Armageddon - How Trump Can Beat Hillary - Part 1


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Armageddon - the site or time of a conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil. No secret who is representing those 2 things. Donald is the good. Hillary is the evil. For the next 2 months or so, I am going to post excerpts from the new book, ARMAGEDDON - HOW TRUMP CAN BEAT HILLARY, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann.

Few people know Hillary Clinton better than Dick Morris. For almost 2 decades, he served as a special advisor to her and Bill Clinton. He knows their strengths, their vulnerabilities, and even their deepest secrets. In the book Armageddon, Morris offers a manual on how to win this battle, and defeat Hillary once and for all. He argues that a typical Republican campaign won't work - and that Hillary's opponent must strike her in a very unorthodox and powerful way.

And who better to fit that bill, than Donald Trump ? (who did just that to become the Republican nominee for POTUS).

The following is an excerpt from the Preface, page roman numeral xi-xii.

"If Donald Trump has a precedent in our politics, it is not Ronald Reagan - it is Dwight Eisenhower. Building on a brilliant success outside the political system, Ike overturned the choice of the ideologues in his own party - who had favored Senator Bob Taft of Ohio - and then consigned to history the liberal Democratic programs of FDR and Truman. He staked out a different set of priorities - job growth, American economic dominance, reluctance to get into foreign wars, a balance budget, and an emphasis on rebuilding America's infrastructure to make way for decades of economic growth.

Sound familiar ? Those are the exact priorities of Donald Trump. His pragmatic get-it-done approach will sharply contrast with the straightjacketed liberal dogma of Hillary Clinton, and will appeal to Americans of every ideological stripe. Eisenhower was a historic commander, and Donald Trump is an innovative CEO. Both had clear visions for America and refused to be mired in endless processes, committees, and commissions.

Unlike Hillary, and like Ike, Trump escapes distracting details and focuses on objectives - the big picture - using talented people around him to map out the path to achieving them. He will get things done.

While Hillary will try to govern by achieving consensus among the special interest groups who have bought and paid for her and her party. Trump will barge foward ignoring their self-interested pleadings, and act for the best interest of the country."

Again, as in Part 1, the following is an excerpt from the book ARMAGEDDON - HOW TRUMP CAN BEAT HILLARY, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann. It is from the Preface page xiv-xv >>>

"When he (Trump) called for building a wall on the Mexican border, and halting Muslim immigration, he outraged people inside and outside the US. Former Mexican president Vicente Fox.. used coarse and vulgar language to describe Trump's proposal for the Mexicans paying for his fence. Trump tweeted a demand for an apology.

Months later, on the day after Trump became the nominee, Fox apologized and invited him to come to Mexico and discuss the problems. Most likely Trump will meet with Fox and other Mexican leaders and come up with an acceptable plan. That's how he operates."
And from the Introduction chapter, page 1-2 >>>

"Because we know all too well what a Hillary Clinton presidency would look like: four more years of another bizarre Clinton administration, featuring the Clintons' signature style of endless drama, interminable scandals, constant lies, blatant cronyism and corruption, incessant conflicts of interest, nepotism, pathological secrecy, hatred of the press, his & her enemies lists, misuse of government power, inherent paranoia, macho stubborness arrogant contempt for the rule of law, nutty gurus, and thirst for war. Those will be the disatrous and unavoidable hallmarks of a Hillary regime.

But there's even more to brace ourselves for. The inmates will be running the asylum. Just imagine Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Tony Rodham, Roger Clinton, Hillary guru Sidney Blumenthal (along with input from his anti-Semitic son, Max), the wacky David Brock, Huma Abedin, Terry McAuliffe, and all of Hillary's favorite Wall St. hedge fund guys crawling around the White House and determining our national policies. That what we'll be seeing: Hillary's unqualified and greedy cronies and her money-grubbing family members running our country, ruining our country, as they frantically pad their pockets."

hmmm Interesting. I saw Morris on TV the other day discussing this.
  1. I'm still in the Introduction chapter of this book, and it's getting pretty juicy already. Don't think I'm trying to shed tears for Bill Clinton here, but the following excerpt from the book concerning Bill, Hillary, and Paula Jones, I'm including just to illustrate how ruthless and selfish this fiend named Hillary Clinton is.

    The following is an excerpt from the book ARMAGEDDON - HOW TRUMP CAN BEAT HILLARY, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann.

    "But we forget that almost every single scandal in the Bill Clinton White House was caused by Hillary: Travelgate, Whitewater, Filegate, her amazing windfall in the commodities futures market, the Health Care Task Force's illegal secrecy, the household furniture and gifts taken from the White House to Chappaqua, Vince Foster's suicide, Webb Hubbell's disgrace - all Hillary scandals. Even many of the problems with Bill's women were seriously exacerbated by Hillary.

    When Paula Jones, who accused him of making sexual overtures, offered to settle her suit for no money, no apology, and no admission by Bill, Hillary wouldn't let him take the deal. Why not ? Because Paula wanted Bill to say that he had sent a trooper to invite her to his room. Even though the invitation could have been innocuous, Hillary was determined not to give credibility to an article in the right-wing Spectator Magazinethat accused Bill of using troopers to arrange his illicit dates."

