution Report: California Is The Worst. So, Don’t Come Here

Good news for those of us who think the nation’s most populous state should be a little less populous. Or a lot less.

The American Lung Association has released its annual report on ozone pollution. And would you believe, eight of the worst places in the country for ozone pollution are in California?

So, you definitely wouldn’t want to move here from outside the state. No, sir.

In fact, if you’re already among the 39.5 million folks who try to exist here, you probably want to load up both cars, get on I-15 or I-10 and head out for cleaner air. Get out of here while the getting is good.

Word is, according to the new report, you can find the cleanest air in Casper, Wyoming if you can find it. Or Wilmington, N.C., Bellingham, Wash. or Melbourne, Florida. Burlington, Vermont is a possibility too, though they talk funny there. Grand places all. Less traffic, cheaper housing, cleaner air.

New air pollution report: California is the worst. So, don't come here

Maybe there is hope yet the state could become extinct


New Air Pollution Report: California Is The Worst. So, Don’t Come Here

Good news for those of us who think the nation’s most populous state should be a little less populous. Or a lot less.

The American Lung Association has released its annual report on ozone pollution. And would you believe, eight of the worst places in the country for ozone pollution are in California?

So, you definitely wouldn’t want to move here from outside the state. No, sir.

In fact, if you’re already among the 39.5 million folks who try to exist here, you probably want to load up both cars, get on I-15 or I-10 and head out for cleaner air. Get out of here while the getting is good.

Word is, according to the new report, you can find the cleanest air in Casper, Wyoming if you can find it. Or Wilmington, N.C., Bellingham, Wash. or Melbourne, Florida. Burlington, Vermont is a possibility too, though they talk funny there. Grand places all. Less traffic, cheaper housing, cleaner air.

New air pollution report: California is the worst. So, don't come here

lol... Mod moved a current event to a dead zone

California is a bonafide shithole. Those who want to see it better go within the next five years because it will be a place that you won't be able to visit. ( unless you're into South American dictatorship countries )

State has become a laughing stock..... most Americans see the state as having checked out already.

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