

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Admits to doping. I'm freaking done with professional sports. I spent airfare, and long hours standing in the rain to watch the Tour of California when they came through San Luis Obispo and these assholes are doping.
Admits to doping. I'm freaking done with professional sports. I spent airfare, and long hours standing in the rain to watch the Tour of California when they came through San Luis Obispo and these assholes are doping.

Cycling is basically pure cardio, so anything that increased endurance is an improvement in the sport.

Also dont look to things like roids for doping in this case. More than likely it will be HGH and red blood cell boosting, where a person draws blood weeks before an event, lets the body grow it back, and then re-injects the red blood cells into their body, boosting thier resperatory rate and endurance.
Remember when all those assholes on ESPN said that Lance had "superhuman lung capacity" and that was the reason for his edge? I'll bet they knew.

Professional Bicycling and all the Tour De France sponsors didn't seem to care when Lance was winning all those Titles did they?

It's just like when the Baseball Players were Steroiding their way to 60-70 homers, MLB didn't care. They saw the crowds returning and shut everyone up about it. The game isn't important to them, only the sales associated with it.

I heard Joe Buck say in an interview that he knows about a lot of Athletes who cheat on their wives and cheat in the game but he doesn't say anything because he thinks it's "none of his business" to talk about stuff like that.

But that f*cker has no problem hyping the match up like there's nothing wrong because HE GETS PAID! What a POS.

Professional Sports is just like Politics: Completely Corrupt from Top to Bottom.
And to top it all off Lance goes on ANOTHER sham of a TV show, Oprah and lies about how he's all upset that he let everyone down right? Is that what he said? Don't believe a word of it!

Fuck him! He just wants his paycheck back and he'll say ANYTHING to get it!

And Oprah says to herself: "Oh look! I can capitalize on this and boost my falling ratings!"

What a sick joke! :mad:

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