As Evidenced, true Democrats Have Plans to Save Healthcare in America, GOPers Have Plans to Destroy


Sep 18, 2018
It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics
It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics
and it's working...people like myself would like to help beat back that strategy, but with most democrats helping to preserve PC I have no interest in helping out with anything else.
It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics

The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!
It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics

What you telling us the democrats are so incompetent they couldn't get it right the first time after they voted to see what was in it?

It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics
Yep since the Commie Left winger have taken over and Soros paid you millions of dollars you are not my party. You want to fight dirty bring on your Lies and half truths they just don't float. Nothing you have said has happened and the past lies have failed. So you and Soros wants open borders that is never going to happen so take it off the table. You got your pot states to live in 11 of them. So stuff it. I am getting tired of the lies and half truths. Don't make the mistake of coming on my guns you don't needs them and if you do you Loose. Want my land or house you don't want them either, the price is higher than you can pay. Want my life come and get it it will cost you yours. Go back to Russia, France is a Muzzy Country, you might fit in. Go to India little crowded there, Try China you might just be welcomed. Just remember there are legions of us. Just waiting for the word.
This is what one leader who wanted to take over the world thought and he was wrong and he died:

The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan.
Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf, Want, Lasts
The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Kenyan. Nothing like being smooth and trying to talking them into your position. Instead show all your cards and biases in as few words as possible by painting a swastika on your forehead.
The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Hilarious. Republicans don't seem to know what REAL lies are.

Trump lies a hundred times before lunch. He's famous for lying.

Since Republicans are accusing Obama of lying, that should make them love him.
The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Hilarious. Republicans don't seem to know what REAL lies are.

Trump lies a hundred times before lunch. He's famous for lying.

Since Republicans are accusing Obama of lying, that should make them love him.

Please list the 100 lies before lunch or you are a fucking liar.. waiting!.....and you are that demented to NOT realize the Obomanation lied!....ABNORMALS, our daily entertainment!
The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Kenyan. Nothing like being smooth and trying to talking them into your position. Instead show all your cards and biases in as few words as possible by painting a swastika on your forehead.

The Obomanation with a swastika...I can picture that!

The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Kenyan. Nothing like being smooth and trying to talking them into your position. Instead show all your cards and biases in as few words as possible by painting a swastika on your forehead.

The Obomanation with a swastika...I can picture that!


The picture you just linked to has changed my entire outlook on life.

Seriously though, try talking people into your point of view sometime. Build a consensus.
The fucking Kenyan socialist lied to us over 100 times...

Then he gets Gruber the mastermind behind obozocare to tell us it will never work and that we the American people ARE STUPID!

Don’t be fooled again! The DemonRATS obomacare has disrupted coverage for millions, and driven up costs for millions more on an average of $2500 more a year....and Piglosi wants your CRUMBS back, and to expand this fools game AND BRING BACK THE MANDATE....Friends don't let friends vote these cocksuckers back into power!

Kenyan. Nothing like being smooth and trying to talking them into your position. Instead show all your cards and biases in as few words as possible by painting a swastika on your forehead.

The Obomanation with a swastika...I can picture that!


The picture you just linked to has changed my entire outlook on life.

Seriously though, try talking people into your point of view sometime. Build a consensus. you think that after 8 years of creeping economy under Oboma, compared to less than 2 years of tremendous growth, if the American voter doesn't know what is happening. A post in here isn't going to help!
It appears GOPers in concert with their treasonous judges and demonic so-called president are stepping up their attacks against voters with their annual lawless voter purging, hacking, suppression and rigging tactics in order to further their mission to destroy the well being of society. Hopefully counter methods are under way to crush this continued GOPer insurgency of being at war against Democracy, civilization and the well being of society. This is considering these lawless and unConstitutional degenerates of the down low right wing think they are entitled to destroy the legitimacy of elections in their putrid favor.

Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them
The GOP is bombarding the opposition across the country with midterm ads blasting single payer and Medicare for All."

Source; nbcnews .com/politics

Horseshit. Democrats never do a thing when they have the votes and the means, and your stupid conflicting policies are doing nothing but bankrupting our social programs. you tards will crash the whole system via your waves of criminal illegal aliens; you're stupid, mentally ill, and violently racist scum, too ignorant and sociopathic to see past your own narcissism.
Link; Beyond Obamacare: Democrats have plans, GOP is out to destroy them - Having actually read the article, there are more than a few caveats the democrats (in particular) and Independents (in general) need to watch out for. First would be to separate the political bullshit from the facts, the latter in very short supply. Single payer/universal care/Medicare for all is going to be an uphill battle that is going to take time. Empirical facts are needed....studies and research from many disciplines.
The GOP has always been 'opposed' to SS and Medicare, that isn't news; they aren't going to do anything radical about either, unless they just want to lose badly. Getting rid of either would last about a week, when the rest homes and elderly start turning up at their children'' doorsteps and they have start wiping and washing old Aunt Martha's ass for her every 20 minutes.

And then there are all the Boomer and Gen y kids being raised and fed entirely by Granma and/or Granpa because their dumb ignorant dope addled parents can't be bothered to.

And all the HMOs and hospitals that go broke overnight and start tossing patients out on the streets.

And lots of other stuff sociopaths are just fine with but not a significant number of voters, who will completely kill any GOP pol's career forever if they vote for such a dumbass piece of ideological rubbish.

MCConnell and the rest of the gimps can try and blame having to pay back all those IOU's Congress left in the Social Security and Medicare accounts all they want, but most people know who is really responsible for 'The Deficit' and erosion of the U.S. tax base and corporate welfare scams. They aren't fooling anybody.

And the same goes for the mentally ill sicko sexual deviants, pedophiles, and traitors now calling themselves 'Democrat's; you try and put South America and every other shithole country on the Federal dole and try to bankrupt it, and you will meet the same fate, and those thugs you're hiring you think are wonderful aren't going to do a thing for you either.
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