    "Bill cowed, followed Hillary dictates, and the Jones suit went on and on. Ultimately, it led to his perjury, the revelation of the Lewinsky affair, his impeachment, his criminal misdemeanor conviction, his disbarment, and his disgrace. It also cost the Clintons almost $1 Million. But Hillary was spared the embarrassment of an implication that Bill had cheated on her."

Amid all the rotten things that came from the Clinton White House and Hillary's Sect.of State years, is an issue that is often overlooked. Yup, yet another scandal for the Clintons. >> RACKETEERING. Another abuse of power. During the time when Hillary was Sect of State, the Clintons used Hillary's position to enrich themselves - big time.

The following is an excerpt from the book ARMAGEDDON - HOW TRUMP CAN BEAT HILLARY, by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann. >>>

"For decades. people have wondered about the Clinton marriage..But who knew that it would become a RICO, a virtual racketeering organization ?..Bill ran around like a bag man collecting a staggering $221,139,516 in speaking and consulting fees, that he deposited in his joint bank account with Hillary, while his wife, the secretary of state, reciprocated by doing favors for foreign governments. Does Dubai want to attract foreign investment ? No problem. Just invite Bill to give a speech, and presto, you have Hillary's State Dept working 24/7 for you - and even organizing an event at the State Dept for the top 100 CEOs in America to meet the business community in the U.A.E.
What are friends for ?"
Threads Merged.

Stop trying to work around our copyright rules by violating other rules. Spamming multiple threads on a single topic is not allowed - nor is advertising for a commercial product.
I don't know what you're talking about. the OPS are seperate OPS (as they are in 2 other forums) Why are they being clumped together into one OP, as if they were just one OP ? I don't get it .

And where/how does copyright or spamming have something to do with this ? :confused-84:

And this isn't advertising. I just REPORT. I don' t advertise (nor do I get paid for reporting)

They are being clumped together into one thread because they're all about the same book, on the same topic. The fact that you numbered your OPs implies that you understood that when you started them.

This is not a debate. If you do this again, you'll be infracted for it. Do not start multiple threads on the same topic. Do not cross-post.
Trump cannot beat anyone.

He has already beaten himself.

He is not a politician.

He is a fraud.

This is NOT a book that I would waste my money on.

Someday it will be interesting to read Hillary's biography, especially the chapter on "Why I Stuck With Bill So that I Could Become The First Female President" !!

hmmm Interesting. I saw Morris on TV the other day discussing this.
Why would anyone elect a totally inexperienced frat boy who has been a frat boy all his life and who is now running his mouth out of control versus an experienced former Senator AND Secretary Of State?

I don't get it.

Maybe there is something hidden in the plot of the SHTF book that I don't get ?!

This is not like "One Second After". Trump would sh!t his drawers if SHTF on his watch.

Hillary has more balls than Trump any day.
She sure does....and they hang out her big fat lying, cheating, sickening mouth.
She sure does....and they hang out her big fat lying, cheating, sickening mouth.
She is a politician -- she is expected to lie.

"No I did not send any classified emails on my private server."

"No I did not sell my services as Secretary Of State for the Clinton Foundation."

She is a politician -- she is expected to lie.

Even if that were is no excuse.
Although Romney's lies bothered me a lot, this was because we were trying to figure out what he was going to do if elected POTUS.

The only thing I could figure was more tax cuts for the rich (they don't need them) and more oil drilling everywhere (BHO liked that idea so he has done more oil drilling everywhere as well).

Romney's lies about his assault weapons ban offended me. With Hillary at least she is honest about that.

Romney's lies about Romney care insulted me. At least Hillary is on record with Hillary Care which was 1992 pre-ACA.

Romney's lies about abortion rights were insulting to anyone who can read. Romney is right that women should be given a right to choose, but he should not have lied that this has been his position all along.

So Romney's lies have been deceitful lies.

Hillary's lies have simply been to save her own azz. Not to deceive anybody.

Hillary wants you to know what she believes in. She is not lying about it like Romney did.

Trump does not know anything and does not believe in anything except Mr. Trump.

She is a politician -- she is expected to lie.

Even if that were is no excuse.
Although Romney's lies bothered me a lot, this was because we were trying to figure out what he was going to do if elected POTUS.

The only thing I could figure was more tax cuts for the rich (they don't need them) and more oil drilling everywhere (BHO liked that idea so he has done more oil drilling everywhere as well).

Romney's lies about his assault weapons ban offended me. With Hillary at least she is honest about that.

Romney's lies about Romney care insulted me. At least Hillary is on record with Hillary Care which was 1992 pre-ACA.

Romney's lies about abortion rights were insulting to anyone who can read. Romney is right that women should be given a right to choose, but he should not have lied that this has been his position all along.

So Romney's lies have been deceitful lies.

Hillary's lies have simply been to save her own azz. Not to deceive anybody.

Hillary wants you to know what she believes in. She is not lying about it like Romney did.

Trump does not know anything and does not believe in anything except Mr. Trump.


I agree with a lot you have said here, except we can't know anything about Trump for sure until he were to hold office. We have nothing to judge on, and can't prove anything.
Trump cannot beat anyone.

He has already beaten himself.

He is not a politician.

He is a fraud.

This is NOT a book that I would waste my money on.

Someday it will be interesting to read Hillary's biography, especially the chapter on "Why I Stuck With Bill So that I Could Become The First Female President" !!


You act like being a "politician" is something to respect.......

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