Armenia accused of women trafficking


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
WIKILEAKS and US Ambassador in Armenia describes how Armenian families send their pre-teenage girls to Turkey for prostitution:
Pre-teenage girls ride buses to Turkey carrying permission letters signed by their parents, who for the most part have dispatched their daughters themselves, and who understand exactly how young Anahit or Armine will earn the several hundred dollars she will send home each month.
Cable reference id: #06YEREVAN1019

But the illegals also work in other services.

Armenian Illegal Migrants Put National Grievances Aside for Work

“This is our life, full of hardships and privation, but we believe at least that we can help our families in Armenia,” said one 62-year-old Armenian woman from Etchmiadzin, just outside Yerevan, who moved to Istanbul several years ago and works as a cleaner and cook for one Turkish family. Cleaners generally earn about $500 to $1,000 per month.

She says she has already mastered Turkish and enjoys “human communication” with her employers.

The government of Armenia is not doing this. And the government of turkey needs to get on the ball to clean up their brothels
The government of Armenia is not doing this. And the government of turkey needs to get on the ball to clean up their brothels

Look what US Ambassador writes:
local NGO staff told us that the police actually help facilitate prostitution.
Cable reference id: #06YEREVAN1019

Forbes ranks Armenia as 2nd worst economy in world.

Turkey subsidizes Armenian economy by the money-transfer these women generate.
And these girls probably pay their share to Armenian police on the border.
So I wouldn't say, that Armenian government opposes this trafficking of illegal Armenian girls and women to Turkey.
I don't see how human trafficking in Armenia would be any worse than in the other areas of the Caucasus and Russia, as for Forbes rankings, whoever wrote those rankings must be delusional (or just trolling). The worst three economies in the world are clearly Zimbabwe, North Korea and Somalia. Though government corruption, crime, and the economic blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, not human trafficking would be the reasons Armenia falls behind economically.
I don't see how human trafficking in Armenia would be any worse than in the other areas of the Caucasus and Russia, as for Forbes rankings, whoever wrote those rankings must be delusional (or just trolling). The worst three economies in the world are clearly Zimbabwe, North Korea and Somalia. Though government corruption, crime, and the economic blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, not human trafficking would be the reasons Armenia falls behind economically.

Armenia still shares borders with Georgia, Russia and Iran.
Azerbaijan and Turkey are just 85 to 90 Million people.
There are 6 billion more people with whom Armenia can trade with, sign agreements with and attract FDI from.

And I never claimed, that human trafficking is the reason why Armenia lacks behind in economical development. But the economical situation is surely a cause for the human trafficking and the drama of the pre-teenage girls who are sent by their parents to the neighboring country/-ies for prostitution.

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | UN highlights human trafficking
Any Armenian honor killings of women like in the muslime world that are sanctioned under shariah law? How about Armenians beating their disobedient women permitted by the quran and the religion of peace?
I don't see how human trafficking in Armenia would be any worse than in the other areas of the Caucasus and Russia, as for Forbes rankings, whoever wrote those rankings must be delusional (or just trolling). The worst three economies in the world are clearly Zimbabwe, North Korea and Somalia. Though government corruption, crime, and the economic blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, not human trafficking would be the reasons Armenia falls behind economically.

Armenia still shares borders with Georgia, Russia and Iran.
Azerbaijan and Turkey are just 85 to 90 Million people.
There are 6 billion more people with whom Armenia can trade with, sign agreements with and attract FDI from.

And I never claimed, that human trafficking is the reason why Armenia lacks behind in economical development. But the economical situation is surely a cause for the human trafficking and the drama of the pre-teenage girls who are sent by their parents to the neighboring country/-ies for prostitution.

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | UN highlights human trafficking
That map is terrible, can't see a thing, nor does it provide actual numbers of human trafficking. Though realistically due to government corruption, the mafia in Armenia, lack of statistical data, and rough surveys I doubt you could honestly get an accurate view of the region.
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Human sex slavery, forced labor & child soldiers...
17 Governments Complicit In Human Trafficking
Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 : The U.S. State Department says 17 countries are doing almost nothing to fight human trafficking and may be complicit in such crimes.
In its annual human trafficking report, the State Department calls those 17 nations countries of origin, transit, or destinations for such crimes as sex slavery, forced labor, and recruiting child soldiers.

At a ceremony announcing the report, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she prefers to use the term “modern slavery” instead of trafficking. “I think labeling this for what it is, slavery, has brought it to another dimension. Trafficking, when I first used to talk about it all those years ago, for a while people used to wonder if I was talking about road safety, what we needed to do to improve transportation systems. But slavery, there is no mistaking what it is, what it means, what it does.”

Clinton said 27 million people around the world are victims of modern slavery. “Traffickers prey on the hopes and dreams of those seeking a better life. And our goal should be to put those hopes and dreams back within reach, whether it's getting a good job, to send money home, to support a family, trying to get an education for one's self or one's children, or simply pursuing new opportunities that might lead to a better life.”

Under U.S. law, countries that fail to effectively combat human trafficking face numerous sanctions, including a cut-off of all non-humanitarian aid. The United States would also oppose financial help from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

The 17 countries the State Department calls the worst human trafficking offenders are Algeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Kuwait, Libya, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Saudi Arabia, Suriname, Syria, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. The report says a number of other countries do not fully comply with U.S. law, but are making significant efforts to comply.

Granny says dat's where Noah landed the ark...

Tensions Rise Again Between Armenia, Azerbaijan
September 25, 2015 - The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has expressed concern about an outbreak of violence near the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, in which three people died late Thursday.
Armenia says three civilians died in shelling and gunfire in villages near the border with Azerbaijan. Government officials said two others were wounded in the shelling and condemned the incident as an "act of provocation" by Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan did not answer the accusation directly but said earlier in the day that Azerbaijani villages near the border with Armenia had come under fire and Azeri forces retaliated.


The two former Soviet republics fought a war over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, a predominantly Armenian region of Azerbaijan that is controlled by Armenian forces, in the late 1990s before arriving at a cease-fire. But relations remain tense, and the sides have never achieved a permanent peace agreement.

The OSCE said Friday it objects to the use of heavy artillery around civilian areas, saying it represents "an unacceptable escalation" of the conflict. It appealed to both sides "in the strongest possible terms" to avoid civilian casualties. The foreign ministers of the two countries are expected to meet in the coming days on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Tensions Rise Again Between Armenia, Azerbaijan
Armenians should be above working in Turkey in any capacity, let alone whoring. Turkey is knee deep in Ukrainian and Russian 'Natasha' whores anyway, given the ugliness of their own women. Azeris and Turks are still bitter about tiny Armenia's successful reclaim of Nagorno-Karabakh.

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